Yang Tian felt that this was a very tricky situation. If she was any regular assassin, he would just kill her and be done with it. However she's a beauty and he couldn't find it in himself to kill her.

If he could conquer her, then that would be the optimal outcome but Yang Tian wasn't too confident in this. Who was he joking, handling a regular beauty was tough enough, let alone a trained assassin like her who only thought of killing every day.

He squeezed every last drop of his brain power but still no good solution. Yang Tian resigned himself to untying her. As if reaching her limit, as soon as Yang Tian undid the ropes, the female assassin slumped down on the floor.

Yang Tian brought her to the room next to his and gave her a recovery pill. He then used his spiritual power to heal all her external wounds.

The female assassin's cultivation is only at late Qi Refining, on par with one of the Eighteen General. It seems that she reached the vice leader position thanks to her mastery of poison.

After putting a seal on her body to make sure she couldn't wander about, Yang Tian returned to his room. He hadn't logged in to his game in 3 days and was dying to know what the situation was.

As he logged in and opened his inbox, Yang Tian received more than 1000 messages from many people on the server:

- Di Wang, there's a skirmish in the Medicine Valley, come quick.

- Di Wang, server 19 had taken over the 3 central area and are preparing to attack us.

- Di Wang, why haven't you shown up yet, our castle is overrun and we are going to be taken prisoner.

- Yang Tian, come to battleground quickly.

- Message me when you are online.

Yang Tian replied to her:

- Sorry, I'm back. I had an emergency the pass couple of days.

Looking at the chat window, he saw that Ye Ling wasn't online. Yang Tian tried to salvage the situation. He was strong but not enough to single-handedly win against the other servers. Yang Tian then typed in world chat:

- Everyone, I've returned, it's time to retaliate and take back our territory.

There were many immediate response:

- Di Wang, you are finally back.

- Come quickly to the Imperial City, it's our only remaining fortress.


Yang Tian immediately went to the Imperial City. He also bought around 100 thousand in-game cash. If Zhao Wu Xin knew what he was doing, her eyes would be wide in anger. She had to scramble left and right to borrow just a couple of thousand. On the other hand, Yang Tian casually spent 100 thousand just for some in game siege warfare.

After he got his in-game cash, Yang Tian immediately bought a level 5 buff for the entire server. The buff had 5 level, corresponding to an increase in 10, 30, 50, 80 and 100% in power. The buff that Yang Tian bought doubled the strength of the entire server during this war.

The buff was potent but it was very expensive and was a one item use only. Virtually no one was willing to spend that kind of money. Yang Tian was different, money was the only thing he wasn't lacking in. The entire server's morale soared after receiving the buff. They endured wave after wave of attack:

- Ma Chao, Zhang Han, come to the northern gate fast.

- Archer classes, shoot down their cavalry.

- Anyone with explosive defusal skill come to the West gate. They're wall breaching explosive placed 30m from the gate itself.


Yang Tian didn't join the battle, he was charge of a very important mission. He was the one guarding the City Lord Jade. If the jade was taken then they would lose.

Occasionally, there were stealth classes able to sneak pass the defense but they were quickly taken care of by Yang Tian. Yang Tian was the first person in game who had manage to complete the advancement quest to get the Sword God class. Each class had 3 advancement class, as the case of Yang Tian's class, it was Swordsman, Sword Saint and Sword God.

Not only that, he was wearing a Divine-class set item. Of course, this was him paying to win, a regular free-to-play character would need 10 years before they can farm up these items. As the person who was in charge of the jade, his power rose by 20% so without a raid group of at least 100 people, getting the jade was impossible.

10 minutes later, the assault was over. Yang Tian had successfully led the defense and the entire server was celebrating on world chat. Yang Tian felt the momentum rising and was an excellent opportunity to advance. He issued an announcement to the entire server:

- We are going to assault the surrounding cities. We are going to use our 3 cities/day quota today.

- I also want to announce some prizes: The guild that has the most kills will get 10000 gold, 2nd would get 9000, up to 10th place would get 1000. Anyone successfully retrieve the City Lord Jade would get a 2000 gold individual prize.

Seeing Yang Tian's announcement, the entire server rejoiced. They had been suppressed for too long and it wasn't because they were weak. Every time they enter into pvp, there were interference from other servers. According to the rules of the game, a "helper" server cannot contribute more than 10% of the total amount of forces of the server they are helping. However, each time they participated, the opponent server would have 4 or 5 other servers backing them which boosted their power by 50%. It was truly unbearable.

With Yang Tian's return today and his contribution of the 100% buff, they didn't have anymore worries. With Yang Tian's 1v100 strength - which is a around a quarter of a server's power, he can lead them to victory.

Looking at the soaring morale of the server through that world chat, Yang Tian smiled and felt that his tactic was very effective. He then ordered:

- We are going to take over Lin An City, get ready to move out.

Each time a siege happens, the order must be placed 10 minutes in advance so the opposition can muster a defense. One of the drawback of going on the offensive is that another server can try to take over one of their cities. Then they'll be stuck between a rock and hard place.

Yang Tian knew this and spend 1000 gold to buy the Cease Fire order which guarantees a one hour protection against attacks. After that he issued the siege order and command everyone to gather at different strategic position.

The other server was in a riot at this moment and someone tried to calm them down:

- No need to panic, since Di Wang had returned, we are not their match. We can just abandon the city and wait until they expend their resources then strike back.

This was the City Lord and he held the command jade. He didn't want to abandon the city because losing the City Lord title would deprive him of many of its benefits. However Yang Tian's server was too strong at the moment and he didn't have a choice.

Yang Tian had his alts on the other server and after seeing the exchange, he sneered: "Wait until we run out of resources, then you might as well wait until the end of time".

Their offensive went on very smoothly. The other side offer little resistance and their reinforcement from the other server didn't try very hard. No one resurrected after being kill so it looked like they were willing to wait until Yang Tian's server ran out of steam.

Seeing that Ye Ling was still offline, Yang Tian shook his head and smiled helplessly:

- If she knew I organized an offensive without her, she will probably never forgive me.

Yang Tian turned of his computer since it was getting late and he wanted to grab some dinner. It was lucky that Su Yue Er wasn't no longer cooking. If not, Yang Tian would definitely not leave his room.

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