Seeing Yang Tian's quick refusal, Hao Nan hurriedly said:

- You still haven't heard what I want to ask you. Why are you so fast to refuse?

Yang Tian shook his head:

- If it is favor then it is definitely not something good.

- That's not always the case. Who knows, you might get something that you want.

- Oh so you know what I want? You can give that to me?

Hao Nan clammed up. With Yang Tian's current position, anything that he desired was not something Hao Nan could get in the first place. Finally he gritted his teeth and left.

Seeing Hao Nan leaving, Yang Tian planned to find Li Pan but he suddenly remembered that guy was probably being sweet on his girl. If he appeared then would it count as cock-blocking?

After thinking for a moment, Yang Tian left to find a bar. He found a pretty large bar and entered. Yang Tian sat at a corner table to observe everything. There were many scantily clad female servers bringing alcohol to and from. Occasionally they'd stop at a table to talk briefly and then led each other outside. It wasn't even dark yet, could it be...

- Is this the fabled express train1? Truly one must see it to believe it. Very interesting indeed.

After observing for a while, Yang Tian didn't find an appropriate target. He had been in contact with may beauties so his standard had become very high. Although there were some women that weren't bad, the were sorely lacking when compared to Qin Xue and the others.

Feeling dejected, as Yang Tian was about to leave, a group of students walked in. Yang Tian saw a familiar figure and was surprised. There was a woman in that group that Yang Tian had met before - it was Bai Jie.

- Since it's like this, I might as well stick around to look after her. Can't let her be taken advantage of by some seedy people.

That's what he said out loud but who knows what he was thinking in side. These students chose a table near Yang Tian's position and began to order alcohol. Although Bai Jie looked inconspicuous, she was seemingly the leader of this group of students. Every word, every action from her elicit a cheer from the students. A younger female student said:

- Sister Bai Jie, are you saying that you've found your Prince Charming?

- That's right. I'll tell you right now, he's not only handsome but also very skilled. That day he beat up dozens of thugs by himself.

Of course she wouldn't say that she was actually kidnapped by Hua Qi. She only said that she met a bunch of thugs and was helped out by Yang Tian. A young male student with a fierce look said disdainfully:

- I say, sister Bai Jie, although you like this person, you can't just exaggerate like that. That guy can beat up dozens of guys on his own? Did you think he was Superman?

- Du Xiong, don't say things that you don't know about. For someone like you, he only needs a finger to beat you up.

- Is that so? I wonder if sister Bai Jie would grant me the honor of meeting him? If you have to take you just at your words then it's a bit unbelievable.

Bai Jie clammed up. Aside from his name, she new next to nothing about that guy. How could she find and bring him here. The male student saw that and was very smug:

- You don't dare to call him here? I knew it, you are always only good at boasting. A useless person from your mouth can become a genius.

Seeing Yang Tian being called useless by someone, Bai Jie was furious:

- Who did you say was useless. Do dare repeat that?

The male student furiously stood up and pointed at Bai Jie:

- Bai Jie, don't think that I'm afraid of you just because your family have money. When I, Du Xiong went into jianghu, you were still at home driving your toy car. For someone that grew up in money like you, what's there to be proud of?

Yang Tian, who was still listening in, smack his lip a bit:

- Is this guys some sort of car enthusiast? His words seemingly have nothing to do with each other.

Bai Jie looked at Du Xiong with disdain:

- Funny isn't it? I don't recall ever inviting you to come with me. You guys wanted me to bring you here to hang out so I obliged. If you don't like it here then you can scram. One more thing, all the drinks you just ordered, they only cost about 10 thousand. I'm sure someone that's been indepedent since young like you can pay for all of that.

Du Xiong's vein were about to pop. Although he could still produce 10 thousand, this was his savings for a couple of months. Other male student quickly pulled Du Xiong to sit down and waved the white flag at Bai Jie:

- Sister Bai Jie, please don't be mad. Du Xiong is drunk so he's speaking nonsense. Don't take him on his words.

- Nonsense? I think he speaking out feelings that he had held inside for a long time. Du Xiong, you can piss off right now, I'll pay your bill this time. After this you better not come to me for any help.

Du Xiong had long pass his limit and ignoring all the other male student's pleading to stay, he stood up and left. Yang Tian's eyes were wide at this scene:

- It seemed that this is her true personality. Could it be that she was pretending the last time we met? Women are truly as deep as the ocean, I can never comprehend them.

As for Bai Jie's rich girl attitude, Yang Tian didn't feel annoyed by it. He had lived through a thousand years, what kind of temperament did he not see.

Du Xiong left and the students didn't pay any further attention to him and was eating and drinking merrily. Yang TIan didn't plan on showing himself, he initially felt that Du Xiong wasn't ordinary. However he didn't think that guy was a Venomancer, granted he was far below even that Wang Bao. Nevertheless if he attacked Bai Jie and the students, they still wouldn't stand a chance.

Bai Jie had the bracelet that Yang Tian gave her so she was bound to be fine. But since he was already here, how could he let Du Xiong do what he wants.

The group stayed there until 6pm before paying their bills and left. According to the time they were at the bar, Yang Tian surmised that they skipped class to go to this bar. Following the students out of the bar, Yang Tian didn't even need his spiritual sense to detect Du Xiong hiding in a house nearby.

After a bit of calculation, Yang Tian decided to let Du Xiong scare Bai Jie for a bit. After all, that rich girl attitude, it would be better to fix it. He also get a chance to play the hero rescuing the damsel in distress once again. Who knows, this time she might repaid him with her body.

Du Xiong was also very careful and didn't act yet. He waited until Bai Jie was alone before following her closely. Bai Jie had a bit too much to drink earlier, her vision blurred and her stomach felt bloated. She saw that no one was nearby and ducked into a small alleyway.

Yang Tian, who was observing from afar, let out chuckle:

- This little lady, if she knew that someone wanted to kill her, would she still be in any mood to relieve herself?

Seeing Bai Jie walking into the small alleyway, Du Xiong saw his chance and followed her in. Bai Jie chose a place behind a dumpster and was about to drop down before hearing a noise. She looked up and saw Du Xiong. She was initially startled but very quickly regained her composure:

- Du Xiong, why are you here? Could it be that you are here to apologize? There's no need, we are strangers after what happened today.

Du Xiong made a menacing smile:

- I didn't plan on any of that. You truly are the type of woman with big breast and no brain. Why don't you take a look at your current situation.

Bai Jie heard Du Xiong said that and couldn't help but examine her surrounding. She skipped school today so there's no driver picking her up. She tried to remain calm but her entire body couldn't help but shook:

- What do you want to do? I'm warning you, if anything happens to me, my father wouldn't let you off.

Du Xiong saw Bai Jie's shaken figure and was very pleased inside:

- Take a guess at what I'm about to do. You are very beautiful, with a good body to boot. I initially wanted to kill you just to satisfy my anger but I changed my mind. Raping then killing, this is also a first for me.

Bai Jie heard that and her face went pale. She turned around and ran. Du Xiong was chuckling and didn't immediately pursue. He knew that it was a dead end up ahead, she couldn't get away even if she ran. Du Xiong enjoyed seeing his prey in desperation the most. That way he gets immense satisfaction in killing them.


1. It's a slang for prostitution. There's also a slow train that's more expensive.

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