July 04, 2018

- Can you let me in?

- No! Without knowing who you are I won't let you in.

Old Wang has his reservation. Recently there have been a lot of news on robberies when there are only children and elders at home. Although he did practice a bit of martial arts when he was younger, it was not enough against an armed assailant.

Yang Tian shakes his head and smiled lightly, then produced a small jade with dragon inscription:

- Have elder ever seen this before?

The doors instantly swung open producing an elderly man around 70 years old. He was extremely agitated with slightly teary eyes:

- Benefactor, our clan has long waited for you. I am called Wang Lu, but you can call me Old Wang. Come, please come in.

- I am called Yang Tian.

Upon entering the house, there was a picture a an old daoist with fluttering white hair and a sword on his back in the center of the living room. The old man emits a mystical feeling. Who could the person in the picture be if not Yang Tian?

Feeling a bit melancholic, Yang Tian entered and sat opposite of Old Wang, placing have the half-jade on the table. Old Wang's hands were quivering as he took the half-jade. He then produce a similar looking piece of half-jade around his neck. The two piece matched together perfectly to form a complete piece of jade. He said, choking up a little bit:

- Finally, my clan has waited several hundred years, I am the 6th generation. But the wait is finally over.

- I am not your benefactor, just his junior. I've brought this jade to ask for you help with some stuff.

- No, the ancestors were very clear. Anyone with the jade is our clan's benefactor. Anything you wish, we will provide. Not only that, the ancestor also deposited a large amount of money, I'm not sure how much, from selling all those artifacts.

Yang Tian was elated as he knew he had not misjudged the Wang's clan ancestor. He no longer felt the need for any formality and said:

- That's for later, in the mean time there's something I need to ask of you. I've followed my master to cultivate in the mountains since young. Now that I've descend, I know nothing of the outside world aside the language. I need Old Wang's help in this.

- Not a problem. You can stay here and I will teach you everything.

- I've troubled you.

- No trouble at all, it is what must be done.

Seeing that Old Wang was hesitating to say something, Yang Tian immediately said:

- Old Wang, if you anything just ask. If I can help you I definitely will.

Thinking of his granddaughter, Old Wang resolved to say it out loud:

- I've heard the family story that your master is a true immortal, with mystical abilities that can solve anything. My granddaughter has been ill since birth without any explanation. We have tried many medicine, visited many doctors throughout the world to no avail. You are His disciple, can you try treating her?

He himself doesn't believe too much in fairies and immortals. He only thinks that Yang Tian's master is a descendant of that person. However, even if there's only a sliver of hope, he will not let it pass by.

- Thank you very much.

Old Wang's granddaughter is currently studying abroad and temporary couldn't come home. Yang Tian stayed at the Wang Clan's resident and started to learn about the modern Earth: Culture, manners, social structure, rules of each social classes, skills such as driving, using the computer. Old Wang was very passionate in teaching and Yang Tian was a very earnest students so it didn't take long until he mastered everything. He felt that the current world is amazing, completely different from before and very worth exploring. He especially likes computers and internet. He felt that these were fantastic inventions. Every night he would surf the net looking for new information, reading good novels and of course learning modern flirting techniques. After all, this is a different world and he couldn't use any of his old techniques. This is his current goal and frankly the dream of every men in the world: To build  a massive harem.

Within a year, Yang Tian have studied all that Old Wang has to offer. He decided it was time to move out. Although Old Wang insisted that he stayed, Yang Tian was very determined to leave. The money that the Wang ancestor left behind was massive - around 30 billions USD, that would be around 300 billions in domestic money. Although Yang Tian initially refused, Old Wang was very firm on giving him the money. They end up with giving him 10 billions USD, converted to 100 billions in domestic money and split in 100 different accounts. With Old Wang's help, everything went smoothly.

Yang Tian is technically 20 years old now, just in time for university. With a little money for identification papers, he forged a new idenity and became a student at Qing Hua university - the largest university in the province and one of three most famous in the country. He felt amazed, in this world every can be solve with money.

Saying goodbye to Old Wang, Yang Tian moved to a newly bought mansion. After all, he had money so might as well enjoy life a bit. Not only that, he calculated that he would have many wives in the future and they would need a big house. This mansion only cost 100 millions, he can expand it as much as he likes. The house was fully furnished and with Old Wang's connection, he set up state of the arts computer system and internet connection. Yang Tian felt that video games and movies in this world is great, and not enjoying them would be a waste.

University classes start a week after he finished moving. Yang Tian was very excited, his new life was very worth looking forward to.

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