Womanizing Mage

Chapter 480: Secret room murder

After a sigh of relief, I touched the nose and let the girl retreat. He went to the big bed and the sly fairy who was still in a coma. It seems that this woman is mysterious. I am afraid that no one except the wood smoke will know her. The existence of it. Www, qВ5, com

As for the identity of the woody smoke and the fairy, the dragon did not want to pursue it, but could not find it. The Skynet intelligence agency traced the wood smoke for several years, but did not dig up some practical information. She was in the ten Years ago, it appeared in the vast mainland. With abundant funds, Lirenfang, a feminine store that has attracted countless ladies and beautiful ladies, has been created. In just a few years, Lirenfang has been opened all over the mainland. a corner.

The fairy singer appeared even more abruptly. No one had seen her before the change of the Nalan empire regime. Skynet did not have her little information, but I don’t know why I always gave myself a strong impression every time I saw her. Familiarity, but afterwards I think it is always inexplicable.

"I hope that you are friends and non-enemy." Long Yi said to himself, he had to be careful about what he couldn't grasp, and the wood was the first woman to make him feel that he didn't know where to start. The relationship between him and her is even more ignorant of how to define, lover? friend? Or the enemy of the last know?

For a long time, Long Yi suddenly had new questions. Why did Bai Yu follow the fairy instead of the wood? Unless it is smoky, there is another possibility that white feathers are simply the magical pets of the fairy, not the woody smoke, because it is better to think that the fairy charm and the white feathers will be more suitable. .

Suddenly, the stunned fairy suddenly frowned and groaned. His face is paler. The sweat beads of the forehead beans rolled down, and the body swayed with a shudder, and anyone who saw it could feel the pain she was suffering at the moment.

In the heart of the dragon, a pity, a fingertip toward her eyebrows. A strong mental input enters to ease the pain she suffers.

The fairy beak bites and squeaks, and suddenly stretches out the jade hand and grabs the hand of the dragon, struggling to sit up. When the dragon saw it, she held her body and lifted her up.

Hey, a spurt of blood spurted from the mouth of the fairy, and a little bit of white quilt on the moon. Just like blooming plum blossoms in the snow. Desolation and beauty.

The dragon was taken aback and the soul was affected by the creation. More serious than he imagined. When the next dragon enters a strong internal force to protect the heart of the fairy. The finger counted in her chest and abdomen.

Gradually, the fairy's body calmed down, and her eyelids moved openly and effortlessly. The beauty that once was so noble and unattractive has been bleak, but the fluctuating tenacity in the meantime is still the same.

Seeing the concern of Long Yi, the fairy eyes fluctuated a bit, and they pulled out a smile with difficulty. They said: "The opposite wall... The magic light on the wall is the organ, you... you hold the lamp holder left. Turn three turns... then turn right three times and take me into the secret room inside."

Long Yi heard the words and picked up the fairy. Use her method to turn the lamp holder on the wall. The walls slide silently to both sides. I remember the last time he saw that woody cigarettes came out from inside.

Inside is a long ladder leading to the ground. There are magic lights on both sides. At the end of the ladder, there are several closed stone rooms. Long Yi opened the stone room in the middle of the middle according to the instructions of the fairy. There is nothing but a stone lamp in the stone.

Long Yi will sit on the stone platform while sitting on the fairy. When I saw the complicated mysterious lines on the stone platform, the black scorpion flashed a glimmer of light. If he did not read it wrong, the stone platform was engraved with an extremely complicated magical array with a circular groove. . I want to come up with something like the energy stone that starts the magic array.

"Thank you, Ximen Yu. Go out, I am going to use a secret method to heal. If you see a cigarette, then I can tell her truthfully." The fairy looks like this on the stone platform. A lot, talking a lot has slipped a lot.

Long Yi glanced at the stone room and smiled. "Then I will not bother you. You will heal it slowly. This soul is not a joke."

"Thank you for your concern." said the fairy. I closed my eyes to myself. There was a faint purple smoke on the body. Rotating around her spiritually.

Long Yi stared at the fairy, and picked up the corner of his mouth. He turned and stepped out of the stone room.

Just at the moment when the stone room door was closed, the dragon suddenly heard the whisper of the fairy: "Be careful of the Pope."

The dragon is a god, is it because the Pope’s Pope has hurt the fairy? Unless the light **** is still attached to Charles's body, the only way to explain who has this strength is seriously hurting the fairy, but the light **** does not say that he can not attach for a long time.

What about the body?

"Strange, you have to find a fairy to ask." Long Yi can not bother to disturb the fairy. I opened the stone room according to the method I had just entered, but found that the door of this stone room could not be opened anyway.

"When it was the three caves of the Rex Rabbit, I really left a hand for me." The dragon scorpion shimmered with the light, and it felt that the city of this fairy was not as good as the wood, and it was really a matter of gathering.

The scorpion fairy in the stone room lifted the purple fog on his body when he left, and the jade hand swayed. A glistening stone appeared in her hand. She put the stone in the groove below her. Put, the mysterious pattern engraved on this stone bench is like a live time, and it flows in an instant. In the stone room, thousands of Huaguang suddenly burst out, and when Huaguang disappeared. The fairy on the stone platform has disappeared.


Strange, it’s really weird. The dragon flew to the palace while frowning, and he thought about everything from beginning to end. He felt that he had caught something, but suddenly he lost his mind at every crucial moment. It was too much for him. Depressed.

What do you mean by the fairy when he told him to be careful with the Pope? Doesn't the light **** say that Charles will be at least ten years after calm? It’s hard that he is farting.

When Longyi returned to the palace, he found that all the lights in the palace were lit up. He remembered that the entire palace was immersed in his sleep when he left.

"Young Master, you are back." When the dragon entered the palace, the glass rose from the sofa and greeted.

The dragon glared at the soft waist of the glass and asked: "What happened? Moon?"

"Young Master, the month said that when you see you coming back, you will be allowed to go to the hall, saying that it is a bright church where people are in a hurry to find you." Liu Li said.

Come to him again? When the dragon was in the middle of his heart, he couldn't help but think of the stone room and the fairy. If it was difficult for her to be tested so quickly, the dragon would be alert and aware of it. In any case, be careful.

When I arrived at the hall, the few sacrifices were sent by Charles to come to him, saying that there was a very hot thing, so that he must go to the Guangming Church as soon as possible.

When Long Yi didn't think too much, he decided to take a trip to the bright church. He had to figure out what was going on. Even if the Pope is to be disadvantaged to him, it is not difficult to get away from him with his current strength, unless the Pope is still attached to the Light God.

The rain still lingers in the air, looking far away in the air, the bright and sleek cathedral in the storm is a bit sinister under the rendering of several white magic lights.

In the same stone room, the same Charles, but the soul is different. This is the first feeling that Long Yi saw after seeing Charles. Obviously, the light **** attached to Charles has already withdrawn from the power. The ontology has been returned to Charles.

The stone door was closed, and Charles stared at the dragon without saying a word, but the atmosphere gradually became tense.

"Charles, I really can't help with the inheritance of the gods. You should go to the light of God." Long Yi made an opening statement with almost the same words from the last arrival.

There was a touch of cold smile on the corner of Charles's mouth. The mighty momentum suddenly rushed through the stone chamber, and as the storm broke into the standing dragon.

The dragon was tight, and the smile on his face was bright. He knew that the ten years of calm that Guangming said had become a bad check. Does Charles look like a calm master?

After the dragon did not retreat, he did not dodge, and the smile became more and more splendid, but the breath in the scorpion turned cold, and the hard life caught the momentum of Charles.

"Anyone who tries to control my guy will let him pay a heavy price. Ximenyu will return the light to the gods and tell the secret of the gods. Otherwise, not only will you die, but your Ximen family will still have All the people who are related to you can't escape the sanction of the Church of Light." Charles laughed loudly and his expression was crazy.

The dragon was suddenly tightened, his fists were tightly gripped, and the murderous murder was inevitable. Charles wanted to kill him, but at this time, Longyi wanted to kill a person more than ever, because the situation had turned sharply, as long as Charles Living, then he and his people will not have a good life.

"Do you think you can kill me?" Long laughed mockingly, did a French **** want to kill him? Charles did not underestimate him.

"I can't kill you alone, if you go to them again?" Charles's words just fell, and the white corners of the four corners of the stone room flashed, and four old men with their own water and dark magical robe appeared.

The latest version: ,,,,,,,,,,

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