It turned out that he went out early in the morning and did nothing.

It's time to go out to the bar.

Then, he was photographed holding a meat bomb girl.

As for Mo Xiangsheng, it should be the same.

So when the two of them came back, they didn't find the goods at all.

However, Mo Xiangsheng feels like he has found the goods.

Just when two people went upstairs to take a bath and change clothes, someone couldn't believe it and sent a message out.

The man really didn't believe that Ke Hezhe and Mo Xiangsheng really found the goods.

Ke Hezhe used this information to locate the person who received the information, found his location, and then found the goods.

Naturally, it was Huo Fei who personally took people to recover the goods.

And Ke Hezhe is remotely controlled here all the way.

Until his cell phone came on and vibrated, he knew he had it.

The person who sent the message to determine whether Ke Hezhe and Mo Xiangsheng were successful was none other than Chen Yuyang.

"Impossible, impossible." Chen Yuyang murmured, his face slightly changed.

"Why can't it? I tell you, the goods have really been found. Should I order someone to take photos of the goods for Chen helmsman to have a look?" Ke Hezhe smiled low and looked up at Chen Yuyang, who was out of control.

"It's you, surnamed Chen. You're so shameless. Everyone is in the Green Gang. You don't look up and look down every day. How can you like my goods?" Mo Xiangsheng put down his dishes and chopsticks and rushed to Chen Yuyang in one step. These goods have been lost for several days. It's difficult to ensure that those crabs are still alive. Crab seafood is different from other seafood, Dead crabs have no value. Dead crabs are poisonous. Everyone knows that, so basically no one buys dead crabs.

When the crab dies, even if he finds it, he will die.

When Mo Xiangsheng pointed to his face, Chen Yuyang regained his mind, slowly looked up and looked at Mo Xiangsheng. His eyes were clear and clean, and the corners of his lips also aroused a smile, "helmsman Mo, it's really funny. I didn't rob your goods. What are you pointing at me?"

"It's obviously you, otherwise..." Mo Xiangsheng looked at Ke Hezhe at this time, because Ke Hezhe just said thank Chen Yuyang. That's a irony. It's Xie Chen Yuyang who helped him find the goods, isn't it?

Unexpectedly, Ke Hezhe shook his head, "it's not him." He Ke Hezhe works, one is one, two is two, whatever he should do. Even if he doesn't like Chen Yuyang and hates Chen Yuyang's covetous eyes on Gu Yaner, he won't wronged Chen Yuyang.

"Not him? Why should Mr. nako thank him? Doesn't that mean him?" Mo Xiangsheng was more and more confused.

"Hehe, I thank him for telling me the location of the other party. If it wasn't for his short message, how could it be so easy to find out and find the goods so easily, right?"

Mo Xiangsheng paused and his mind turned again and again. It was only a slow response. "Mr. Ke means that Chen Yuyang only knows where the goods were hidden, but he didn't rob them?"

Ke he only nodded his head. "Yes, and one of them is his eye liner."

"Surnamed Chen, you are also wicked. You knew where my goods were and who robbed my goods. You watched me like a top anxious to find the goods without telling me. You're a help. You're so fucking bad." Mo Xiangsheng punched Chen Yuyang and his eyes were red with anger.

As soon as Chen Yuyang Shu raised his arm, he stopped Mo Xiangsheng's fist. "Er, helmsman Mo, did you mention that you asked me to help you find your goods? You didn't ask me for help. I have the obligation to help you find it? Do I have the obligation to provide you with clues?"

"Don't we help each other?"

"So what? Last time someone went to my yard to make trouble, you were there. Didn't you just watch the excitement and don't help, and let the other party destroy my yard?" when Chen Yuyang said quietly, his eyes disdained, "or did helmsman MO forget your habit of never helping if it weren't for your own goods and yard?"

"You..." Mo Xiangsheng was speechless for a moment.

"If you don't help me, why should I help you?" Chen Yuyang asked naturally.

"So you just look at me and worry?"

"Yes, didn't you also watch my field smashed?"

"OK, don't quarrel." seeing the two helmsman quarrel, Gu Yan'er drank in a low voice.

People's eyes were attracted by her. "The ancient guild leader should also participate?" Chen Yuyang said with a smile.

"I'm the guild leader. I'm not involved. I'm management." Gu Yaner looked at Chen Yuyang coldly, "Your affair with helmsman Mo directly shows the crux of the scattered sand of the Green Gang. Each helmsman runs his own affairs and takes care of his own small world. As for other helmsman's, they have nothing to do with themselves. This Green Gang has been divided into six scattered gangs. As long as it continues like this, it will be broken by Shengmen or other gangs in less than a year and a half and then merged At that time, you will be the minions of other gangs, and you will no longer be the helmsman of the Green Gang. At that time, you will feel the taste of relying on others. Even if you feel that no matter how strong you are, you can't compete with the gang that took you. They will press you to death and make you unable to do anything. Then when you slowly go downhill, he will kill you directly. At that time, y There will be no place for you in the country. So, if you don't want to end up worse, please take heart. In the future, everyone will be in trouble and support from all sides. Don't watch the field of helmsman Chen be smashed and ignore it like helmsman Chen. Don't give clues about helmsman Mo's goods like helmsman Chen, but just don't provide them. If your hearts are twisted into a rope, then Leader Chen will not lose, nor will leader mo. is that the truth? "

Everyone was silent and everyone understood the truth, but this is how everyone has come over the past two years. They have been used to doing their own things.

Gu Yaner glanced at the faces of the people and knew that several helmsman had listened to what she had just said, so she continued while the iron was hot: "When I didn't come to country y, you were always like this, so the Green Gang has been declining, but now I'm here. Since I became the temporary leader, I naturally have to take care of some things. I'm young. Your qualifications in the gang are older and more effective than me. However, I don't want to rob your power. I just want to integrate the abilities of each of you and gather together Since then, our Green Gang has become stronger. In the past, no one integrated. You scattered sand. Now someone has integrated. I hope you can give Gu Yaner some face. In the end, everyone won't lose, will you? "

If several people don't say their position when they say the previous paragraph, the last paragraph is absolutely touching.

"Well, I support Gu Gang leader." Mo Xiangsheng raised his hand first. Although he was angry that Chen Yuyang didn't provide him with his own goods, Gu Yaner said it well, because they were not in harmony with each other at all. If this goes on, it will really collapse, and it is possible to be merged.

At that time, his position as helmsman will be gone. How cowardly he is.

"Count me." helmsman sun has always been a member of Mo Xiangsheng's Gang, and he naturally agrees.

"Where's the helmsman Chen?" seeing that none of Chen Yuyang's three Gang said anything, Gu Yaner started from Chen Yuyang. After all, Chen Yuyang was wrong today. Those who were wrong were naturally guilty and easy to break.

"Well, it's my fault this time, which has made Mr. Ke work day and night." Chen Yuyang finally spoke lazily.

Mo Xiangsheng frowned, "Chen Yuyang, are you competing with Mr. Ke? Then my goods accidentally lay on the gun?"

"I think so." Sun helmsman helped.

"OK, that's it. Come on, let's raise our glasses and do it together." Ke Hezhe spoke in time, and the atmosphere was just a little better. This was not the result he wanted.

Just give Chen Yuyang a warning so far.

Young man, it's easy to lose your tension. When you're in a hurry, you'll jump off the wall.

Chen Yuyang feels about Gu Yaner's idea. He still doesn't understand why.

Like like, like do not like, ambiguous taste, it is difficult to judge.

So, everyone filled their own wine glasses and raised them all. All of them automatically poured white, which was not bad.

"Let's drink to the prosperity of the Green Gang, to the unity of the big guys, and to the improvement of each of our small stalls." Gu Yaner touched each helmsman's wine glass one by one. At this time, she felt that the burden on her shoulder was so heavy.

It's the first time that she has a sense of pressure when she's so old. It's still quite a lot of pressure. However, as long as these men are concerned and they don't work together, she believes that everything will be simple.

When the wine entered the throat, the interest in drinking came up.

One toast on the left and one toast on the right. There are more Gu Yaner.

The little face was red, as if stained with rouge.

Seeing that someone offered her a toast, Ke Hezhe grabbed Gu Yaner's glass, "come on, come on, all those who want to honor your guild leader are coming at me. They have been aiming at women. How damaging our man's image."

"Hahaha, Mr. Ke, this is a favorite wife. There is no upper limit. He even wants to help drink wine."

"His wife naturally wants to be spoiled by himself. Come on, I'll do it for her." Ke Hezhe threw up Gu Yaner's cup.

"Then I have to respect Mr. Ke."

"OK, hers is hers, mine is mine, come on, do it." finally, harmony, and finally found Mo Xiangsheng's goods, and Ke Hezhen was completely relaxed.

You drink and I drink. It was two o'clock in the evening when the dinner broke up.

It's no good if you don't break up. You've been drinking for three and asked someone to send you away. When Ke Hezhe hugged Gu Yaner into the room, it was more than three o'clock in the morning.

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