Bai Jie ran straight to then end of the alley and upon seeing the high wall at the end, she was lost in desperation. Du Xiong slowly approached and mocked her:

- Weren't you very overbearing earlier? Isn't having money a good thing? Why don't you ask it for help right now? Humph, it not for my master's warning that I shouldn't show off my powers before my cultivation reached greater completion, how could that pitiable amount off money bother me.

With her shaken body pressed up the wall, Bai Jie pointed at Du Xiong:

- Don't come any close, if not I'll fight back.

- Please do, I really want to see what you are made off. 

As he said that, Du Xiong raised his hand and wanted to grab her neck. In that moment, Bai Jie's bracelet shone brightly with a green light. Du Xiong felt as if he was hit by a car and his entire body slammed into an adjacent wall.

When Bai Jie was still confused about what happened, Yang Tian stepped out from the darkness and was smiling at her:

- No need to worry, he won't be able to do anything to you.

Bai Jie saw the person arriving was Yang Tian and dropped her purse then rushed to embrace him. She cried out loudly:

- Yang Tian, why did you show up so late? I was very scared and was so close to being violated by him.

Yang Tian was very used to this at this point. She patted her in comfort and muttered:

- Romantic novels are the way to go. Far better than that Li Pan.

At this point in time, Li Pan was embracing Li Wu at a place quite far away. He immediately sneezed and Li Wu asked caringly:

- What's wrong, did you catch a cold?

Li Pan shook his head:

- I'm fine, I bet that Yang Tian is bad mouthing me again.


Du Xiong was still in a daze and it took a moment for him to remembered what was happening. As he stood up, he saw Bai Jie hugging an unfamiliar man and was immediately on guard:

- Who are you? Why did you interfere with my affair?

Bai Jie heard Du Xiong's voice and was immediately spooked. She quickly hid behind Yang Tian. Turning around to calm her then Yang Tian looked at Du Xioing:

- Your master's words were very wise. If your skill isn't polished then don't go flaunting it around. You should've listened to him.

- You know of my master?

Yang Tian shook his head:

- A master that trained a trash like you, how would I know of him?

Du Xiong hearing Yang Tian insulting his master and was furious. Everything he had, everything he accomplished up until this point was because of his master. To him, his master was more of a parent to him than his real parent ever was. He pointed at Yang Tian and shouted:

- I'm warning you. Don't insult my master or don't blame me for being evil.

Yang Tian looked at him with disdain:

- If you could win against me, would you be so wordy?

Seeing his opponent looking down on him, Du Xiong was even more incensed. However from that previous exchange, he could tell that he wasn't Yang Tian's match. He backed off a couple of steps and said:

- I'll remember this today, we'll meet again soon enough.

As he said that, he turned to run away. Yang Tian said lazily:

- I didn't say that you can leave. No need to rush.

Immediately, it as if Du Xiong's entire body was crushed by a large boulder and he couldn't move an inch. Yang Tian led Bai Jie in front of him:

- Apologize to her, if she forgives you then I won't make it difficult on you.

Du Xiong stared wide eyes at both of them. He face was bright red and his eyes were also turning red. The frightening pressure that was on him made Du Xiong hard to breath. Bai Jie saw him like that and tugged on Yang Tian's arm:

- Just let him go. After all he didn't manage to do anything to me.

It seemed that although this girl was a bit arrogant, she still had an innocent heart. Yang Tian thought that but still shook his head:

- That won't do. We must teach him a lesson so he won't harm anyone else.

Du Xiong was already at his limit. He gritted his teeth and coughed out each work one by one:

- Bai, Bai Jie. I, I, I'm sorry.

As Du Xiong finished his sentence, he fell flat on the ground and passed out. Bai Jie was bit alarmed and held Yang Tian's hand tightly. He turned to comfort her:

- It's fine, he won't die from that. He'll wake up in a minute. It's getting late, let me bring you home.

Bai Jie heard that and was a bit calmer:

- Will he truly be ok?

- Don't you trust me?

Bai Jie quickly shook her head, how could she not trust Yang Tian. After the two left for a while, Du Xiong woke up from his stupor. His hands bawled up into fists to the point that his fingernails we digging into his skin, drawing blood:

- That motherfucker and that bitch. Soon enough I would have my revenge.

As he uttered those words, his skin turned bright red. His eyes were widen and strands of blood was popping up in them. He opened his mouth but no sound came out of it. His entire body suddenly combust and Du Xiong burned brightly. However the flame died down just as quickly as it started. The only thing that was left was a black ash pile and Du Xiong had vanished as if he never existed in the first place.

Yang Tian was already a far distance away and couldn't help but shook his head. This was something Du Xiong brought upon himself. If he didn't harbor thoughts of vengeance, he wouldn't have been burned by Yang Tian's Soulfire. You truly reap what you sow.

After being brought home by Yang Tian, Bai Jie's mental state had calmed significantly. She looked at Yang Tian and asked:

- How did you know I was in danger to save me? Could it be that you've been watching me all this time?

Yang Tian's face darkened, since when did he turn into one of those fabled stalkers?

- I think you've been watching too many movies, I was just coincidentally nearby. I saw that he was sneakily following you so I followed him to see what was happening.

Bai Jie was a bit disappointed:

- So that's how it was. Right, how are you so powerful? You just need to stare at him and Du Xiong was already on the ground. Not only that, what was the light that flung him away earlier? Are you some sort of super human?

Yang Tian was barraged with an array of questions and didn't know where to begin:

- I'll tell you when we have to time. It's getting late, you should go inside so your parents wouldn't worry.

Seeing Yang Tian wanting to leave, Bai Jie was very reluctant:

- Can you give me your phone number? I want to repay you somehow.

- There's no need to repay me for anything. Anyone in my stead would have done the same thing.

Bai Jie went slightly red and gritted her teeth:

- But I still want to see you again:

Yang Tian's stupidity was once again showing, he didn't understand the insinuation of her words. He only nodded:

- This is my phone number. When you need me just call. I'm currently living in Bei Jiang City and am just here for work. I'll return home tomorrow.

Bei Jiang got Yang Tian's phone number and was happy. However as soon as she heard that he was living, she felt sad again:

- So when can I see you again?

- When you want to see me just call. I'll appear in a flash. However you shouldn't continuously call me.

Knowing that Yang Tian was comforting her, Bai Jie smiled and said:

- I understand. Well, see you again.

- See you again.

After Bai Jie went inside, Yang Tian already got a text from her thanking him. He scratched his head:

- Why do I get the feeling that something is wrong. What did I do wrong?

After thinking for a long time and still coming up empty, Yang Tian gritted his teeth and called Li Pan for help. This guy was currently enjoying himself with Li Wu so Yang Tian had to call several time before he picked up with an annoyed tone:

- What is it?

Hearing the annoyance in his voice, Yang Tian reprimanded him:

- Panzi, you bastard. I've helped you so much and you dare not return my calls. Don't think I won't come back to the Li Clan...

Hearing him mentioning the Li Clan, Li Pan quickly said:

- So it's Yang Tian. I sorry, I didn't pay attention to who was calling. No need to get angry and break the peace between us. What did you call me for?

Yang Tian let out a cold sneer:

- It looks like you still your head on your shoulder. I have something to ask you...

Hearing Yang Tian retelling his story, Li Pan felt that he wanted to throw his phone on the ground. Li Wu, who was listening in on the side, also covered her mouth and laughed.

- Yang Tian, are you pretending to be dumb or are you actually that stupid?

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