Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 108


Latier replied noncommittal, and she pursed her lips without saying anything.

Belen looked at Latier, and then turned around. Even so, he still saved Latier and Lattes.

Although he said this, he didn't seem to be able to obey it.

Laya on the side looked at the two of them, but didn't ask anything, she knew.

The line had been in line for a long time, the feet of the three women were all standing sour, and Latis screamed.

"Sister, Latis wants to sit down!"

"Ah? But there is no place to sit. Can you hold on?"

Latier looked around, but there was nowhere to sit.


Latis's mouth suddenly squashed, her ears drooped down, and she looked cute but pitiful.

"Latis, come to brother."

Upon seeing this, Belen made a sound and rubbed Latis' head.

"Big brother!"

Lattes walked to Belem, looked up at the latter dumbly, and blinked her big bright eyes.

"Brother, OK?"

"it is good!"

Latis suddenly showed a lovely smile, as if to melt her heart.

Belen nodded, then knelt down and hugged Lattes up, and found a comfortable position for Lattes to lean against.

La Tier on the side saw that Belen picked up La Tis, the eyes of the cat's eyes gradually softened.

Sure enough, Mr. Belen was the most gentle.

After a long time, the four Belém finally walked into the Sattar Arena, which was quite empty, although there were still many people.

"Wow! So big!"

Lattes, in Belen's arms, looked at the wide space, which shocked the kitten.

"so big."

Even La Tier and Laya exclaimed, but they didn't expect Sattar's arena to be so big.

Belém looked around there were some betting markets, thinking about placing bets, but now they are all closed.

After walking for a long time, I walked to the viewing area, and I saw a wide square with an area of ​​several hundred meters. It was supposed to be brown mud, but the area below was mostly black and red, which was soaked in blood.

In addition to the viewing platform where Belen and others are located, there are many VIP seats standing on many high platforms. Those who can be in the VIP seats are people with extraordinary status.

At the same time, in a VIP seat, Vernie was sitting in the seat, and this VIP seat was opposite the direction of Belem.

Vernie, who was bored because "the protagonist hasn't played yet," she was yawning sleepily, and at this moment, her eyes suddenly swept across the crowd.

Vernie's eyes narrowed slightly, and she couldn't see clearly because of the distance.

"That person is..."

As if he had caught something, Vernie's heart suddenly jumped, she whispered something softly, and then suddenly a light flashed across her eyes, and her eyes became clear.

"It's him!"

Verni who was sitting on the seat suddenly shook her whole body. She was sitting up, staring at the figure intently.

"Fu Yi."


"Find the man in the spectator seat over there, right next to the blond elf, that is, the man in the profile I gave you before."


The maid on the side understood immediately, she turned and walked out of the VIP room.

"Vernie, what's the matter?"

Hina was holding her sword, and she was curious to see Vernie's actions.

"Just found a friend, well, in the same class as me, you will be very interested in him."

Verni smiled and said this to Hoshina, pretending to be mysterious.

"Are you in the same class as you?"

Hoshina was startled. She knew that Vierne had graduated from that academy, and that friend who wanted to come should be a very good character.

However, she was interested in nothing but wine and sword.

On the other side, Belen was still waiting for the so-called "witch".

Although it was already night, the Sattar Arena had adequate lighting, so the scenery was clearly visible.

"Hey, my friend, you really came! I couldn't help but drank your wine ten times, it's so wonderful, haha!"

Some familiar voices came from the side, and Belen turned his head and saw that today's wine merchant was also here.

"Huh? Why did you bring a few kids to the arena? It would be too embarrassing to throw up later."

The middle-aged man also noticed Lattes in Belen's arms and the second daughter beside him, and he was also taken aback.

"Uncle, you look down on people too much, but I have seen the world!"

With arms around her chest, Laiya looked at the middle-aged man with dissatisfaction and snorted.

"Yes Yes Yes."

The middle-aged man only treats the child as young and vigorous, and he doesn't care, but he is surprised that Laiya and Latier are so beautiful, and now he looks at Belem with a weird smile.

"Friend, amazing."


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