Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 105

"Mr. Belen!"

Asking La Tier to call him, Belem immediately bowed his head, knowing he couldn't be fooled.

"Why do you do this?"

Ratil asked Belen.

"I really just went wrong. The hot spring room was indeed there, but now it is divided into two areas. It was originally a large hot spring room divided into two rooms for men and women. I didn't want to... and I don't know where you are. what."

Belen didn't say too much, he just felt a little embarrassed, after all, he also saw a little bit, although only a little bit.

"I knew that Mr. Belém was not like that."

"Well, I also believe in Mr. Belém!"

Both Latier and Laya nodded, they both knew what Belem was.

La Tier is very clear that Belem is the one who redeemed her and La Tis. From the disappearance of the slave mark to the present, this happy life is all because of Belem.

What kind of person Belen is, Latier has decided to believe it blindly.

Laya wanted to stay not only because of Antrina, but also because Belen saved herself she didn't know.

"It's great for you to believe it."

Seeing that the two girls didn't blame him, Belem was relieved, he didn't want Latier and Laya to be angry.

"So, Mr. Belen, have you seen it?"

Laya blinked her big bright eyes playfully, she looked curious about the baby, and her heart was a little nervous.

"A little bit... I only saw the back! And it's too foggy to see clearly!"

Belen spoke very seriously, as if swearing.

"Mr. Belém, let me tell you, Ratil's figure is better, her waist..."

"Laya! What are you talking nonsense! Shut up, don't talk nonsense!"

Hearing Laiya mentioning something secret, Latier's cheeks flushed instantly and immediately stretched her paw to Laiya.

Seeing that the second daughter suddenly made a fuss, Belen also became happy.

Such a day is really great!

Chapter 91: Vernie Andy Inz

Vernie Andy Inz

This is the name of the owner of the largest hotel in Yalesar.

Andy Inz is the largest hotel industry in the Empire, not only in Yarusal, but also in many cities in the Empire.

Verni is the successor of Andy Inz's generation. It has been a year since she came to Yalesar. Under her leadership, this hotel is also developing better and better.

As an inheritance of an industry, Verni is also a very powerful magister because she was the last student who graduated from Flozarno College.

Vernie was not the only heir in the family. She also had an older brother. However, the eldest brother didn't care about the family business, so Vernie had to do it.

Verni did not resist the inheritance of the hotel industry, but in comparison, she wanted to live as a magister.

Recently, things have changed a little bit.

The girl with two ponytails, Vernie, was sitting on a big bed in a big room, her eyes closed, not knowing what she was doing.

In fact, Vernie was thinking about one thing, thinking about one thing she had been caring about these past two days.

Who is that man?This is one thing Verney cares about, because that day, that guy said three words in her ear.

"Little Flower."

These three words are Vernie's nickname, her nickname during her college days, and only those guys in the college would call her by this name.

who can that be?

Vernie recalled that strange face, but she had no impression at all. Isn't it someone she knew?

Besides them, who would call her by this name?Obviously that person said it because he thought this title could shock her.

Who is it...

She recalled all the faces in her mind, but after all she could not find the person.

No matter what she thought, Vernie had no clue. Finally she decided to find the man herself. She opened her eyes and jumped out of the bed.

Since the other party lives in her hotel, it is not difficult to find out.

Vernie was dressed in casual clothes and skirts. She came to a hall and spoke plainly.

"Give me the information of the guests staying in the past few days, I want to check it."


The tall spectacle lady in professional attire on the side responded, then walked to the desk, picked up a pile of documents that had obviously been sorted out long ago, and handed it respectfully to Vernie.

Vernie took it with one hand, and then focused on the information of those customers. If she wanted to stay in her hotel, she had to fill in a lot of information, which could be described as very detailed.

After turning a few pages, Vernie saw pictures of several girls, the three girls who came out of the hot spring room before.


Vernie's gaze fell on Laya's portrait photo, because elves are relatively rare, so she was also attracted.

Immediately afterwards, Verney saw the name and head of another person, her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Belen Grean."

Vernie frowned slightly. She hadn't heard the name before. Could it be that although the other party was from the academy, he was not someone she knew, but she just heard her nickname by chance?

Although the possibility of this is not small, Verni felt that it was not the case.

That person must know himself!

Although she couldn't find a reason, Vernie felt that way.

That man gave her a strange feeling of both familiar and unfamiliar.

There is a person in the academy who knows each other, but Vernie can't recognize it after seeing her face. Such a person...

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