Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 109

Belen was taken aback, but he didn't care too much, but continued to look down at the arena.

"Friend, do you know? I have been opening gambling here for a while, but unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to open it today, and I can't earn it."

The middle-aged man couldn't help but sighed.


Belen asked curiously.

"Because the "witch" appeared today!Isn't it clear who is pressing when a gambling is opened?"

The middle-aged man explained.

"That "witch" is so powerful?"

Belen was a little surprised. Some of the criminals held by Sattar were very powerful, but even though he didn't know who his opponent was today, would they still suppress that "witch"?

"Of course! So far "Witch" has played 97 games, and today is the 98th game!Do you know what happened before?"

"What's the situation?"

Belen looked at the middle-aged man, and a horrified look appeared in his eyes.

""Witch" doesn't do anything. If she does it, no one can last a minute after she does it, no one."

Chapter 94: Meet Old Friends

How strong is that "witch"?

Hearing what the middle-aged man said, Belen couldn't help but become curious.

With the record of that "witch", it can be said that he has dominated the prison under the arena.

It is very difficult to have a victorious record in the arena. After all, the people in prison are very vicious.

Although "The Witch" is still two or three times away from Yum Sheng, the point is that she solves any opponent in one minute.

What a curious character.

Even Latier and Laya were shocked when they heard this. How could such a powerful character end up like this?

What does "Witch" look like?Fierce and evil?Or is it beautiful?

"This gentleman."

A woman walked to the side, she walked to Belem's side, and everyone turned their eyes.

Belen looked at the woman, obviously, he didn't know this person, so he was a little confused.

"you are…?"

"My host asked me to invite you to the VIP table."

"Your host? VIP seats?"

Belen was stunned, he didn't know what was going on.

"It's the owner of the Andy Inz Hotel where you stayed recently, that is, my owner."

It turned out to be so!

Belem was suddenly sighed. As expected, Nizi had already made a judgment.

"They are with me, can we go together?"

"of course can."

Fu Yi obviously had her own judgment and nodded with a smile.

"Then, let's go."

"please follow me."

Fu Yi turned around and walked ahead to lead the way.

Laya and Latier on the side were puzzled by the situation, and looked at Belem in doubt, while the latter felt the second woman's gaze and explained it now.

"There are so many people here, and it will be crowded later. Someone invites us to the VIP seats. Let's go together?"

Hearing what Belen said, Latier and Laya looked at each other. They were a little puzzled. Why would anyone invite them to the VIP table?

"Don't worry, I am here."

Belem comforted.

Latier and Laya also nodded. Since Belen was not worried, they had no reason to be too scrupulous.

Immediately afterwards, Belen was holding Lattes and leading the second girl to follow Fu Yi.

The middle-aged man was a little surprised as he watched the departure of Belen and others. Not everyone can go to the VIP table.

The man who can sell those wines is really no ordinary person!

On the way to the VIP table, Laya looked at Belem from time to time, her eyes flickered, and something seemed to be vaguely thought of.

People who can enter the VIP table are certainly not simple roles, but why does the other party invite them to go?

From the previous conversation between the woman and Belém, you can hear that the other party's primary goal is Mr. Belém!

As for Mr. Belém's subsequent reaction, it seemed that he was not very surprised by all this in front of him, especially after he knew the "master" in the other party...

Mr. Belen knew the owner of the "Andy Inz Hotel" where they lived!

This was Laya's judgment. She had made sufficient preparations before leaving the Fairy Forest, and she had also learned about "Andy Inz".

Although it is not certain that the tavern here is a member of the "Andy Inz" family, but he can manage the "Andy Inz Hotel" stationed in Saruyere, then he must be an extraordinary person.

Mr. Belen, do you know such a person?

Laya looked at Belem with curiosity, and the longer he got along with the latter, the more his mystery wanted to be understood.

Soon, Belen and others came to the back of the VIP table. Fu Yi opened the door, and then walked in first, then stopped by the door, and reached out and made a please gesture.

Belen nodded slightly, he put Latis down, took the little hand and walked in, Latier and Laya also followed.

What catches the eye are two girls sitting on the two seats, one is a petite girl with double pony tails, and the other is a beautiful girl with gorgeous purple hair.

"You came?"

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