Womanizing Mage

Chapter 157: Death does not recognize

The dragon closes his eyes, his spirit is highly cohesive, and the vigorous dark magic emerges from the sea of ​​consciousness, and rushes away with the space channel opened by the spell. //www. Qb5.com/ The concentration and density of his dark magic elements are far beyond the level of the senior magician, but the realm is still at this stage, so he can only cast the alien undead as the summoning corpse in the operation. .

Suddenly, Ling Feng only felt a darkness in front of him, and the light of the magical runes on the wall was dimmed at this moment. The black fog rolled, and a space crack opened silently.

Ling Feng clenched his fists and was sweating on his forehead. He muttered: "Success, you must succeed."

At this time, Long Yi’s gaze suddenly opened, and the black and irritating pupil was shrunk into a wheat-like shape. He only listened to him and shouted: “If you are pregnant, give it to Laozi.”

The black mist in the cracks fluctuated, and suddenly the silver flashed, and a few loud noises on the floor, three silvery monsters appeared in front of Long Yi and Ling Feng.

"This, this is the silver corpse corpse, since you recruited the silver armor thick king, my God." Ling Feng looked unbelievable, watching the monster like watching the dragon one.

Silver corpse king? Long Yi stared at the three monsters higher than him, and found that they were not wearing silver armor, but the skin muscles of the whole body were alienated into hard silver armor, even the head was so silvery. The skull of the skull looks extraordinarily horrible. The kind of powerful momentum and **** murder are on the way. It is a natural killing machine. Even if you don’t kill people to scare people, it’s quite good. Long Yi thought.

"Dragon one. Is your kid a big magician in the darkness?" Ling Feng asked strangely as he asked.

The dragon smiled and shook his head: "Well, I am just a small dark senior magician."

"Monster." Ling Feng sighed, even if the big magician first cast the outside call summony can not call the undead. This summoning technique has a success rate and is extremely low. If it can be called every time, then it is not possible to form a powerful alien army of the undead, and it is ok to attack the city and become an emperor. .

"You are awkward. When I first summoned, I called three silver corpse kings. It is several grades higher than your green hair thicker king, haha." Longyi proudly laughed.

Ling Feng grin, she is a bit jealous of the dragon one, this guy's luck is also too good. It really made her feel unbalanced, thinking that she was a dark and magical guide, even more than a small senior mage.

Long Yi looked at his eighteen super cockroaches and looked at the three silver armor thick kings. I don’t want to see which side is more powerful, so I’ll take a look at it and I will single out the two dragons with the blood red sickle. I don’t mean that he looks down on the silver corpse, but the dragon. The strength of the second is already beyond the swordsman. In his opinion, it should be able to cope.

The idea was just issued, and a red line of light appeared in the eye of the Dragon II Black Hole. The black lacquered skeleton took the road to the three silver corpse kings. And its opponent's reaction is obviously slower than half a beat.

The red mans flashed, and the **** sickle of Long Er crossed the lightning like a lightning. He only listened to a slap in the metal, and the three silver corpses flew out and slammed into the ground. On the wall, if there is no strong enchantment in this house, I am afraid that this wall has already had several holes.

Three silver corpse corpse, such as Long, expected to stand up straight and stand up. If Lianlong’s two strokes couldn’t be accepted, then the alien undead caller would not learn, even if he recruited thousands, it would be The cannon fodder is expected. The chest of the three silver corpse kings opened a hole. But not deep.

The kings of different boundaries are all somewhat wise. They ate a loss under the use of the dragon, which aroused the fierceness in their bodies. They screamed and screamed to the dragon two, and the four undead immediately Fighting together.

The dragon two wins in the martial arts sharp, moving quickly, and the three silver armor undead wins in the defense super strong, it seems that the tumbler seems to fall down and immediately bounced.

At this time, Ling Feng walked to the side of Long Yi, not without envy: "Your cockroaches are not only beautiful, the attack is so strong, at least the big swordsman is so real, how can such a good thing get you? ”

"Character, character is good, natural luck is good." Long Yixiao laughed, his cockroaches have never dared to show people, this time in Lingfeng this same practice of the same undead magic in the face of nature is naturally no problem.

"Hey, why didn't I see where your character is going? I like the old guy who is tired of the old." Ling Feng disdain.

"I like to be old and tired of this kind of ruin. I never do it. I am both new and not tired. This kind of great mind is called fraternity. But unlike you, fraternity is fraternity, how many girls’ hearts are hurt." A smile.

Ling Feng glanced, her face was a bit stunned, she smiled two channels: "Yes, my character is too bad, I like the old and tired of the old line."

When the dragon saw Ling Feng changed his face, he knew that he had a painful place. He was too sorry to say that the fight between the two dragons and the three silver corpse kings had already won the battle. The three silver corpse kings were covered with wounds and fell on the ground. They struggled to stand up, but some of them were unstable, and the situation of Long Er was not very good. The bones were broken several times, and the darkness of the body was erratic. Obviously, it is almost reaching the limit.

When Long Er holds a **** sickle and wants to rush to the result of three iron-clad thick kings, the dragon has reached the idea of ​​stopping. First, use the sputum repair technique to connect the bones of the dragon two, then pat the shoulders and let it return. . The treatment of the silver corpse king is much simpler. Injecting a few dark magic into their bodies, they immediately become alive and kicking. It is a powerful creature.

At this time, the sky was already dark, and Simon did not hate standing downstairs in the library. His expression was very anxious. Such a beautiful woman naturally attracted many boys to stop watching, but no one went up to talk, Simon did not Hate is the **** of many boys, and a bad one is going to be smashed by the crowd.

At this moment, Shui Ruoyan came out of the library, so that the onlookers were exclaimed, and their eyes were desperately rounded out, and they were afraid to miss the beauty even a subtle movement.

"Shui Ruoyan teacher, have you found him?" Simon did not hate to ask for two steps.

Shui Ruoyan shook his head and said: "He should not be in the library. I didn't see his shadow on the sixth floor from the fourth floor."

"No, I obviously saw him on the fourth floor." Simon didn't hate. At that time, she read a book on the third floor, just happened to see the dragon on the fourth floor. He didn't have time to call him, he went in, then I did not see him coming out.

"But really, ah, are you familiar with Long Yi?" Shui Ruoyan asked, she did not know that Long Yi was Ximen Yu, and Linna also did not tell her grandfather Pusius.

Simon didn't hate it. I didn't know how to answer it at a time. It's impossible to say that Long Yi is her brother.

"Hey, Shui Ruoyan teacher, so clever." At this moment, Long Yi and Ling Feng both came out from the library, laughing and greeting with Shui Ruoyan.

Shui Ruoyan looked at Long Yi with amazement, and Nene said: "You just got in the library?"

"Yes." The dragon nodded a little, his eyes drifting toward Simon without hate, and smiled at her: "Shantou, you are also there, have dinner, let's go eat together."

When the water sees the dragon, she ignores her, and the fire is not rushed up. The realm of cultivation is completely in front of him. She pulls the dragon a big voice: "You tell me clearly, how many are you in the library?" floor?"

Long Yi looked helplessly at the whispers of the people around him, and smiled bitterly: "I said that big sister, you should pay attention to the image, and pull it in the light of the day. I don't know what rumors to pass."

If the water is like a temper, she still doesn't let her go, but she says, "That is what they pass, anyway, if you don't make it clear, don't want to go."

"Okay, I am afraid of you. I and Ling Feng discussed the magic problem on the fourth floor of the library. I didn't expect this discussion to be gone for a day." Long Yi pointed to Ling Feng, and Ling Feng matched his nod.

"Nonsense, I looked carefully on the fourth floor, and I didn't see you both."

"Do not believe, do not believe to pull down, you are not my wife, I am guilty to tell you so clearly? Is it not..." Long slammed into the water and smiled.

After the water is still a girl, she couldn't stand the dragon's naked smile. She blushes and slams his hand.

"Ah, starve to death, let's go eat." Long Yi touched his stomach.

"Well, Mr. Shui Ruoyan, you can also go with us." Simon did not hate the water.

If Ruo Gang just wants to refuse, he listens to the dragon and blames the strange voice: "What do you want her to do, people are busy with the teacher, how can I have dinner with us?"

If the water smashed the dragon, he immediately changed his mind and smiled at Ximen without hate: "Okay, just hungry, someone will not go to the white."

"Let's go, go to the drunken house to eat for free." Long Yi smiled and looked at Ling Feng, who did not kill the brothers.

Ling Feng did not give a good eye to the dragon, this feminine action makes the dragon a cold, heart, this kid is too feminine, it seems that I want to change her. Of course, it is a woman who can change a man. The girl like Yin Yin is quite good. It seems that there is a lot of time to match them.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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