"Yan'er, are you relieved now?"

Gu Yaner's body swayed slightly. Even if Ke Hezhe blocked the wine for her, she still drank too much and found the goods. She saved tens of millions of her own. Naturally, she had a beautiful heart, "husband is the best."

She seldom called Ke Hezhe's husband. He Zhe always called her. As soon as her husband spoke, Ke Hezhe felt his body was crisp and kissed him all at once.

The familiar masculine smell filled her nose. She was the man she loved deeply.

Gu Yaner responded to Ke Hezhe tenderly. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be here today.

It's just a process, too hard.

Even if she is now sitting in the position of the leader of the youth gang in country y, she is far from being comfortable.

Up to now, several big gangs in country y are still eyeing the Green Gang and want to be collected by them.

Also, zizhengnan's Revenge has not been avenged.

In her mind, she flashed the handsome face of xizhengnan. Gu Yaner felt a pain in her heart, and her red lips slowly separated from Ke Hezhe's entanglement.

She narrowed her eyes slightly, and all her interest suddenly faded away, "he Zhe, I'm sorry."

Ke Hezhe put his big palm around Gu Yaner's waist. Even if she had six children in a row, her figure was not out of shape at all. Instead, she was a little plump and felt very good.

Slightly withdraw his face so that he can clearly see Gu Yan'er's small face.

Gu Yaner was a head shorter than him. When she put on high heels, the two walked together just as tall, but when she put on slippers and flat shoes, he could only look down at her.

The little woman in her arms also looked back at him quietly at this time, but the eyes were mixed with the confusion of wine and a faint taste of sadness. The faint war made him feel that he couldn't do it anymore.

"Miss the children?" he can think of what makes Gu Yaner so sad. It must be this. Even if he is with him, he can't replace the position of the children in her mind.

The longer you leave, the more you miss.

Sure enough, Gu Yaner nodded hard. Her eyes were moist. She not only missed the children, but also wanted to see xizhengnan.

He's back.

She wanted to relive the warmth she had with him in the space where he had stayed.

Even if she can't be a husband and wife, Xi Zhengnan has always left her the best memories.

"Mm-hmm." she answered softly. Tears poured out, drop by drop, surging out of the corners of her eyes and rolling down her white cheeks. At this moment, it was so distressing.

"Tomorrow, will you come back tomorrow?" Ke Hezhe was distressed. He bent over and kissed the tears on her cheek. She shed a drop. He kissed a drop. He didn't want her to cry. She was crying like a needle in his heart. It hurt and hurt his heart.

Gu Yaner's nasal cavity replied, "well, good." she's going back to T city tomorrow. She can go to see xizhengnan. Otherwise, the depression in her heart these days has made her nervous breakdown.

It happened that she couldn't talk to Ke Hezhe. Ke Hezhe didn't know that she already knew everything.

A person's life is coming to an end. Only those who have experienced it can have a personal feeling. Although she doesn't understand it, she clearly sensed it from the last phone call between her and Xi Zhengnan. What he cares about is her safety and tells her to take good care of herself and love herself for the rest of her life.

Without his quiet waiting, he never trusted her.

Even if there was a Ke Hezhe beside her, he was still not at ease.

Therefore, she must go and say to him personally that she is very good. She is really very good now. Let him rest assured and let him rest in another world.

Life is impermanent. If she couldn't understand these four words before, now she just feels the pain engraved into the bone marrow.

Ke Hezhe rubbed her long hair like ink on her shoulder, wiped his endless tears, and said softly, "good, I'll book a ticket, you take a bath, and I'll be back soon."

"Uh huh." Gu Yan'er could only respond to such a single tone. Her throat choked and she could hardly speak.

Ke Hezhe slowly loosened her waist. As soon as the two people separated, Gu Yaner only felt an empty feeling attacking her, as if she was helpless no longer. Her small hand suddenly pulled Ke Hezhe's corner, "he Zhe, will you call here?"

She looked like a child. Ke Hezhe was more distressed, "OK, fight here." bending over and hugging her, he picked her up, walked to the sofa in the corner, put her on his lap, and soon dialed Zhang Qitian's number, "book the ticket for me and my wife to return to T city tomorrow, the sooner the better."

"Yes, Ke Shao." Zhang Qitian hung up. Ke Hezhe put down his cell phone and looked down at the little woman in his arms. Gu Yaner was as motionless as a cat in his arms, as if she was asleep.

But there were still surging tears in the corners of her eyes.

Heartache hurt, he didn't say anything, just hugged her so quietly.

Sometimes people are like this. Once the fragile dike overflows, it is difficult to stop the speed of water overflow.

He didn't speak, the room was quiet, and the two people snuggled up to each other.

For a long time, Gu Yaner fell asleep vaguely and slept in Ke Hezhe's arms.

I didn't even take a bath.

Smelling her even breath with a nasal sound, Ke Hezhe frowned, got up and took her into the bathroom.

Take off their clothes, and the warm water washes their bodies. Ke Hezhe's palm moves slightly, but even so, Gu Yaner still sleeps deeply.

Sleep well.

You won't cry when you fall asleep.

He doesn't like to see her cry.

It seems that she has the stamina of wine.

Wine is a good thing sometimes.

If it weren't for the strength of wine, Gu Yaner must still be crying at this time.

Gu Yaner slept until she took her out and put her on the bed.

What a light drinker.

He blocked so much wine for her, but she was still drunk.


The light on the wall of the bedroom was shining. Gu Yaner slept quietly on the bed. There were no tears on her little face because of the bath, but the slight swelling of her eyes and her frown even when she fell asleep were telling him that she was worried.

Fingertips stroked her lips, but even with such a touch, she still slept soundly.

After drinking quite a lot of wine, he couldn't sleep.

He got up, touched a cigarette, lit it, and walked slowly into the balcony. The things here have not been handled, but he and Gu Yaner should go back to T city.

She has her mind to deal with, and he has his work to deal with.

No matter how capable his men are, some things can't replace him.

The fireworks were clearly extinguished in the dark. The lights in the distance and near dyed the night into a dreamy color. The night of Y country is quiet and beautiful.

But his roots are not here, but in T city.

There are children, the old man and his relatives.

There was a sudden chaos at the gate, and a police car roared in.

Ke Hezhe frowned, turned and rushed into the bedroom. The doors and windows were closed. He didn't want to wake Gu Yaner.

He quickly put on his clothes, rushed out of the building, went straight to the gate, and just met two police cars.

He stood lazily in the middle of the road and just forced two police cars to stop.

"Get out of the way, we want to see Gu Yaner, the new leader of the Green Gang." a policeman rolled down the window and shouted at Ke Hezhe.

"I'm her husband. Just come to me." Ke Hezhe slowly moved forward, and the man stopped in front of the door of the police car. "What's the matter, please say." he didn't even invite a few people to get off. He didn't even want to invite tea. The faint alienated attitude made the police in the car angry.

"We are on official business. We are looking for Gu Yaner. Even if you are her husband, you can't replace her."

"Well, this is to bring her in?"

"Mr. Ke, in our country y, no one can hinder official business."

"Then I want to hinder?" Ke Hezhe smiled faintly. His eyes were deep and quiet. Obviously, he was just standing in front of the door, but it still gave people a cold and solemn feeling, which was frightening.

"Drive for me and kill him." the window of the car behind suddenly opened and a man shouted.

Ke Hezhe narrowed his eyes slightly, looked down at his mobile phone, and soon released a photo and a message.

At this point, it's been some nights, and I don't know if the other party is sleeping.

Ke Hezhe simply picked up his cell phone and dialed out. He only rang three times. Before the other party picked it up, he hung up.

There's only one purpose. Wake people up, look at photos of text messages and leave messages.

"Ke, it's no use calling anyone. No one can save Gu Yaner. The Green Gang has committed a crime. As the leader of the Green Gang, she must be tried..." before the last word was finished, the mobile phone in the policeman's hand rang.

"Good evening, director..."


"OK... OK, we'll drive out now. We'll never disturb the people and deal with the matter."


"No, I will never do anything to Mr. Ke. The director can rest assured."

After the dogleg said that, he put down his mobile phone and gave Ke Hezhe a cold look. At this look, he wanted to cut Ke Hezhe, but he still pressed down his reluctance in the bottom of his heart. The phone of his immediate boss still explained, and he didn't dare to listen.

"You're cruel, let's go." commanding the driver, the policeman took the lead to turn around and drive to the gate.

When he came, he sounded the alarm of the police car and came in here with a high profile, but when he left, the alarm had already been turned off and left quietly for fear of being known.

Ke Hezhe smiled low. The best way to deal with the police is to pinch the evidence of their crimes. When they bully themselves, they directly take out the evidence and threaten. He dares to do what they dare to do.

At this moment, it has become.

His Yan'er, he will never allow them to take it away.

Not for a minute.

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