July 14, 2018

As Yang Tian said that, Old Wang and Wang Yun's faces changed. Although they didn't know what Frigid Ice Spiritual Body meant, it didn't sound good. Yang Tian started to explain:

- The Frigid Ice Spiritual Body is a heaven born body and it is extremely rare, one in a hundred billion people have it. Your body contained the frigid qi since you were born and it will act up after certain time. The frigid qi would grow stronger after each episode.

- The qi in your body has already coalesced into a frigid core. The fact that your are still alive is a miracle.

- However, according to my calculation, you won't live past the next episode and you probably have 2 weeks until it happens.

There were certain things that Yang Tian didn't say. Like you could use a special method to control the frigid qi and use it to cultivate a top grade ice elemental technique. After refining the qi 9 times, the body would evolve to the Frigid Ice Divine Body. The frigid qi at that point would be very powerful and can freeze anything in existence, even space or the soul itself. Yang Tian had face a person with the Frigid Ice Spiritual Body before and even though that person had only reached 5th refinement, Yang Tian still had plenty of trouble.

Spiritual medicine that were used to control the Frigid Ice Spiritual Body was very rare. Not only that, their medicinal power was too powerful. Far more than what Wang Yun - a person who had never cultivated, can handle. Yang Tian also thought about using his Chaotic Force to suppress the frigid qi but he immediately thought otherwise. Immortal qi or high grade spiritual qi were very powerful and could not be inserted her body or it would wreak havoc since it was not her own qi. However if her cultivation reached Foundation Establishment then things were much easier.

Yang Tian frowned and was deep in thought. There was another solution but he was definitely sure that Wang Yun would not agree to it.

Looking at Yang Tian's serious face, the two Wangs were a bit despondent:

- Yang Tian, is there no way to cure Xiao Yun?

- The frigid qi is very powerful and her body have endured it over a long time. This have severely weakened her body. Although I have a medicine that can fix it, the materials are far too rare and her body could not handle the medicinal power anyways.

Old Wang seemed to have gotten older and tears welled up in his eyes. Wang Yun came and sat next to him, hold his hands to comfort him. She was already told by the doctors that it was terminal and had already prepared her mental state. However, hearing Yang Tian said that, she still couldn't bear it and her eyes also welled up. She still had unfulfilled dreams and she has yet to be filial to her parents or experience romance.

Yang Tian continued:

- Her situation is dire but there's one last option.

Old Wang was overjoyed:

- Quickly tell me, I will go with it at any cost.

Yang Tian decisively stopped him:

- Don't get too excited, since you've helped me immensely, I'll do my best to help you.

- The frigid qi in her body is too strong and it can't be controlled through medicine. So the only option is to find a male with the Nine Solar Spiritual Body to couple with her while using a special dharmic technique to control the frigid qi. However the Nine Solar Spiritual Body is also as rare as he Ice Spiritual Body.

Old Wang just  got his hopes up but it was once again extinguished. With something that rare, how could he find it in 2 weeks. Yang Tian continued:

- If you have questions about Cultivators, they are people blessed with talent to step on the path of immortal cultivation and possessed the power to rend the heaven and split the earth.

After that, Yang Tian flicked his fingers to produced several fireballs to demonstrate. Old Wang and Wang Yun was frightened, this looked like something straight out of a movie. But now they have seen it themselves. So Yang Tian was a Cultivator, no wonder the ancestor said that person was an immortal. To an ordinary person, a Cultivator might as well be an immortal.

Old Wang looked at Yang Tian:

- Can you help us find someone like that?

Yang Tian looked at Wang Yun:

- It's possible but everything is dependent on her.

Wang Yun looked at Old Wang:

- Grandpa, I can't just sleep with someone I don't know.

Old Wang stroke her hair:

- Yun-er, relationship and be build up later. Didn't you say that you have many unfulfilled dreams?

Wang Yun was tearing up:

- I...

Old Wang was right, while she had prepared mentally to die, it was a different thing when facing it. She still had a lot she wanted to do. But sleeping with someone she didn't know was also something she couldn't do.

Yang Tian didn't continue and said to the two:

- When you have decided, call me. There would be no problems within the next 2 weeks.

Before he became a True Immortal, Yang Tian cultivated the Primordial Yang Force, a high grade spiritual qi, it's one step above the Nine Solar Force and comparable to the Frigid Ice Force produced by the Frigid Ice Divine Body. Of course, he didn't say this to avoid awkwardness with everybody.

Yang Tian didn't want it this way. He wouldn't mind sleeping with beautiful women but it should be on the basis of love and consent. He understood her feelings. After a while, Yang Tian bode farewell to them. They needed a lot of time to discuss and decide with Wang Yun's parent.

Yang Tian got to his car and felt that the previous situation was a bit tense. He resolved to got the Qin Xue's house since he always felt at peace when he was with her. He drove to the destination and saw an expensive looking car in entrance. A young and handsome man stepped off the car and behind him was 2 bodyguards. The three then proceed into the Qin resident.

Yang Tian frowned, would that be his love rival? He was going to follow until his car was stopped by security.

- Who are you?

Yang Tian looked at the man and though: "The Qin clan sure is big, even their private residence have a gate guard". He answered patiently:

- I have a meeting with Qin Xue.

The security guard didn't buy it:

- People who are here for young miss Qin are many, what proof do you have?

Yang Tian was taken aback, he didn't know that Qin Xue had so many suitors. That's fine in his book, the more that come, the more that he would handle. He then took our his phone and called her:

- I'm in front of your house but was stop by security.

Qin Xue was overjoyed:

- You are here already, I'll sent someone out, just wait there.

Yang Tian stowed away his phone and chatted with the guard. The security guard saw that Yang Tian wasn't like the other young master that looked down on people plus his car didn't looked too expensive, so he happily responded.

5 minutes later, Qin Zheng came out and said:

- Yang Tian, you are here. I've wanted to see you again since our last meeting.

Yang Tian was cordial:

- Here I was afraid that I was going to bother you.

Although he was pleasant on the outside, inside he was cursing: "Wanting to meet me? Didn't you want to 'take care' of me the last time?". Yang Tian didn't know that after their meeting, the elder from the Qin clan came back to report to the Patriarch. The Patriarch listened and cancelled the engagement leading to the other clan's displeasure and they have been making it difficult on the Qin clan. Qin Zheng wanted to go look for Yang Tian a couple of times but was stopped as the clan was afraid that they would annoy Yang Tian. The person that came here today was Li Jiang - her former fiance. He came to demand that they continue with the engagement. With Yang Tian here to help them, how could Qin Zheng not be pleased?

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