Womanizing Mage

Chapter 479: Who hurt the fairy?

The dragon that was so refreshing and flying for nine days was also shocked by Nalan’s sudden intrusion into the moon. For a moment, he did not know how to respond. \\\\www. qВ5, c0m\\ and Lolly still swayed from the small head, the mind was caught in the **, actually did not notice the arrival of Nalan.

"You...you..." Nalan was so irritated by the scenes of this singer that he was breathing like a blazing fire, and he was so eager to hold the door frame and couldn't speak.

At this time, Little Loli realized what it was, and the Jiaotu suddenly became stiff. The big guy in the spit and turned around and looked at it. The corner of the mouth was still stuck with a few bright sparkling silver silk, and the two words could be summarized.

"Sister, I..." Little Lorraine licked her mouth with a small hand, and the citron was a little numb due to long-term agitation.

"You are not going out soon." Nalan hated the month, but her heart was annoyed but her body was soft.

"Don't go out." Although Xiaoli was in the majesty of her sister, she couldn't manage so much at this time, and she got up and shrunk in the back of Longyi, and she vomited her tongue.

Nalan’s bite and teeth came in and wanted to pull her sister. It’s not all jealous. It’s not jealous and can’t be said. Although she was prepared to serve her husband with her sister, it’s so complicated.

At this time, Long Yi also came back to God. Some of the reactions of Nalan were like the moon. In the past, Nalan had been sleeping with him with him. He said that Xiao Loli is her sister, and should not be jealous. He pulled Nalan into his arms, and kissed her lips no matter what.

The little Lolita naughtyly opened the magic shower on the wall, and the thin water poured out and drenched the two.

Nalan’s kiss on Longyi’s kiss was not immune at all, and his body weakened softly as his tongue dexterously entered her mouth. Ren Longyi made a fuss.

Nowadays, Long Yi does not endlessly, and while she kisses Nalan, she removes her soaked clothes. After a while, the two will be honest.

Nalan’s body can be different from the little loli’s green. The long-term development of Longyi has already made her body mature and charming, and the white and full-bodied ** is full of elasticity, and the snowy hips are quite attractive. The swaying people under the hot breath are also quite capable, and the melodious and melodious people make a big animal.

Nalan’s hands were held on the wall of the white marble, and the snowy hips were raised high. And Long Yi stood behind him and sprinted, and the waves waved his hips for a while. Let the soul of the swaying dragons fly out like a woman. Nalan is like a leader in the month.

Xiao Loli stared at Long Yi and Nalan as a real knife in front of her in the live **** palace. There was a blank in her mind, but her eyes were not staring at the action of Long Yi. It seemed that it was really Shocked. Of course, the stunned one can stop a little Loli, because Nalan is closed at the end of the door when entering the bathroom, the scene inside is really cut by the glass. From the beginning of the small Lori's mouth burst to Nalan's behind-the-scenes sprint. She can't imagine that men and women can be lascivious like this, so it seems that last night at the sea and the dragon's adult ceremony is more than an appetizer.

Spring is rampant. After one shot, it was impossible to clean up. Long Yi did not take the red pellets of Xiao Loli, but pulled the water from the outside glass. One dragon fights two phoenixes, and a small **** shouts out to help out, can imagine how intense this men and women fight.

For a long time, the dragon slammed the sweat and was so tired that even the toes were not willing to move. Nalan was lying in the tub with the moon and the glass, but the little Loli was unable to eat and finally ran out.

"French, you are a big bad guy, you can take it cheaply." Nalan was faintly blinded in the middle of the month, and the teeth were biting on the chest.

"Cheap does not give me the account of who accounted for it." Long Yi proudly sneered, the big hand gently kneaded on the two women's **.

Nalan is like a moon, and Long Yi is saying so. Who is not allowed to pay for it? She is somewhat unclear. She just feels so complicated when she sees the intimate things like dreams and dragons. Is it because dreams are my own sisters? Although the rules of the mainland are the 15th party of the women, there are many girls who marry less than fifteen. She has to wait until Nalan is like a dream, so that she can touch her because she wants to have more possession. Dragon for a while?

Long Yiben also has this question, but he did not ask for an exit. The woman's mind is changeable. Some small emotional changes always fluctuate with the mood, which is not very worrying.

Perhaps it was through the service of the dragon one, and Nalan, like the moon and the glaze, soon became close. For the origin of the glaze, she saw that Longyi did not want to say more and was smart.


Starry summer nights suddenly suddenly between the clouds, the lightning and thunder, the downpour of the rain, the temperature becomes very cool, this time it is really raining, not the power of the magician.

On the balcony of Nalan’s palace, Nalong sat quietly watching the heavy rain outside. At this time, it was late at night. Nalan’s moon and glass were tossed by the dragon for a long time. When they whispered, they fell asleep.

The rainy night township, in such a rainy late night, always makes people feel a touch of sadness, and Long Yi’s mood is more complicated, his soul and body have already fully integrated into the world, so The mad dragon empire has become his root. Some people who miss it always have a face of a majestic father, Ximen Fury, who loves his mother-in-law, and is also a friend of Murong Bo, and he is waiting for him. His wife, Nangong Xiang, has been away for nearly two years. I really feel sorry for her.

With a slight sigh, the dragon went to the back of the chair and picked up the bottle on the table. Qianlong Qianlong poured two, muttering: "Unfortunately, Nalan's Promise wine has been drunk, no It’s hard to brew the elves’ flowers."

As the saying goes, from the insufficiency of luxury, from the luxury to the martyrdom, drinking the top wines such as flowers and sea spirits, and then drinking these wines that can only be used as beverages are not so good.

Suddenly, a crane whispered from the fine rain, let the dragon stand up.

"White feather? Is there anything wrong with wood smoke?" Long Yi didn't think much, the whole bottom of the foot was not in the rainy night of thick ink, but the spirit of the beast was full, and the white feather was no exception. Just now, it was anxious. And sadness, so the first thought of Longyi was that the wood contained smoke.

In the direction of the Heming, Long Yi moved to the peak and searched for the shape of the wooden cigarette.

After searching for a long time on the beach, Long Yi finally felt the aura of Bai Yu on the deserted beach. He flashed a few, and people flashed like ghosts.

I saw that White Feather was opening its huge wings, and the pointed cockroaches were constantly fiddling with it, and it was lying under the wings, lying on the wings, and screaming from time to time.

"Smoke..." The dragon and the liver and gallbladder cracked, shouting and flashing under the wings of Bai Yu, calling for the name of the smoke.

It was only when Long Yi helped the figure to look at it, but he couldn’t help but find that the woman who was in a coma was not a wooden smoke, but a fairy who was the best of the time.

"How could it be her? How could she become like this?" Long murmured, although the fairy was smudged, the face was like gold paper, and there was bloodshot bleeding in the seven, but Longyi knew that he had never admit his mistake. .

At this time, Long Yi also refused to think so much. The large hand held her vest and sent the warm internal force to the past to probe and heal. According to his preliminary estimation, the soul of the fairy was greatly damaged. Signs.

"A good and powerful mental power, who has this ability to hurt her like this?" Long Yi pumped back, has determined that the fairy is caused by a spiritual attack, but the spirit of the fairy is very strong, and he and she After handing over, she couldn't hurt her at all. According to this, the person who hurt her is not much stronger than herself.

The dragon picked up the fairy, and the enchantment propped up. A flashing body set foot on the back of the white feather and said: "White feather, take us back."

Bai Yu is psychic. It seems to be very trusting to Long Yi. He heard that his wings are flying high. The speed is really like a rocket. In the blink of an eye, he will arrive at the Cuiyan Pavilion.

The dragon picked up the fairy and entered the room with wooden smoke. The room was dark and lacquered. Obviously, the wooden cigarettes went out and the work was still coming back.

Putting the fairy on the big bed, Long Yi was waiting to lift her stained clothing, and the tie that stopped her hand on her chest hesitated and shrunk back. After all, the fairy is not woody, she hurts like this. The child can't be in danger, isn't it? Although he is very happy to appreciate the noble ** of the mysterious woman.

After pondering for a while, Long Yi went out and called a girl who met the Cuiyan Pavilion to change clothes for the fairy.

This girl knows the relationship between Longyi and the woody cigarettes. When she hits it, she will make jokes and make troubles. By the way, the girl will change her clothes and laugh out. Ye is really bold enough, but the boss is not bringing other women back. If you don’t want to bribe me, I have to make a small report."

The dragon was awkward and surprised: "Don't you know her? She is not living with your boss every day?"

"No, I have never seen her. When the boss is alone, there is no other person to live with her." The girl said with surprise.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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