Womanizing Mage

Chapter 155: Ling Feng - Call of the Undead

Long Yi eagerly turned over the entire note, and finally found the author's warning on the last page, saying that this theory has been successful in practice from the end, and there is a considerable chance to produce a magical element explosion, suddenly let the dragon a depressed . However, Long Yi was relieved soon, and his understanding of magic has a certain depth. The author's theory of magic compression should be feasible. After going out, you must find a chance to try it.

Now, the magical road of Longyi has really begun to enrich. The power of compound magic has already been realized. If the compound magic can be compressed and casted at that time, how powerful is it, his heart has begun. Yy up. At this moment, Long Yi suddenly jumped, and saw that the enchantment of the stairs began to fluctuate like water, and someone came. Subconsciously, the dragon will gather up the breath of the body and use the gecko to poke on the dark side of the ceiling. If you don’t look carefully, you can’t find it.

Long Yi just hid, a figure smashed up, and went straight to the seventh floor.

"Ling Feng?" Long Yi was shocked. The person who came in was actually his roommate Ling Feng. At most, he reached the level of a senior magician. How can he come here? However, if Long Yi thinks that he himself has not reached the realm, does it not rely on the wonderful internal forces? If you want to come to Lingfeng, there is also a way to break the enchantment.

"This kid is really hidden. Seeing that today is not forcing you to show shape." Long Yi smiled in his heart, and he was not angry with Ling Feng’s concealment. Did he not have many things for himself? But since I saw it, look at the big **** in the wind.

Ling Feng came to the seventh floor before the enchantment, and pulled out a strange colorful jade from his pocket. Then both hands clasped and began to mutter the spell. Suddenly, his hands were full of colorful lights, and the whole wind wrapped up in the wind, and Ling Feng rushed to the enchantment. The enchantment encountered a colorful light that began to fluctuate. Ling Feng squeezed in and bit by bit, it seems very difficult.

It took about half an hour, and Ling Feng finally passed through the enchantment.

The dragon jumped down and did not immediately rush into the seventh floor, but then read the book on the sixth floor for a while, then it went to the stairs leading to the seventh floor.

The inner force of the dragon and the proud heavens covered the whole body and slowly walked toward the enchantment. This layer of enchantment is obviously much stronger than the sixth floor. Long Yi took a lot of effort to wear it. A wonderful advantage of using internal force to break the knot is that the internal force absorbs the energy of the assimilated enchantment and does not cause undulation fluctuations.

"Hey, a strong dark atmosphere." The dragon slammed into a hole. Quickly use your mental strength to isolate your body.

Long Yi poked his head out of the stairway and found that there was only one shelf on the seventh floor, which was placed on the corner and on the wall. There are also various magical runes on the ceiling that are all shiny and shiny, forming a strange magical array. What surprised Long was the Ling Feng. I saw him sitting cross-legged in the middle of the magic circle. The dark dark magic of his body was scattered on the watch, and a black stone with a fist size was volleyed from the head of his head. The faint black mans, like iron, were sucked into the head of Ling Feng.

It turns out that Ling Feng is a dual-system magician who combines dark and earth magic. Isn't this the same as cold and secluded? Differently cold and faint is spiritual magic and dark magic.

The thoughts of Long Yi’s mind are like electricity. The purpose of Ling Feng’s coming to the Holy Devil Academy is to cultivate here? What is the black stone on his head?

Ling Feng’s cultivation did not last long. In a short while, the black mans on the black stone on his head began to restrain and became a filthy ordinary stone, and the black fog on his body also entered the body.

Ling Feng suddenly opened his eyes, the eyes of the black mans flashed, then disappeared back to brown, but Long Yi seems to see his eyes turned into a deep sea blue. Ling Feng emptied and flew for a while, and the black stone slamming on his head fell down, just inlay in a hole in the shape of the ground. I want to come to this stone originally inlaid on the ground.

At this time, Ling Feng suddenly appeared a magic wand in his hand, and he began to mutter his curse in his mouth, and the black man's staff was gently stroked in the air, and suddenly there was a space crack.

"Blessed by the **** of darkness, you must succeed." Ling Feng muttered in anticipation of the space crack.

The black fog in the space cracks seems to be struggling. Soon, the space crack began to slowly close, and the things inside still did not come out, Ling Feng's eyes showed disappointment.

But when the space crack is about to close, suddenly the green light flashes, and a humanoid monster with a long green hair falls off the crack.

"Yeah, success, I finally summoned the green corpse king." Ling Feng jumped up and cheered, and the look was like a little girl.

The dragon has a big mouth, God, what did he see? It turned out to be the magic of the lost call to the undead, Peter. There is a call record for this alien undead in the Undead Magic Encyclopedia, but there is no summoning spell. This kind of undead summoning has appeared in 10,000 years ago. The biggest difference from ordinary undead summoning is that you can summon undead creatures in different spaces. You must know that undead creatures in different spaces are many times stronger than ordinary undead, and as long as A successful summoning will always be the most faithful servant of the Undead Summoner. When the Slayer Summoner does not need it, he can put it back into the different space. It can be said that this alien undead summoning is a spell that all the undead wizards dream of. I didn't expect to see this spell in Ling Feng's body today.

Good boy, Long Yi took a breath, his heart was shocked, and the mental protective cover turned slightly micro-microwave. At this moment, the green-haired king who had just stood still suddenly screamed into a stairway that was hidden by a green light.

With a bang, the dragon slammed the palm of the green corpse back to fly. If the ordinary zombie had already been smashed by the dragon, the green corpse king fell to the ground and then straightened. Standing up, it was nothing to lose, so that Long Yi had to admire its powerful defense.

When the green-haired king was still rushing up, Ling Feng stopped it and said: "Who is there, hurry up." There seems to be a bit of tension in the voice.

Long Yi flew out and stood firmly in front of Ling Feng. Haha smiled and said: "Ling Feng, so smart, I can meet you here."

Ling Feng’s face was white and whispered, “Have you seen it?”

"Yes." The dragon nodded a little.

"I... I am not concealing, just... I know that you must hate me very much now." Ling Feng femininely bite his lower lip, his expression is a little uneasy and low.

"I know that everyone has their own secrets, and I am no exception." Long Yi smiled softly. He stepped forward and patted Ling Feng's shoulder and said, "Look at you, like a girl." Why do I hate you, I really like you too late."

Ling Feng’s face was red, and the dragon’s big hand was removed. “You really don’t hate me, I am a dark master.”

Long Yi smiled mysteriously, hooked his head and said: "The ear is coming over, I tell you a secret."

Ling Feng obediently put his head together, feeling the hot breath of the dragon sprayed on the neck, not shy to the roots of the hot.

"Hey, Ling Feng, how do you have a pierced ear, it won't be a girl." The dragon looked at the ear of Ling Feng's exquisite ears and there were actually two small holes.

When Ling Feng braked open the dragon one, he shouted: "You are a girl, there are some strange things in the ear hole, rare and strange."

The dragon laughed and smiled. I remembered that there were so many holes in the ears of the youth in the past. I thought it was a big fuss, so I apologized: "Don’t be angry, I just talk about it. We are so masculine. How could it be a girl?"

"It's still not me. I will say that I am a girl, I will turn my face."

"Don't say it, absolutely don't say it." Long Yi promised.

"Don't you tell me the secret? What the **** is it." Ling Feng asked.

The dragon smiled and said: "If I said that I am the same kind of person as you, do you believe it?"

Ling Feng stunned and said: "You mean you are also a mage of the dark system?"

"Smart, I will reward you with a hug." Long smiled and hugged Ling Feng, but he was pushed away.

"You are less disgusting, are you really a mage in the darkness?" Ling Feng asked urgently, his eyes wide open and looked at the dragon one, faintly revealing the light of happiness.

"I don't believe it, then you are optimistic." Long Yi's left palm was a blushing red awn, and eighteen super squats that had been idle for a long time fell from the crack. The body's killing gas forced the green of the wind to be called. The hairy zombies retreat.

One of the strange things about the dragon is that the boss who was the second-hand dragon who used the blood-stained sickle automatically went to him without his orders.

"Dragon II, haven't exercised for so long, is the bone rusted?" Long Yi patted the boned shoulder helmet of Long Er's **, thinking that it wasn't the skeleton that really produced consciousness, but I think there is no other organization except the bones. It should be impossible. The behavior of Long Er may be just a strange reflective action.

"Ah, it turns out that you are really a necromancer like me. Your cockroaches are so beautiful." At this moment, Ling Feng suddenly screamed in surprise and looked at the eighteen super cockroaches of Dragon One with envy.

The Necromancer is not a necromancer. When you see it, you use the beautiful words to describe it. You must know that even if you are strong, it is just an ugly skeleton.

"Dragon one, why are you talking to your embarrassment, are they not aware?" Ling Feng asked strangely.

The dragon looked back at the dragon II of Weiling Lingling and shrugged his shoulders: "Who knows? It really does not know."

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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