July 04, 2018

Yang Tian woke up early,  groomed himself, had breakfast and then drove to the university. He didn't care too much in his mode of transportation so he only bought a regular car.  When he drove by a supermarket, he remembered Old Wang reminding him that going to class would require books and stationary. As it was still early, he figures that he wouldn't be late even if he went shopping a bit. After buying some notebooks and stationary, he left and saw that a crowd was forming around a passed out person. Yang Tian lightly shake his head - people are the all the same, when someone is in need they all gathered to watch and discuss without having thoughts of helping. This only hinders efforts to help people. However it was just a thought and he quickly walk pass as he usually doesn't want extra troubles. In the meantime, there's a young man rushing through and yelling:

- Everyone move out of the way, I'm a doctor.

Upon hearing the shout, everyone scattered. This time, Yang Tian saw the face of the patient. After Yang Tian broke through, he immediately sealed his spiritual sense. The reason was quite simple, a True Immortal spiritual sense is very powerful. If it was not sealed, it could encompass the entire globe and not a single tree, blades of grass or even insects could escape it. If Yang Tian uses it, what is there left of this world to explore?

Yang Tian was startled and cursed himself after looking at the patient. He almost ignored a great beauty. At first glance, this woman looks around 20 years old with perfect features, long hair, skin white as snow, curvy features but slightly modest breasts. Although she looked very pale, she still gave people a youthful feeling. At this point he stops criticizing the spectators as he himself wanted to get closer for good look. However, looking at her pale face and spastic body, her conditioin seems very dangerous. The young self-proclaimed doctor quickly examined her body and muttered:

- It seems like a stroke but something feels off. I just can't put my finger on it.

- She was poisoned.

At this point, Yang Tian commented after sliding through the crowd to get closer. He used his spiritual senses to examined the body and immediately came to this conclusion. The young man was taken aback and looked up to ask:

- How do you know?

- I've dabbled in medicine, I can try to treat her.

- No, you haven't even examine her. Just looking from afar and taking a guess is not reliable. Not only that, I feel like if her spasm will get worse if we touch her. The ambulance is on its way so we shouldn't do anything reckless.

Yang Tian shakes his head. He is a stranger so it was natural that no one trust him. However if they wait for the ambulance it will definitely be too late. He found out that her situation is very precarious. With a flick of a finger, Yang Tian sends a strand of spiritual qi into her body. But this couldn't cure her, it only stops the poison from acting up.

He then backed off as her life was no longer in danger and  with the spiritual qi, he could easily find her later. Now he needed to head to class as he was late. Being late on your first day is never a good thing. The young man was taken aback, he didn't think Yang Tian would leave just after one or two exchange. Even so he was not too bothered as saving a life comes first.

After more than 10 minutes, a middle age woman came and cried out:

- Xue-er! What has happened? Didn't you say you were just coming in to shop? Why are you passed out? Wake up, don't scare your mother like this.

The young man quickly stopped the woman and tried to console her:

- Aunty, you shouldn't touch her, it might cause her more harm.

The middle age woman turned to him and ask:

- Who are you? Why is my daughter like this?

The middle age woman quickly takes out here cellphone and punch in a bunch of number:

- Qin Zheng come quickly, Xue-er is in trouble.

Yang Tian was unaware of the events that went on after he left as he approaches a large gate. On top of the gates are large letters: "Qing Hua University". He muttered:

- Finally made it.

As per Old Wang's instruction, Yang Tian followed the guide map in to main all to find the principle's office. Approaching the door with the letters "Principle" in front of it, Yang Tian knocked. Someone said on the other side:

- Come in.

Stepping into the room, Yang Tian saw a middle age man about 50 years old with few gray hairs on his head, wearing a pair of glass, sitting behind a desk, On the desk are stacks of paper. The elderly gentleman took off his glass and looks at Yang Tian:

- And you are?

Yang Tian bowed and responded:

- I'm here on the recommendation of Old Wang for studying.

- Ah! You are the one Teacher Wang talked about. Your admission is already taken care off. You are now a sophomore in the Finance major. Now go to room B31 for your first lesson and general information.

- Thank you very much.

After saying goodbye to the principle, Yang Tian went to find room B31. He was excited to experience his life a university student.

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