After leaving his room, Yang Tian sensed that the female assassin has awoken and entered the other room:

- You are awake.

The woman still didn't answer and only stared at Yang Tian. He didn't miss an opportunity to toot his own horn and thought: "She's looking at me so passionately, can it be that she had already fallen for me? This is so similar to a novel, one only needed to show his manliness and the women would fall. This is such a burden, I might be a bit shameless but I'm definitely not an easy person. But since she's that beautiful, I'll have to grit my teeth and bear with it then".

Yang Tian looked at the assassin with a wide grin:

- No need to look at me like that. Even if you fancy me, we still need a bit of time to let our love grow.

The assassin was speechless, her eyes twitch in disgust. Yang Tian made her felt chills down her back. Even though she was beautiful, they way he was looking at her made her felt nauseous. This guy clearly had some bad intentions with her.

- So what did you want? Why aren't you saying anything.

The female assassin let out a few grunt and looked very annoyed. Yang Tian suddenly understood, it seemed she was silenced. He approach and unsealed her voice and she let out a couple cough and said:

- Yang Tian, please take off the seal on my body. I have no intention of assassinating you.

- No intention of assassinating me? So who were you trying poison when you got here?

- I just wanted to test you a little bit.

Yang Tian feigned surprise:

- Test me? For what?

The female assassin continued with her story:

- I have a grudge with the leader of Heaven Slayer and was looking for a helper. Of course I had to see if you have the qualification to aid me.

Yang Tian nodded:

- So it's something like that. I can help you but what's in it for me?

- First, you must nullify the seal on my body then we can talk.

- Fine.

He then unseal her and she stood up. However since she has been tied down for days, her body went weak and she fell towards Yang Tian.

Since she took the initiative, Yang Tian didn't reject the offer and caught her. Feeling two soft bumps touching his body, Yang Tian took advantage to enjoy the feeling. The female assassin had a dangerous light in her eyes and produced a small bug in her hands. It then proceeded to fly towards Yang Tian's neck.

Surprisingly, Yang Tian moved his hands behind his back and caught the bug. He then let go of the assassin and smiled:

- Poisonous bug, you think this is effective on me?

The assassin had a surprised look and was immediately frightful. This poisonous bug was one of her hidden cards. It can even penetrate the defensive qi of a Foundation Establishment stage expert. However, the bug was now neatly in Yang Tian's hand.

- No need to be shocked, this thing might be able to threaten a Foundation Establishment cultivator but it's useless against me.

The assassin quickly regained her calm and with a cold face she said:

- When did you find out?

Yang Tian shook his head:

- Your acting sucks and the reason you gave felt way too forced. The information you have on me is next to nothing yet you were willing to come all this way to try to work with me? Besides, I have some techniques to tell if you are lying or not.

Yang Tian was telling the truth, most assassins have trained so that when they lied, their heartbeat would not change. However what Yang Tian observed was not the heartbeat but the soul. This method allowed him the see the different fluctuations of the soul and from that he could tell if someone is lying or not.

Of course, he would never use it under normal circumstances as this method was far to much of a hassle. With his current spiritual sense, if he used something like this often, he would be able to sense all the souls in the world. It was headache inducing, much like Professor X using the Cerebral in that X-men film that Yang Tian watched.

The female assassin nodded, her face was still calm:

- I have underestimated you. Don't get too full of yourself just yet, the leader will avenge me.

- You really talk like those villains in the movies. Most of the time they never got any vengeance. Besides, I've never said that I was going to kill you.

The assassin was once again surprised:

- You are letting me go?

Yang Tian nodded:

- Go back and tell your leader to stop coming here. My patient is limited.

The assassin was very cautious, she left the room slowly as if Yang Tian was going to striker her from behind. After she exited the room, she vanished in the dark of the night. Yang Tian shook his head:

- No need to rush like that. And here I was wanting to invite you to dinner.

Truthfully Yang Tian didn't want to keep her. He didn't want the Heaven Slayer to come looking for him again. He was a very busy man and had no time to look for their headquarters. The female assassin was pretty but Yang Tian didn't have any ideas on her.

Assassins are always highly trained and was dedicated to completing their mission. There were some that even severed all emotion and was willing to die for their mission, these are the so called death soldier. She wasn't one of those but Yang Tian had no confidence in courting her. It would be easier to tell him to go kill 1000 Other-world Devil.

Yang Tian had some dinner and returned home. He was going to continue his gaming session until he received a text message from Ye Ling.

- Yang Tian, why did you attack the city without me?

Yang Tian shook his head, she had not disappoint him.

- You weren't online so how could I call you?

- Couldn't you have call me through the phone? Huh? You just don't want to call me do you? You already got some new woman and you've already forgotten about me.

Yang Tian was sweating bullets. He knew that she was just teasing him but there were implications in her words. Could she be trying to give him the green light?

- Of course not. We were besiege by the other server so I just organized an offensive to up the morale. Everything just happened to fast so I didn't get the chance to call you. How could I forget my lovely Ling-er.

The other side was silent for a while, as if trying to come up with something to say. Ye Ling finally responded after 5 minutes:

- Humph, who's your Ling-er. But you were right I am lovely. I'll forgive you this time but if don't call me the next time, I'm not going to pay attention to you anymore.

This little lady sure was feisty.

- I got it, I'll be sure to call you next time.

- As long as you understand. I have some business to tend to, see you later.

- See you later.

After Ye Ling hung up, Yang Tian did some more quest. After a while, he saw that it was 10pm and went to bed.

In the middle of his sleep, Yang Tian felt someone outside his door. He couldn't help but be cautious: "Is it another assassin? It seems that if I don't kill off some of these guys, they would think that I'm a vegetarian".

Yang Tian was considered a great devil once after massacring tens of thousands of people belonging to a certain clan. He wouldn't hesitate to the same to these people.

His spiritual sense was let loose and he saw a person in white outside, it was Su Yue Er. She had a very sheepish look. Her hands alternate between trying to knock the door and putting it down again.

Yang Tian had a thoughtful look:

- It looks like she wanted to confess to me in the dark of the night. But she's too shy so she couldn't bring herself to knock on the door. This won't do, how could a man like me let her take charge.

Yang Tian then immediately went to open the door.

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