The door opened.

The fresh air outside floated in, and Fu was the first to rush over, "how's Zhengnan?"

Gu Yan'er smiled gently, "he woke up and wanted to eat porridge."

"Really?" Fu Yi's nose was sour, and even his voice choked.

"Well, go quickly. He's looking for you."

"Really?" another question, Fu also didn't believe what Gu Yaner said.

"It's true. Go, he's hungry."

The next second, before Gu Yaner's last sound fell, Fu also rushed in. In her hand, it was naturally the rice porridge she had packed in a thermos box for a long time.

The door of xizhengnan's ward gently closed. Gu Yaner turned her head and swept the people around. Finally, her eyes fell on condensate Xi. If condensate Xi hadn't insisted, she wouldn't have walked into xizhengnan's ward. Then, xizhengnan may still be unable to wake up.

"Sister Yan, is he all right?" this sentence was asked for when she had been gloomy.

"Not bad."

Condensate Xi Long breathed a sigh of relief, "that's good."

Gu Yaner turned to when, "I gave him back to you. I'm gone."

Xi Zhengnan woke up. She didn't have to stay any longer.

Thinking of Ke Hezhe in another ward, Gu Yaner's heart is like an arrow. She has the same concern for Xi Zhengnan and Ke Hezhe.

"Where is she?" when she suddenly moved forward and stopped Gu Yan'er.

"Who?" asked condensate Xi, who didn't respond for a moment.

"Chen Xue." Gu Yan'er answered condensate Xi instead of when. As soon as she opened her mouth, she understood the meaning of when. When Xi Zhengnan woke up and lived, he would never worry about it again. What he wanted to do at this time was to retaliate against Chen Xue. Because Chen Xue, Xi Zhengnan almost lost his life. He walked around the gate of hell. When he thought about it, he was afraid.

However, Gu Yaner didn't intend to tell when Chen Xue's whereabouts were. She had to do it herself about Chen Xue. Otherwise, the woman would never have a long memory in her life. "Mr. He, I'm a woman, and women know women better. You give her to me first, and I'll send you some videos about Chen Xue. At that time, if you're not satisfied, you can do it yourself, and I won't stop."

"No, tell me where she is, or I can deal with her myself."

"If he zhe doesn't want to expose his Tibetan skills, do you think you can find out? Even if you want to follow me, now that I have vigilance, I won't let you track me easily."

"Hehe, Gu Yaner, when did you think I was a clay figurine? It's up to you to say whether or not." after that, he took condensate Xi's hand and walked to the elevator.

Gu Yan'er's lips opened. When did she want to cry, she held back.

If he wants to find it, go find it.

For Chen Xue, although she is also a woman, she has no sympathy for Chen Xue and has no intention of shielding Chen Xue. Therefore, even when she finds Chen Xue, she doesn't care. She just can't let her torture Chen Xue alone, which makes her a little regret.

Ke Hezhe obviously doesn't love her and even refuses her several times, but Chen Xue still tries to get rid of her and get Ke Hezhe. Such a trick is doomed to fail and deserve the punishment that will come soon.

Not only will she not spare Chen Xue, but also when.

Gu Yan'er hurried to Ke Hezhe's ward. Behind her, two people of Ke Hezhe kept protecting her, "are the snakes and caterpillars ready?" after seeing Ke Hezhe and settling in, she also planned to meet Chen Xue.

"Ready, ready to use."

Gu Yaner nodded, pushed the door and entered Ke Hezhe's ward.

Her steps were very light, but Ke Hezhe, who was closing his eyes and taking a nap on the hospital bed, immediately felt it. He looked up at her and said, "is he awake?"

"Yes." Gu Yaner went to the bedside and sat on the chair in front of the bed. She gently held Ke Hezhe's big hand. At this time, she was completely relaxed. "Hezhe, did you find the man who is very similar to you?"

"Not yet." Ke Hezhen shook his head. He was also curious about who the man was.

According to Gu Yaner, the man must look very similar to him, otherwise, she wouldn't recognize the man as him.

After all, she knew him so well.

When he thought of Gu Yaner's mistake, Ke Hezhe felt a chill in his heart. With his big hand gently around, he pulled Gu Yaner down on him. "Aren't you familiar with me?" the big palm clasped her head close to him and kissed him with Fei's thin lips. He just wanted to instill his unique breath into her sensory world. Then, she was absolutely not allowed to forget him and mistake him again.

Smelling the male hormone, Gu Yaner couldn't help laughing. "It was dark that night. I just saw his side face, and you were about to arrive at that time, so naturally I took him as you from the bottom of my heart. Ke Hezhe, you're not a man at all."

"I don't want to be a man?" Ke Hezhe raised his eyebrows, and his breath fell on Gu Yaner's small face. He buttoned Gu Yaner's head again and kissed her again.

This time is different from the dragonfly kiss just now, but a deep kiss.

The kiss made Gu Yaner lose her breath soon.

In the small mouth, Ke Hezhe's tongue is like a smooth and swimming fish. He happily walks every inch of her mouth, playing and naughty with her. Until she is really about to lose her breath, Ke Hezhe temporarily let her go, but he just let go of her small mouth. With a big hand, he mentioned Gu Yaner to the bed and took her to his side, "Come on, try if you're a man?"

Gu Yaner's little hand was taken down and down by Ke Hezhe's big palm. When they stopped together, Gu Yaner's little face had a red tide, "hooligan." he was like this. He was not a man.

She just said that he was jealous and didn't look like a man, which also took revenge

"There are more rogue ones." a hand poked into Gu Yaner's chest, which made her tremble, but there was nothing to do with Ke Hezhe.

"Don't move, you're hurt." the only reason she could persuade him to stop was this.

"Heartache?" Ke Hezhe smiled low. He was already in a good mood.

"No." Gu Yaner stared at Ke Hezhen coyly. The man was more and more shapeless.

"Lie." the long finger gently fell on her little face, and the touch was particularly good. Ke Hezhe looked at Gu Yaner. Such Gu Yaner was not like the mother of six children at all. His shy little appearance was like when he first met her, which made him intoxicated.

If it wasn't for the serious injury on his body, if it wasn't for him to wake up soon, he would directly treat her in this hospital bed.

At this time, the mobile phone nearby made a "Ding" sound. Ke Hezhe touched it and opened it. His eyes immediately became cold.

"What's the matter?" seeing his expression, Gu Yaner asked vaguely. Her intuition told her that Ke Hezhe should have received some important information.

"Found the man's whereabouts."

"Where? I want to see him." Gu Yaner is always curious about the identity of the man and the possible relationship between the man and Ke Hezhe.

"No." Ke Hezhen hugged Gu Yaner with one arm, and overbearing did not allow her to see the man like him.

This time, if it weren't for the man, he and Xi Zhengnan wouldn't be hurt so badly together. In the final analysis, no matter who the man is, he has deep hostility to the man.

Yes, as long as it is a woman who plans on him, it is his enemy.

"Ke Hezhe, I just want to repay him for his' great achievements' in abducting me. Can't this work?"

"No." if she mistook the man for his and did something, he wouldn't allow it.

Gu Yaner raised her hand and pinched the tip of Ke Hezhe's nose. "It's like a child."

"Say ye don't have a man?"

"No." Gu Yan'er hurriedly denied it. Otherwise, the man will toss her again. Even if it's just a kiss, it's likely to open the wound that has just improved. It's not worth the loss. Forget it, he's sick, and she let him.

Ke Hezhe was satisfied. He clapped Gu Yaner's small hand with his big palm. "Don't worry, I'll take you to see him." however, he must be accompanied by him, otherwise he won't allow it.

Maybe she knew that Xi Zhengnan was out of danger, maybe everything was settled, and Gu Yaner relaxed and fell asleep.

Sleeping beside Ke Hezhe and smelling his breath, she slept very safely and steadily.

In the afternoon, Gu Yaner usually slept for more than an hour at most. Unexpectedly, she slept until the sunset.

The sun was setting and it was already dark.

Open your eyes, the lamp in the ward is quietly on, only a wall lamp.

Obviously, it's for her good sleep.

"What time is it?" she turned her head and asked Ke Hezhe. All her consciousness had returned. After this life and death, she gathered and depended on each other. Suddenly, she found that she didn't want to leave him anymore.

Just thinking of my mother, I can't make up my mind.

She still can't go back to the son of the woman who hurt her mother.

Fortune makes people. For a time, I don't even know who to blame.

"It's more than six o'clock. Get up for dinner, and then push me out for a walk?"

Gu Yaner rubbed her eyes and sat up, "no, I have something to do at night."

Ke Hezhe thought of his subordinates' report to Gu Yaner and couldn't help laughing. He could think of filling Chen Xue with toilet water. Gu Yaner was also unique. He appreciated and supported it very much. In addition, Gu Yaner asked his people to get snakes and caterpillars. As long as he imagined Chen Xue's scream when those animals with soft bodies covered Chen Xue, he was in a happy mood However, women's treatment of women is the most perfect, "OK, you'll be busy after dinner."

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