Womanizing Mage

Chapter 467: Playgirl

The little tiger whistleed for a long time, and the fur was looming. It looked up at the top of the light god, and looked at the bitter dragon one. The white scorpion showed a doubtful look. Finally, the rushing dragon was low. Sound, zoomed out into a mini version of the dragon's calf intimately. Www.qΒ5. C0m

"This... what happened?" Charles asked in awe.

"How do I know? According to me, the light **** carving at the top of this church is attached to the spirit of the light god. Your luck is not good. You also saw it. The **** card is taken by the **** of light." You sincerely ask him every day, maybe he will pass on the gods to you, now let me go out." Long Yi pointed to the statue of the light **** at the top.

Charles looked at the statue of the **** of light for a long time, waved his hand to untie the enchantment, and then flew to the top of the church.

Long Yi can not pick up the small three to run on the head, who knows whether this light God will hate it? Although he thinks that his strength is not weak, the world can go, but the real God is so easy to deal with. If you look at the Raytheon, you will know that you can't wear any of the Raytheon suits.

Long Yi flew in the air for a while, and wanted to go back to the palace, but at this time he suddenly thought of the fairy, the mysterious woman who made him feel very familiar, but could not remember where she had seen her.

"She lives with the smoky hoof, so I will go to meet my lover and see her should be normal." The dragon turned his eyes and flew away toward the Cuiyan Pavilion.

Two beautiful beauty with different flavors are sleeping in transparent pajamas, what a beautiful scene. The dragon was wickedly sullen, and he could not help but accelerate his figure.

It’s just a good thing. Some people just don't want Long Yi to be so proud. It was just a short flight, and a vast expanse of power was squeezed from all directions.

The dragon looks like a light smoke-like figure. The body has been covered with an invisible instinct and mental protective cover, which does not move in this pressure, but his heart is still secretly shocked, this person is a master. And there are not many who can be called masters in this world.

"Who is **** in this b. Give this young master out." Long Yi sighed. The internal force of the **** broke through the pressure and shot at a high altitude above the slope.

The dragon felt a light pressure on his body and felt a breath of sighing in the distance.

Long Yi picked up his eyebrows and wanted to seduce the young master. The dragon didn't chase it, but it floated in the air.

Sure enough, the breath stopped after a while and then turned back. With the eyesight of Long Yi, you can vaguely see a vague figure.

"You, a man who didn't grow a farm, didn't dare to come over." The dragon heard a soft voice in his ear. But the tone is very rude.

The dragon is moving at the end. His mind quickly analyzed the sound and finally came to a conclusion. If this is her true voice. Then he should not know her.

"The name of the person in the newspaper, the young master, I am serious, will not be seduce by you." Long Yixiao laughed.

"You...what are you going to follow?" The master of the voice is already angry.

"Don't follow, who knows where you want to take me, I am pure love, if you are raped and indecent, what should I do?" Long always felt that this woman should belong to the kind of no heart, could not help but be curious about her. I can't help but want to tease her.

"You are a shameless bastard. I must give you a good look." The woman's body trembled and she was already thundering.

"No. I am already handsome enough." If you look at some of the world's women, you don't have to worry about me. The pressure is too great. Or give others a good look." Long Yixiao laughed, for a long time. Not so funny, I feel pretty good.

This time the woman did not speak, and a golden light burst in the sky.

"Dragon gas? Hit the small land to the earth, is it that you are the mother of the dragon? If you are born, you must be disciplined. Don't let him come out to tease women every day to seduce the widow." Long Yixin suddenly lost to this woman. Interested in, the dragons have a long life span, but the sound can not distinguish the age and size. As for the temper of the fire, the mother dragon has always been like this, or how to call it the female tyrannosaurus?

"You...you..." The famous dragon's first Tyrannosaurus Remy Miltil was so angry that he couldn't speak. He wanted to find a place for his brother, so he sneaked out of Long Island, who knows the first round. I was almost vomited by the dragon.

"Don't you, me, mine, I know how sad you are, how can you give birth to such a son? But this can't blame you, maybe inheriting the genes of his father, color is not his fault, but the woman who came out to me It’s not right.” Long Yi shook his head and sighed.

Mitty was going to be mad, and if it wasn’t for her scruples, she would have beaten him at this time.

"Don't always shake, don't you cry? Oh, I know, the old dragon's old man has already been tilted up, it's no wonder, there is no mother to teach, poor." Long Yi continued Sighing, my heart is laughing crazy.

The dragon feels that the surrounding air is stagnation, knowing that this mother dragon has moved the fire. He did not want to alarm other people, he flashed out of the city.

After a quick flight for a while, the dragon floated down on a desolate hillside, still holding the little tiger three in his arms.

"Well, don't cover up, there is no smoke here, I want to revenge or want to push it down, even if I let the horse come over." Long smiled and touched the little tiger in the arms, casually.

A fragrant wind for a while, the dragon is not far from a woman with a tall figure and a curve of fire, I saw her wearing a golden dragon scale, a beautiful face with a cool British atmosphere, beautiful and beautiful, sparkling Flowing, full of aura, a golden scale that is degraded in the eyebrows, I can't imagine such a woman's temper will be so hot.

So young? The dragon smashed, and the dragon woman not only looks young, but her eyes and temperament are full of girls. It is reasonable to say that if she has given birth to a child, it will not be like this.

"You are really the mother of the dragon, it doesn't look very much like it." Long Yi asked in amazement two steps.

"You are his mother..." Mitil said with anger, she was a girl who was married to a dragon and was said to be someone else's mother. This is a naked insult.

"Is it not? I said, the dragon is so wretched, you are so beautiful, how could it be her mother?" Long smiled.

"I am the sister of Grucia," Mittier said subconsciously.

"Sister? What is your name?" asked Long.

"My name is... I don't need to know what name you are. You are so cool in Grusia. I will return to you a hundred times today." Mitty was almost fooled by the dragon, and rarely went out of the island. How is she the opponent of Long Yi?

"I am afraid that you will be disappointed." Long Yi's mouth slammed up, and there was a glimmer of cold in the middle of the dragon. Is the Shenlong family? He doesn't have any good feelings. She wants to retaliate against him. He still wants to revenge the **** dragon elders.

Mitil snorted, and the jade hand made a few golden lights, and the metal shattered with the molars, the space around the dragon has been distorted.

Unhindered, Jinguang crossed and passed through, but Longyi was nothing, but the figure was erratic at the moment of Jinguang's contact, and then became solid.

"Small beautiful dragon, come to the point of intense point, this level is not enough to see." Long Yixiao smiled toward Mitil.

Learning Mitil did not answer, his hands crossed, his fingertips were hidden in cash, strong magical fluctuations raged in this world, the earth began to growl, the earth waves rolled, the trees flew, and the boulder fell.

When the smoke disappeared, the place where the dragon stood was deep in the ground, and the megalithic clods were piled up into hills, and the dragon language magic was really strong.

A bang, this mountain is full of earth and stone, the dragon rushed out of the end, and smiled in front of Mitil. The main reason for this dragon language magic is not to attack by these earth and stone, but the magical fluctuations of the strong amplitude, which can shock people and meridians.

"Day..." Long Yi just stood, and his heart slammed, and a filigree jade hand stabbed his neck from behind. The five fingers on the jade hand were five sharp golden nails. There is no doubt that there is a gold broken iron. The power.

With a click, Long Yi’s big hand gripped Mitil’s wrist like a steel pliers. Suddenly, the tiger’s mouth was a little numb. The dragon’s creature should be cursed, and a dragon magic can be used as a curse. The physical attack is extremely powerful, and the defense against the devil is metamorphosis. The only shortcoming is the fertility, but it does not matter to the long life comparison of the dragon.

There was a slight surprise in Mitre's eyes. A human being had such strength. It seems that Grucia did not exaggerate the facts.

It is the nature of the dragons to compete for strength. Moreover, the dragons are born with a great advantage. If they lose, they will lose face.

Mitil Longli had a chance, and there was a huge force in the small hand. The five sharp dragons that glittered in Jinmang slowly moved forward, and they touched the skin of Longyi’s neck.

The dragon and the fifth floor are proud of the arrogance of the inner force, and the blue veins are exposed on the hand. The trick is to let Mitil no longer move forward.

At this moment, there was a sudden surge of force on the buttocks of Mitil. The running dragon force was suddenly stagnation, and the body could not help but rush to the dragon.

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