Womanizing Mage

Chapter 156: Tianmo Stone

Ling Feng looked at the 18 super-sounds of Long Yi and suddenly smiled and said: "Hey, what you said is really like, how can you make sense?"

Long smiled and didn't entangle the problem again. He looked at the black stone that was re-embedded on the ground and asked, "What is this stone?"

"This is the celestial stone, which contains a strong force of darkness, and there will be strange screams. Those who hear it will lose their senses and become crazy and bloodthirsty. \\www.qb5.c0m\\\\ Ling Feng said.

"There is such an evil stone, so why didn't I hear the cry of it?" Long asked in amazement, crouching down and carefully observing the demon stone on the ground.

"There are no magical runes that see these lights. They form a magical array that suppresses the demon stone. If not, how can I absorb the power of darkness in the demon stone?" Ling Feng laughed.

The dragon nodded a little, curiously extended the big hand to the celestial stone, gently stroking it, and the surface of the darkened stone was covered with ripples of water ripples. The feeling of clear and cool made Long Yi feel very comfortable. During the flashing of the ripples, Long Yi suddenly found an eye in the stone. The pupil was black like him. The difference was that the coldness in the eyes made the dragon feel that his soul was freezing.

"Scared." The dragon rushed back two steps, full of horror, and the coldness from the soul made him tremble involuntarily.

"Dragon one, what's wrong with you?" Ling Feng saw the look of the horrified look of the dragon and could not help but worry.

Long Yi took a deep breath and calmed down. He pointed to the demon stone on the ground and said: "Have you seen an eye in it?"

"Eyes? No, this stone has not changed at all." Ling Feng shook his head.

"Then did you see the surface water ripples generally fluctuate?" Long asked strangely.

"Nothing." Ling Feng still shook his head.

Long Yi frowned, he was sure. What was just happening is definitely not an illusion. The cold feeling is now completely dissipated.

"Ling Feng, do you know the origins of the demon stone?" Long Yi asked, this piece of Tianmo stone is definitely not a general complex. It has a history of shocking customs.

"I don't know very well. The record about Tianmo Stone is very rare. I only know that it has been in existence for more than 10,000 years. It was suppressed here more than 100 years ago, and the others don't know." Ling Feng said.

The dragon nodded a little and asked again. From the expression of Ling Feng, he could see that he was hiding. Long Yi had the heart to study this mysterious Tianmo stone again, but the scene that appeared just above him made him dare not act again. Perhaps the old man of Puxius knew something. When he came back, he would ask him again. Let's go.

Looking back, the dragon looked at Ling Feng together. Is this kid a member of the Dark Church? To be honest, he has always had a crush on the Dark Church.

"Why are you looking at me like this, do I have flowers on my face?" Ling Feng looked unnatural.

"There is no flower. I only have a question. Are you a dark church?" Long asked, staring at Ling Feng.

Ling Feng’s face changed and looked at the dragon one intricately. After a long time, he gently said: “I know that you are biased against the dark church, but I don’t want to lie to you. I am indeed a dark church.”

The dragon stunned and said: "How do you know that I am biased against the dark church?"

"You don't care about this, anyway, I just know." Ling Feng sighed too much.

Long Yi thought about it. Shaking his head and laughing, how did he become stupid, the Dark Church several times attacked him with the Aurora Empire, and Ling Feng should be in the dark church, and he knew his bottom. In this light, the drunken building should actually be the stronghold of the dark church in the Principality of Mia. At this time, Long Yi suddenly thought that the fox charm of Queen Mia often appeared in the drunken house. Is she hooked up with the dark church? Thinking of this, the dragon could not help but frown.

"Are you angry?" Ling Feng asked cautiously. In fact, she knew this thing after Long Yi. She and Long had a very strong relationship and didn’t want to lose this friend.

Long Yi looked up at Ling Feng and said: "Since your dark church knows that I am here, why didn't you send someone to pursue it?"

"I don't know, really, I only know that since the last time the entire army was annihilated in the Hengduan Mountains, there is no order to pass it down." Ling Feng shook his head.

When Long Yi picked up his eyebrows, was it that the dark church was being scared? But intuition tells him that it will never be so simple. Perhaps the dark church can't find time and energy to deal with him now.

"Right, Ling Feng, do you know the cold and secluded? It is the ghost of your dark church." Long Yi suddenly remembered the cold and secluded, she said to see her master, do not know how it is now.

When I heard the cold and secluded name, Ling Feng’s face showed a strange expression. She nodded and a strange smile was on her lips.

"Then, you know the son of your dark pope, what kind of person is that guy?" Long Yi thought about himself, and did not see the strange expression on Ling Feng's face.

"He, he looks much more handsome than you, handsome, gentle and considerate, but infatuated with the Nether Saint." Ling Feng smiled.

The dragon smashed back and forth two steps, one hand held the chin, and the heart was inexplicably anxious. He snorted: "You should know that the cold secluded is my woman, if that guy dares to play a faint idea, Laozi Let him regret being born."

Ling Feng unconsciously was forced to retreat by the murderousness of the dragon, and his face was a little pale. He said: "You are relieved, I.... Our young master is not the kind of person, others are very good."

Long Yi heard that the expression was a little slower, see Ling Feng pale, suddenly wake up to murder.

"Dragon one, how many people have you killed in the end, how is the body so murderous." Ling Feng has a lingering voice.

The dragon shrugged and smiled. "I don't know, I haven't counted it."

"The big devil head." Ling Feng sighed.

The dragon slanted Ling Feng and looked at the green corpse king behind him. He smiled and said: "Ling Feng, are we brothers?"

Ling Feng eyes brightened and nodded immediately.

"You are not the secret of the undead summoning technique." Long Yixiao laughed.

Ling Feng heard the words of the dragon and said: "I know that you didn't make any good ideas for this kid. If you want to learn, take it." Ling Feng said that he had thrown a book from the space ring and threw it. past.

When the dragon took over the book, the call of the undead is a priceless treasure for a necromancer. He does not believe that Ling Feng will not know that he is just a joke, but he does not want to think about it. I didn't want to give him this spell that has been lost for thousands of years.

Long Yi looked at the secret of this yellowing in his hand, and his heart was moved. He really did not interlace his friends. Since the people are willing to give him such precious things, Long Yi has no secrets. He took Peter from the space ring. The repairing undead magic encyclopedia also has his notes and handed it to Ling Fengdao: "I am not able to learn this spell, I can't learn it. This is for you."

"What are you polite with me, this is... ah, Peter. The undead note of Shuge." Ling Feng didn't care much about the things that Long Yi handed over, but he couldn't help but laugh when he saw the title. Call it up. God, Peter. The repairing, that is the existence of God in the hearts of all the Dark Masters, I did not expect to see the notes he personally wrote and some spells that have been lost, it is just too surprised.

"This is what I accidentally got. The content recorded in it is very comprehensive. I think it should help you." Long smiled.

"Thank you, Long Yi, this is a priceless treasure." Ling Feng excited.

"Oh, what you gave me is not a priceless treasure, although I don't like the dark church, but you are always my brother." Long smiled and patted Ling Feng's shoulder.

When both of them got what they wanted, they couldn’t wait to see it. Anyway, there was no need to worry that someone would come in. The great magician of the college, Pussus, had already gone out, and no one could come in.

When the dragon opened his hand in the alien world, he became more and more surprised. The content inside opened a new world for him. He had to admire human creativity and wisdom. And he also knows that the green corpse king that Ling Feng summoned is only a relatively weak creature in the world of undead undead, and there are many powerful undead creatures on it. But the Undead Summoner requires a very strong mental power and dark magic, plus a little luck to summon success. The undead to be summoned is not as a slave to the Necromancer as the legend, because the world of the undead is also a strong flesh, and when the undead souls that the Necromancer summons will return to the outside world, it is likely to be Killed by the more powerful undead.

The speed of reading a book by Long Yi was very fast. In a short while, the whole call of the undead is summoned to the heart. Since he is familiar with it, he certainly wants to give it a try. He looked at the obsessively holding Peter. The sorcerer's undead magic notes, the mammoth hurricane, went aside and began to gather the mind to recite the spell.

A layer of pale black mist emerged from the dragon, and as his curse began to flow, the strong magical fluctuations naturally awakened the literary wind that was reading, and he saw Long Yi actually playing the undead summoning. The heart couldn’t help but rush, and the dragon was too ruthless. Didn’t he see that the book’s dark magic or lack of mental strength could easily be countered?

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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