Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 106

Not without it!

Verni suddenly stood up from her seat, her beautiful eyes widened, her eyes full of disbelief.

"Could it be him!?"

The secretary suddenly stood up when she saw Vernie. She was also startled at the moment. Did she give the wrong information?

Vernie's eyes were slightly turbulent, and there was indeed such a person in her memory, a person who had never known his appearance and name during the academy.

"Is it him?"

At Flozarno College, only the few people in the student union know the information of students, but the people in the student union have the obligation to keep it confidential, so the rest can only know each other's identities based on contact.

Vernie was also a top student in the academy, and there was indeed a strange existence among the people she knew.

"Vernie, what's the matter?"

When the secretary saw Vernie who had stood up suddenly, she was startled. Is there something wrong with the information?

Vernie came back to her senses, she shook her head, then sat down, and looked at the man's portrait on the profile again.

Although it's not entirely certain now, Verni felt more and more that this was the case.

Vernie marked Belen's name, then stood up and handed the piece of paper to the secretary.

"Help me find the brand where this person lives."

The secretary took the document, her eyes fell on the circled "Belen Grean" name, she nodded, and then went to do it.

As soon as Vernie was about to walk out the door, she suddenly remembered something, and she turned her head.

"Prepare a carriage for me, I am going to the arena now."


Immediately afterwards, Vernie left the office, she walked out of the hotel, and in these few minutes, a large carriage was ready outside the hotel.

When she saw Vernie coming, the maid who had been waiting in the carriage opened the door and respectfully helped Vernie walk up.

But after Vernie walked up, she didn't close the door.

Verne looked calm, obviously not in a hurry, she tilted her legs, arms around her chest, and closed her eyes, as if waiting for someone.

After a while, a woman with purple hair walked out from behind the gate with a scabbard pinned to her waist, her beautiful face and some people passing by could not look away.

This woman is the drunk woman Belen met in the hot spring room.

After the purple-haired woman got into the carriage and sat down, the carriage closed the door and set off.

"Hoshina, you have been drinking too much in the last two days, right."

"Well, your wine is so good, how can you not drink more."

The purple-haired woman called Hoshina rubbed her eyes listlessly, as if she was still sleepy.

"Is the wine swordsmanship practiced like this?"

Vernie looked at Hoshina jokingly, but she knew the latter's power very well.

Seeing the scabbard around Hoshina's waist, Verni couldn't help thinking of that person. If it's about swordsmanship, maybe that person is more...

"Let's go to the arena, I want to see how powerful the "Witch" that has been rumored to be raging, is she playing today?"

"Well, I have bought information on the order of appearance."

"Vernie is really amazing!"

Chapter 92: Selling Wine for Money

After meeting Vernie that day, Belen was also surprised, surprised that the other party actually became the owner of this hotel.

At the beginning, the girl who liked to make noise had such a big industry, Belen did not respond for a while.

Belen knew that Vernie was not a member of the student council, so he definitely didn't know his name, but maybe the other party could guess that it was him. After all, everyone in that circle was familiar with each other.

However, it is acceptable to be guessed, at least this time the reason is not the same as the previous two.

Belen left early in the morning. This hotel is very safe. After all, that Vernie, who was a member of the school's discipline committee at the time, has a very clear temper.

Belem, who left the hotel, was looking for merchants, and finally started talking with them in a tavern.

However, it turned out to be unsatisfactory. It was not because Belem’s wine was not good, but because the wine was so good, the store began to wonder what the secret recipe was.

Belen couldn't say anything about this. It was useless to talk to people who didn't know the goods. He took a glass of wine and left the tavern.

These wines were bought from Socia. Although they were not comparable to the "ice cold", they were definitely very good wines.

"Hey, brother, can you taste that wine for me?"

Belen, who was about to get out of the tavern, stopped when he heard a voice coming from the side, and turned his head to look.

At a table, a middle-aged man was holding a wine glass in one hand, looking at him with a kind smile on his face.

Belen walked over and sat on the chair by the table. He opened the glass bottle, took two wine glasses, and poured the light blue liquid into it.

"Drink and see."

Belen pushed the glass over, and then he poured a glass for himself, drank it in one gulp, and breathed a cold breath in his mouth, which was already full of flavor.


After the middle-aged man took a sip, the whole person shivered, and he looked at the only light blue drink left in the glass with shock.

"Good wine!"

The middle-aged man couldn't help but exclaimed. He didn't care what was in the wine. He looked at Belem with bright eyes, as if he had seen a treasure.

"My friend, you want to sell this bar! Why don't you sell me? I want as much as I want. The price is not a problem! I am a wine merchant!"

"no problem."

Ever since, the two went to the commercial car and started negotiating the money.

"Price, you open."

The middle-aged man patted his chest proudly, obviously he had accepted the wine.

So Belen began to estimate in his heart, he bought the wine but spent a lot of money, in the end he was certain.

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