Womanizing Mage

Chapter 466: What is the light now?

The defeat of the army is like a mountain, and the team of the proud moon empire has been distracted and can no longer be condensed. \\\\www.qВ5.c0m Originally they saw hope in the inspiration of General Chia, but now hope has become desperate.

As soon as the military was scattered, the defensive immediately became as thin as paper, and the rushed and smashed. Countless soldiers from the two countries flocked to the defensive line of Yates Anna, forming a front and rear pinch with the rear cavalry regiment.

"General, things can't be done, let's retire." General Chia's pro-team leader said anxiously.

General Chia was silent. He looked at the defensive line that had fallen into the majority. The soldiers under his hand fell down and the fire was shining, and the surroundings were as white as they were.

"General, general..." The captain of the pro-inspector saw him and said loudly.

General Chia returned to God and sighed: "Where? Where are you going? Yates Anna is broken, and my proud empire is unable to return to the sky, even if it is dead, it will die on the battlefield."

The squadron was stunned and surrounded by General Chia.

When the color of the day was already bright, the sound of shouting and killing became infamous. It was called the world’s first defensive line, and Yates Anna’s corpse was a thousand miles away. The blood stained the land under the feet into dark red, and the burnt camp was only left in the ashes. Yu Yanqi, rising, drifting, like the proud moon empire of Xishan.

Soon after, the **** red weeds grew everywhere on the land around the defensive line of Yates Anna. When it was spring and summer, it was covered with mountains and plains. The faint smell of blood was also revealed because it was called the blue blood grass. Of course, this is After the words.

The **** cavalry regiment of the Dragon Dragon Corps has firmly surrounded General Chia and a dry guard. The head of the squadron is the general of the underground attack, and he looks at the General of General Chia, who is surrounded by the sullen face. No one is right or wrong in war. The battlefield is also the most glorious home for a soldier, but he hates to gnash his teeth. This battle of Yates Anna’s offensive and defensive battle has caused nearly half of the two coalition forces to die in a foreign land, so that he can not hate.

"The Cavalry Regiment! Hahaha, I am so defeated..." General Chia laughed in the sky, with grief. He always thought that Bei Tangyu had attacked the two coalition forces, but he only missed this elite cavalry regiment. Because in the battlefield, the cavalry regiment could not play his advantage, and the proud moon empire The cavalry regiment has long been defended on the wall by the same defensive line as other troops. Let him regret it.

At this time, the blood cavalry regiment neatly separated a passage. Bei Tang Yu came with two guards, and the look of temperament should have been incompatible with this battlefield. But whoever saw her felt that she was incomparable with this **** battle.

"Bei Tang Yu, I am convinced that you are convinced that you can defeat me, but you are only one of the North Hall feathers." General Chia pulled out the waist and the knife rushed to the North Hall feathers to perform a military ceremony of the proud moon empire.

"General General Chia, you will smash it, the Aurora Empire will die, why not play for my mad dragon empire?" Beitang Yu is also very admired by the famous veteran General. If not for him. Yates Anna decided not to persist for so long.

"The proud moon empire is only a general who died in battle, and there is no general who surrendered." General Chia took a long smile at the north. The sabre in the hand flashed a cold light, and the blood spray sprayed, and a generation of famous people fell.

"General..." The dozens of guards screamed in sorrow. Suddenly, he raised his sword in his hand, and the blood mist sprayed through the sky, with a kind of desolate beauty, like a flower of blood that just withered and withered.

Bei Tangyu was not moved. She had long expected Qia to be a country, but she did not stop it, because only this is his only home. If one day she does, then she will do it. Take the same choice as the general.

All the soldiers of the Nangong Temple and the Bloody Cavalry Regiment turned over and lifted the cavalry to slay and salute. As the enemy they hated him, but also as soldiers, they admire him.

When Yates Anna broke, the entire remaining Aurora Empire was completely exposed to the murderous claws of the coalition forces of the two countries. At this time, Nalan’s news of the throne of the month was also heard. The two armies of the Nalan Empire were much more stable.

With the victory of victory, Beitang Yu led the coalition forces of the two countries, such as the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, sweeping the major towns of the Aurora Empire, pushing the empire of the Empire City Icewind City, plus the bounty hunters slaughtered with arrogance The senior official of the Moon Empire, the Aurora Empire has been faltering, and life has entered the countdown.


Unlike the **** land of Yates Anna, the summer night of Cangyue City is very hot, but it is very beautiful, the stars are full of sky, the moon is bright and clean, the sea breeze is blowing on the beach on the beach, and the waves are accompanied by it. Many people took the cover and took a shower on the beach to take a cold sleep. It was really a big scene in the middle of the city, which was incredible in previous years.

In the middle of the empty, bright cathedral, a few white-light bright magic lights exude a soft glow, but Long Yi feels white and miserable.

"Charles, in the middle of the night, what are you doing when you come to me? To be honest, I am very unaccustomed to being alone with a man, and the man is still looking at me with hunger and thirst." Lived, this old guy pretends to be deep and does not speak, but his eyes are placed in the light, really telling him a cold.

Charles coughed twice, and at this time his **** was introverted and attributed to ordinary, because in the face of Long Yi, he knew that there was no need to pretend to be a ghost.

"Ximen Yu, I promised that you have done things. When can you promise me that I can cash in?" Charles said, and there was another enthusiasm in his eyes.

"You are talking about the **** card, take it and show it to me." Long smiled and said.

The Pope was hesitant, but the **** card was exhausted by the dragon.

"How? Don't believe me? That's it, this is what you gave up, and neither of us can owe anyone." The dragon shrugged and turned and left.

"Wait, how can I not believe you?" Charles smiled and threw out the light of the gods and threw it to Long Yi. He was not afraid to run when the dragon took it. The entire Guangming Cathedral has already started the Guardian Enlightenment. .

Long Yi grabbed the lost **** card, and the light vortex in the sea of ​​consciousness suddenly aggravated the rotation. This **** card immediately popped out Ying Ying Guanghua.

Charles was so excited that he knew the method and knew that he hadn’t reacted to the game for a few months.

"How? Ximen Yu, do you know how to use the **** card to inherit?" Charles grabbed the arm of the dragon one, and at this time he looked ecstatic and greedy, no longer the sorrowful sorrow.

"Hey, don't touch me, I am not back." Long Yi lost the **** card to Charles, watching his expression at this moment can not help but feel a sense of emotion, this is the bright pope of the people, and this de German Sex.

"Why don't you know why the **** brand shines, I can't figure it out, but I tell you that inheritance can be done not only with a **** card, but most importantly, the gods pass on the brand of God. Although I am not It is very clear how it got the reputation of Raytheon, but if it wasn't for Raytheon's own consent, I couldn't get it." Long said two steps back.

Charles glanced and asked: "Have you seen Raytheon?"

"Crap, since you can grab this bright **** card through my cousin, you must also know the statue of Raytheon in the Temple of Thor, and the spirit of Thor is attached to it." Long shrugged and said, this is absolutely The truth.

"But, where do I go to find the **** of light?" Charles muttered to himself, claiming to be a **** of light, but he was troubled by how to see the **** of light.

"According to my experience, this light **** may be hidden in the statue of a bright god." Long said one by one.

Charles subconsciously turned back and looked at the huge statue of the **** of light in the hall, squatting and whispering something in his mouth.

"All I know is this. If it's okay, then I will go out. It's a long night, the night is horrible, and I don't want to do anything to live up to this beautiful night." Long smiled and turned and went out.

At this moment, the sign in the hands of Charles suddenly lit up, then slowly floated, slowly spinning in the air.

"The great light god, your devout believers prayed heartily and asked to pass on the gods to me..." Charles looked ecstatic and slammed to the ground.

When the dragon turned back, he was shocked. It was not the statue of the light that was attached to the statue in the hall.

Suddenly, the Guangming brand suddenly flew out of the hall from the shackles. Long Yi and Charles immediately went out and saw the light of the gods turned into a white light and rushed to the top of the Guangming Cathedral.

"Oh... no." The dragon was cold and sweaty. Could it be that the statue of the **** of light really had the spirit of the **** of light, when he shook Nalan as a dream, the girl urinated on his body... ...

Whether it is true or not, thirty-six counts, as the best policy, the dragon turned around and the oil on the soles of the feet wanted to slip away.

Just a dragon just stepped out, suddenly a whole body shocked, a white light flashed from the left hand palm, the little tiger's small three-sound sound shook from the space crack, two white eyeballs burst out of the dazzling light.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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