Womanizing Mage

Chapter 468: Biting is Mimi.

Long Yi is also extremely stunned, how to send a hug than to compare this little beautiful dragon. \\www.qb5, com / / Because Mitil Longli has been vented, five golden sharp dragons retracted into the five fingers, so hard hit into the arms of Long Yi.

Long Yi apparently did not realize that this impulse would be so big. He couldn’t help but step back two steps. He slammed Miltil’s little waist down on the ground, and his lips wiped her lips in an instant. The sweet and fragrant smell suddenly lingers around the lips.

With a tender body, Long Yi felt the amazing softness and elasticity of Mitil's body. She squeezed her **** on her chest and made him stunned. Although she had a bad temper, she could I really have nothing to say. Moreover, Mitil's golden scales do not want the dragon to imagine that it is hard, but soft and warm, it should be its own dragon scale illusion.

For a long time, Long Yi felt that Mitil did not seem to have returned to God, so he enjoyed it for a while, and the big hand was extremely unscrupulously explored from her waist to the full hips, gently squatting and elastic.

Suddenly, Mitil started from the arms of the dragon, and her face was a blush, which formed a strong contrast with the gold armor on her body.

As soon as the dragon turned over, the black scorpion looked at Mitty extremely, his fingers touched his lips, and smiled and said: "If you want to kiss, why bother?"

Although Mitter is tempered, it is definitely an innocent female tyrannosaurus. Has it been thousands of years old and has never talked about love? It is reasonable to say that she should have found a good one to start brewing the next generation, but her dragon first dragon is not a fake, and the dragons who are similar to her are basically repaired by her, so although she is a dragon girl Beauty is like a flower, but the dragon youths only need to listen to the object as soon as she can hide far away. It is because of her feelings that the world has been blank, and she has tasted love from the end.

"I didn't, it was you sneak attack." Mitty blushes, some anger, and her eyes look to the little tiger sitting on the side of the fur, just that this despicable thing hit her noble **** On the top, she was not able to see the dragon force for a moment.

Hey... sneak attack? Long Yi looked at Xiao San, who had nothing to happen. He secretly snickered in his heart. This kid has his style, probably for a long time without eating meat. Specialize in meaty places.

"You don't have to make excuses any more. There is nothing wrong with sending your arms. Wow. Let's start by saying hello." Long avoided the few lines of Mitil's Jin Mang, and wowed.

Mitil had ever suffered such a big loss. I was wronged in my heart, and I was too cheap to say that I was not. I was really mad at her. I couldn’t solve the hatred of my heart without peeling off this guy.

Mitil’s golden light flashed, and the body shape was turned into a hundred-meter dragon. The dragon’s strongest attack state can only reach its peak when it is in its original shape.

When the dragon looked at the deformation of Mitil, he knew how powerful the dragon's original power was. Since it is the first to be strong. He appeared in the sky above Mitil in a flash of his body, and he wanted to ride on the gourd to conquer her.

But the strength of Mitty is not comparable to her brother, Grucia. In the younger generation of the dragon, she could hardly find her opponent, which is one of the reasons why she has always been blind to other dragon youths.

Long Yi was just close to Mitil. Then I encountered the powerful twisting energy of the surrounding, and I was going to fall and fly back. How can Kmitier, as he wishes, swept a huge golden dragon tail with violent power, and formed a vacuum energy field because the speed and strength reached the limit, and the things of a hundred meters were rolled up and instantly The smashing was smashed, and it was the end of the hill that was razed to the ground.

The dragon was soaring and flirting, and a long-prepared compression thunder magic ball was thrown over, and then the seven-color magical gas, like a beautiful rainbow, slammed against the scales of Mitil's throat.

Mitil's huge dragon body rolled through the air, and the compressed mine magic ball encountered strong resistance and exploded at the periphery, which could not hurt her, and the dragon's magical gas met Mitty spout. A huge bit of dragon's breath.

The dragon's interest is the essence of the dragon's body, which can produce explosive energy. The magic of the seven-series magic fusion, the mutual gram, the power is increasing, breaking the defense.

The dragon's inner strength and spiritual body, with a momentum of no return, rushed into the dragon's breath, and the colorful magical gas was actually splitting the violent dragon's breath, directly hitting the throat of Mitil. Reverse scales.

The dragon has a reverse scale, but it touches the dead, but the dragon's inverse scale is also the only weakness of the dragon, and it is the weakest place for defense and magic.

The smoldering sparks splashed, and the dragon and the tiger slammed, but it was Mitil who avoided the scales on the occasion of the millennium. The colorful magic slashed under the counter-scale, opened a thin mouth, and there was a **** oozing. come out.

Mitchell was hurt by the most despised human being, and she was furious because the dragon had violated her dignity as a dragon.

The dragon's body was lightning-like, and the dragon was firmly held. The power of the violent squeezing the body of the dragon, and it seemed that his internal organs seemed to be crushed into a group, and the tyrannical dragon was deterred as a play.

The dragon is burning in the lungs. From the head to the soles of the feet, it is entangled in the air. If the ordinary people have already become a pile of minced meat under the pressure of such a huge force, the dragon is a bite. Putting all internal forces out, the spirit began to attack the sea of ​​consciousness of Mitil.

The strength of Long Yi’s spirit is so strong that even Mitil did not dare to face his front, and the dragon body that was wrapped under the distraction could not help but loose. Long Yi just wanted to take the opportunity to get out, but Mitil discovered that he had tried his best to let Long.

"Don't you use it so hard?" The dragon was secretly stunned, and the fire was together, and the spirit was turned into a fine spirit of a thousand needles to Mitil.

"Oh..." Mitil felt only a huge tingling in the depths of his soul. He couldn't help but scream, rolling the dragon into the air, madly getting tighter.

The dragon was almost never mad, and the tyrannosaurus was crazy enough to start the madness. He had already released the water. If he tried his best, he had a variety of ways to break through and hurt her, just think this Although she is a bit rude, her straightforward character is still his stomach.

Long Yi was mad by Mitil, and he had a big mouth, and the fire was biting to the dragon's belly that wrapped his face regardless of the three seven twenty-one.

This bite actually worked, and Mitil was shocked, and the coiled dragon body was loose.

At this time, Xiaosan has turned into an attacking posture and is about to launch an attack on Mitil.

Mitty twirled in the air for two laps, and the golden light flashed back to the human form. Her right hand was on her chest, her face was red and faint, and the spirit was embarrassed because of a little innovation.

When the dragon saw Mitty grabbed the towering chest, his mind was flashing, and he could not help but blurt out: "I just bite your chest?"

Mitil's eyebrows were vertical, looking at the eyes of Long Yi and hate and anger. The place where he bite was her chest. It was not very strong after it was turned into a dragon shape, but the feeling came when it became human. The right breast is numb and painful.

The dragon couldn't help but want to laugh, but he was still smart and no longer spoke.

Mitil calmed down, and the blind man looked at the little tiger who had swollen n times. His face flashed a strange look. She hesitatedly asked, "Is this a bright sacred beast? Then you are in the magical forest. The man who is with my sister, do you have a bright card?"

When the dragon smashed, Mitty apparently said that it was catkins, but the catkins were born in the magical forest, and asked: "Do you know catkins? How could she be your sister?"

"I haven't seen her. I only heard about the elders talking to my father. As for why she is my sister, your pig's head won't think for yourself." Mitty gave up the lesson. In fact, she also noticed that she couldn’t hold down the hard bones of the dragon. Now there is a step with the catkins, which is down the stairs.

"The mother of the catkins is your aunt?" Long Yi thought for a while, according to Liu Xu, the mother of the catkins is the princess of the Shenlong family, and Mitchell said that her father is the father, then she is also a princess. The mother who wants to come to the present, the dragon king and the catkins should be brothers and sisters or sisters.

"I don't know if you are stupid enough. I remember that my aunt was very painful when I was a child. I often took me out to play..." Mitil's eyes were a little confusing, and she did not realize that the object she had just told her was fierce. Fighted and bite on her Mimi.

"So, do you know if the mother and father of the catkins are still alive?" Long Yi asked, trying to help Liu Liu ask, how she said her friend.

"It should still be alive. They were imprisoned by the elders at the two ends of the dragon's forbidden land. They were punished by the cones of the heart every day. They wanted them to give up each other. But for thousands of years, they still did not regret it and never gave up. Mitty said with some sadness, although she could not understand why her aunt would fall in love with the demon dragon, but her heart was touched by their unyielding love, and even imagined that one day they could meet such a love. If the other party does not exist in the family rules, then she still loves without hesitation.

Still alive, Long Yixin is happy, I want to come to Liuxue to know that this news will be very happy. Thinking for a while, Long Yi suddenly said: "Little mother, do you want to see the catkins?"

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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