While it was past 8am, and Yang Tian was still immersed in his wonderful dream, he received a call from Li Pan. Yang Tian was annoyed but picked up anyway:

- Panzi, this better be important or you'll get it.

Li Pan was confused on the other side, did this person take something wrong this morning?

- I'm just calling to ask why you aren't you coming to class.

- I'm busy, furthermore I will be taking a lot of time off from now on so you don't need to call me for this.

Li Pan smiled and said:

- Well that's a shame because instructor Zhao has finished her work and has returned. She will even be in our homeroom today.

Yang Tian was surprised, instructor Zhao had returned. It couldn't be could it? He was just dreaming about her and now she's back.

- That's fine, if she's back then we will have a chance to meet.

Li Pan was surprised, wasn't this guy always going on about wanting to meet instructor Zhao? Li Pan saw that Yang Tian wasn't interested in chatting so he hung up. Yang Tian looked at the clock, saw that it was still early and was about to returned to sleep until his phone rang again. He was about to pick up the phone and cursed before he saw that it was Qin Xue. Yang Tian happily picked up:

- Qin Xue, is there something wrong? You're calling me so early, have you missed me already?

Qin Xue giggled, she was used to Yang Tian teasing her and said:

- That's fantastic, I felt that it was a bit stuffy in the hospital. Moving back home would be very good for you.

Qin Xue was silent then said worryingly:

- So are you still going to visit me?

She was genuinely worried that when she moved back home, Yang Tian wasn't going to visit her anymore. She didn't know if she liked him or not but she always felt very happy when he was around. Although she was still beautiful, she was now a paraplegic and the doctor said she would be wheelchair bound her entire life. Could Yang Tian still like her? 

Hearing the worry in her voice, Yang Tian said:

- If you are well and don't need to be hospitalized then I won't need to visit you anymore.

Qin Xue voice was a bit shaken:

- Is that so, I...

Not waiting for her to finish her sentence, Yang Tian continued:

- I'll visit your house next time and I'll even take you out to play, how does that sound?

Qin Xue was very happy when she heard that and suddenly realized that Yang Tian was teasing her. She sullenly said:

Yang Tian laughed loudly with a smug face. It looks like Qin Xue was starting to notice him. They talked for a bit then hung up. Yang Tian sighed, it looks like things were starting to go well.

He had been reading some web novels and was feeling a bit jealous of the main characters in those story. They would meet beauties on the street; if they save an old man, his granddaughter would be a beauty. They would walk into a police station and meet a beautiful police officer, walk into a hospital and meet a beautiful doctor, heck even if they were on a plane, they stewardess would always be beauties. Not only that, they would only need to interact with the women a few times and the women would be head over heels for them. Yang Tian only wanted scream "Liar" at them. He had spent countless hours and efforts, only to get some progress. Beauties were not that easy get.

Yang Tian himself didn't even notice that his and Ye Ling's story was very similar to something that would only happen in a novel. 90% of the people playing MMO are male and of the few women that were online, there were only a handful of beauties. Not only did he meet a beauty, he met a great beauty online. This guy was truly the pot calling the kettle black.

As Yang Tian was cursing the web novel MC, time flew by. Soon he changed his clothes and drove to Old Wang's house.

Old Wang was sitting in his living room. Opposite him was a beauty, her age around 24-25. She had a slim figure, her face were white as a ghost, making her looked very cold. He icy face made her looked like a very intricate icy statue. Her eyes were bright and very intelligent.  This is Old Wang's granddaughter, Wang Yun.

Wang Yun sat quietly for a moment, then turned to ask Old Wang:

- Grandfather, why is that person not here yet?

Old Wang dropped his newspaper and looked at her:

- He didn't say when he was coming when we talked yesterday. He could be coming in the afternoon. If you are tired Yun-er, you can go and rest. I'll call you when he comes.

Wang Yun nodded, she was indeed very tired. Although there was a heater on, she still felt very cold. At this moment, the doorbell rang and Old Wang happily went to get it.

Yang Tian bowed when he saw Old Wang making him even happier:

- Yang Tian, come in.

Yang Tian stepped into the house and saw Wang Yun but he still maintained a calm face. He thought: "Old Wang didn't tell me that his granddaughter is also a great beauty. She seems to be the ice old beauty type. This will be challenging".

Yang Tian went and sat next to the frigid beauty, opposite Old Wang. He looked and at her and said:

- Is she the patient?

Old Wang sighed and said with a sorrowful face:

- This is my granddaughter, her name is Wang Yun. She had an unknown illness since birth that made her body naturally cold. Not only that, the illness with get worst once every couple of month making her life a living hell. Lately the intervals of her episode have been shortened. I've took her to many countries for treatment but we have been unsuccessful. Because of this, her parents are constantly working to make money for her diagnostic and treatment.

He stopped and looked at Yang Tian:

- Yang Tian, I know that you are very talented, I hope you can cure her. But I would understand if you can't. After all, many of the best doctors have also tried and failed.

Yang Tian looked at Old Wang, then at Wang Yun:

- Miss Wang, can you please show me your hand?

Wang Yun said icily:

- You can call me Wang Yun.

- This frigid qi can even block spiritual sense. It was there since birth and acts up once every couple of months and the interval is getting shorter. I can't be...

Yang Tian immediately send a strand of spiritual qi inside her body and expelled the frigid qi so that his spiritual senses can penetrate her body. Inside, he saw a frozen core, much like the gold core of a Golden Core cultivator but this was a bit bigger. Yang Tian muttered:

- So it was the case.

Hearing what Yang Tian said, Old Wang turned joyful - could he have actually found the cause, and asked:

- You've found the cause of her illness?

Yang Tian nodded and looked at Wang Yun:

- When you were receiving treatment, do you always felt that some sort of frigid qi was in your stomach?

Wang Yun was startled:

- Yes, a lot of places found that with their high tech equipment but the frigid qi was too strong and they were afraid messing with it could harm my life so they never touched it. Do you know what it is?

Wang Yun couldn't help but get her hopes up. She initially agreed to let Yang Tian examined her only because Old Wang requested it. But Yang Tian only need to feel her pulse before saying very accurate diagnostic so this made her hopeful.

Yang Tian said:

- You were born with a very special body type. It's called the Frigid Ice Spiritual Body.

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