Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Travel In Another World Chapter 107

The final transaction price was three times the price of the wine that Belém bought at the time. It was originally intended to be bargained, but the other party unexpectedly accepted it easily.

The wines Socia gave were not popular, it could be said that they were unique, and it was a chance to get these wines from her.

Because of this, Belen also hid two jars of wine privately, after all, he would be reluctant to let go of such a good wine once sold out.

"Oh, by the way, do you know the Sattar Arena? Tonight, a guy called "Witch" will appear. Many nobles will go to see it. I am going to join in the fun too. This is the news for you. Ha, I can only get squeezed outside when I go late."

The wine merchant drove his carriage and kindly told Belem the news in the carriage.


Belen blinked, and the other party's words aroused his interest, and he naturally knew the arena, after all, it was not the first time to come.

The Sattar Arena is a very famous place in Yarushal, where people who are imprisoned are all guilty of crimes. Every day, some criminals are released to fight for life and death.

Belem had also been to that place. It was a place where the people below were struggling to survive, and the place above was a joke, a place where light and darkness are distinct.

Or maybe, light and darkness are reversed.

He happened to return to Belém near the hotel, and his eyes fell on a carriage that was obviously only available to rich people.

When a curtain was lifted, Belen's eyes fell on the face of a purple-haired woman through the mirror, and the latter seemed to feel something at this moment, turning his head to look away.

The eyes of the two met in the air at this moment, and at the next moment they staggered, and the carriage drove in the other direction.

"that person…"

In the carriage, Hoshina retracted her gaze, and she frowned slightly, always feeling like she had seen it somewhere, but she had no impression.

"Hoshina, what's wrong?"

Verni also noticed Xingnai's contemplative expression, and asked curiously now.

"I just saw a person, and I feel like I've seen it somewhere. It should be my illusion."

Hoshina finally judged this way. There was such a person in his impression, but he did not have a clear memory. Maybe the other person was the public face?

Vernie blinked, turned her head and looked through the window. A figure in black walked into the hotel, her heart beat.

It's him?

She glanced at Hoshina again, suddenly a little embarrassed, she remembered that that day, that guy came out of Hoshina's hot spring room.

"Ahem, maybe, meet up."

Vernie turned her head away, and said something that made Hinay puzzled somewhat noncommittal.

On the other side, Belem returned to the hotel, and when he was about to enter the door, Latier, Latis and Laya also happened to be back, wearing casual dresses.

"Mr. Belen?"

"Well, I'm going out tonight, so stay here."

Belen also became interested in the Sattar Arena, so he decided to take a look tonight.

"Where is Mr. Belém going?"

"Sattar Arena, it seems that there will be some very powerful characters tonight, I am a little interested, I want to see it."

Hearing this, Latier and Laya looked at each other, then smiled at Belem.

"Mr. Belém, let us go too! We have all gone to this hotel!"

After hearing this, Belen was startled, and he hesitated in his heart. He didn't really want the three girls to go there.

That place was not a place for children to fight, but a real arena for blood, the scene was bloody enough to be disgusting.

"No, you can't go there."

Belén refused Latier and Laya's request, and this was the first refusal.


La Tier was also startled. It was the first time she saw Belen rejected them. She was not angry, but was a little surprised.

"That place is not suitable for you to go."

Belen said seriously.

After thinking about it for a while, La Tier probably knew what Belen was worried about, but she smiled and shook her head.

"Mr. Belém, I have seen a lot of bad scenes."

Hearing these words, Belen remembered the identity of the girl, but he still hesitated.

"We're just going to have a look, but there will be nothing wrong with Mr. Belém by the side! Mr. Belém treats us like children too!"

"That's it!"

Latiel and Laiya both laughed and pulled Belem's sleeves on both sides, blinking playfully, and finally came to Yarusal. They would be unwilling to see such a famous place without witnessing them in person.

Being watched by two fiery eyes, Belen was also a little overwhelmed, and in the end he also reluctantly compromised.

"OK then."

Chapter Ninety Three: Sattar Arena

That night, Belen left the hotel with his three daughters, and he was still a little worried on the way.

However, the experience of Latir and Latiz must be much stronger than other children, and perhaps it is because I have been worrying too much.

As for Laya, Belen has seen Laya fighting with the girl holding the bear doll. Although the strength of the two sides is very different, the elf girl did not give up resistance. Such a temperament will definitely not be fragile. To go.

Belen and others came to the periphery of the Sattar Arena, the entrance was already overcrowded.

"So many people..."

Seeing this scene, Belen couldn't help but sigh, is that "witch" so attractive?Actually let so many people come to watch.

What kind of person is this sinful person?

"Mr. Belém, are there so many people in the arena every day? What a terrible taste."

La Tier frowned. The people in the arena are more miserable than slaves. People of the same fate are obviously going to kill each other.

"You are different from before, so let's give up this concept."

Belen knew that La Tier was thinking of his past, but it would definitely be pitiful to feel the same. This is not a good thing for La Tier, and sooner or later he will suffer.

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