July 04, 2018

After walking into class, Yang Tian briefly scanned the room and settled on the empty row in the back. This position offered him a clear view of the whole classroom. Of all the women in the class, there are 2-3 beauties but they were still far from his standards. Feeling discouraged, he was about to take a nap until a voice rang beside him:

- Are you a transferred students? I never saw you last year.

- Yes, I've just transferred. My name is Yang Tian.

- Well met, I'm Li Pan. People usually calls me Panzi. Let me introduce you to the other people of our class.

Panzi didn't wait for Yang Tian to say yes before he drags him around class and introduces him to everyone.

- Everyone, this is Yang Tian. He just transferred here. He looks very dashing doesn't he?

- Ah, yes very dashing.

- It's nice to meet you Yang Tian, I'm Li Zheng.

- Yang Tian, I'm called Wang Xiao Mei, can we be friends?

- Stop it Xiao Mei, you are always there when hot guys are around.  

Yang Tian smiles to himself: "So this is a classroom atmosphere, very interesting". In the past he was hellbent on revenge so he was a loner, never had any friends or romantic relationships. Now he has to make up for it.

- Good to meet you all, I'm Yang Tian, a recently transferred student. I hope  to get along with all of you.

Suddenly a big man with skimpy clothing and tattoos walks by and shouts:

- All of you piss off. If there are any more noises I'll beat the lot of you.

Gazing at the man, Yang Tian was about to say something before Li Pan quickly drags him back to his seat. He seems very afraid of the big guy.

- Don't mess with him, his father is the Deputy Director of the police department - a very powerful man. He also studies martial arts since he was young and he's very aggressive - he'll beat you up if he doesn't like what you say. Even the professors turn a blind eye to this guy.

Yang Tian scowled, he wasn't afraid but he also doesn't want to get into a fight on the first day. This is how society works, even in a democracy power is accumulated in the hands of those with money and strength. If he broke your arm and you sued him, he would just compensate and not lose a hair on his head. If you keep suing he can use money to erase his crimes and even put you in jail. The strong wins and the weak loses, it's the same on every world. 

Yang Tian looks at Li Pan and smiles:

- I wasn't planning on picking trouble with him. But is he always that mad?

- Not really, I think he's irritated because he hasn't seen Qin Xue.

- Qin Xue?

- You don't even know Qin Xue? Not surprising, you just recently transferred. Let me give you all the details.

When mentioning Qin Xue, Li Pan is especially excited. Yang Tian thought that she might be a great beauty. This Li Pan could be a similar soul to himself that he could share his thoughts on beautiful women.

- Our school have 3 great beauties. First it's Zhao Wu Xin, she's a recent graduate but was kept as a professor due to her excellent academic records. She very kind and nice but she keeps her distant from men. There are many professors and students pursuing her but they were all turned down.

- Next up is Mu Wu Han, a junior. Be it her face or body, they are all perfect. She is from a poor family but she really dislike rich young master. In this day and age everyone value wealth so someone like her is hard to find. She is the goddess inside many male students and many have tried to pursue so much so that you can make a line from here to the entrance.

- The last person is Qin Xue who is in our class. Her beauty is not up for debate, not only that, her family is rich, she has a vivacious and cute personality. However her friends are all female and men doesn't dare go near her.

After speaking to this point, Li Pan sigh and looks at the big guy ahead:

- He's Zhou Xue Min. The first time he saw Qin Xue he was head over heels and proclaimed that anyone dare approach her would not be able to come to school. Everyone is afraid of him because he's a mad man. I know Qin Xue dislike him but no one dare approach her.

- I think he's mad now because of Qin Xue. In the summer he tried to invite her out but she always turned her down. Not seeing her today - the first day of class, it's no wonder he's mad.

Before Yang Tian could say anything, Li Pan regained his breath and excitedly say:

Zhao Wu Xin, although she's 24 this year - 4 years older than us, we still have a chance - a small chance but a chance nonetheless.

Yang Tian smiled, this Li Pan has substance and could be a very good friend indeed. However if these women are as beautiful as he says, then Yang Tian can't possibly leave them to him. Friends are friends but when it comes to women there's no giving up.

Looking at an excited Li Pan, Yang Tian said:

- With so many beauties, do you have any pictures? I'd like to see them.

Li Pan's eyes immediate shine and he slap Yang Tian on the back:

- You've come to the right place, I have all the information on beauties inside and outside of the school, even some exclusive pictures. However it will cost you but I'll give you a first time free sample - only the normal pictures of course.

Looking at Li Pan, Yang Tian feels a headache coming. This guy isn't just a pervert but also a shrewd businessman. However if what he said is true, Yang Tian will need his service in the future. After all he will need a lot of information when pursuing beautiful women.

Li Pan grabbed his backpack from under his tables. It's a big backpack but very organized with a lot of compartment inside. He then produced 3 stacks of pictures. Yang Tian looks through the first 2 stacks labelled Mu Wu Han and Zhao Wu Xin. They are definitely great beauties. Yang Tian feels excited because he has establish his targets. Looking at the third stack labelled Qin Xue, Yang Tian was taken aback: "It's her".

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