Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 110

Verni turned her head, her gaze fell on Belem in an instant, her gaze flickered, as if confirming something.


At this time, Belen couldn't hide anything. After all, after he met Vernie at the time, it was after that situation.

Seeing Belen "confessed" it, Vernie's face showed a touching smile, full of joy of reunion with old friends.

Vernie wanted to stand up, but she suddenly noticed Belen's stopping eyes, glanced at the three people aside thoughtfully, her heart moved, and then turned back.

"Prepare a sofa."


After receiving the order, Fu Yi immediately followed suit, and soon several people moved the sofa in.

"sit down."

Vernie said with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Belen and others sat on the soft sofa, and through the large glass wall, everything in the field could be clearly seen.

Belen sat on the sofa, seeming to feel something, turned his head and met a pair of beautiful eyes, and his heart trembled immediately.

In the other seat, it was the woman in the hot spring room who was sitting, which made Belen a little nervous, even though nothing happened when she met her in the carriage before in the hotel.

There should be no problem, right?

"Now, have we met somewhere?"

Hoshina looked at Belen, her eyes were shining like stars, giving people an unreal feeling, she still held a wine gourd in her hand.

Hearing Hoshina's question, Belen immediately became a little nervous. Obviously, even though the other party was drunk at the time, he still retained a little subtle consciousness.

"Perhaps, where did you see it?"

Belén didn't lie. This was to leave a way for him to retreat.

Verni looked at Belem, and when she saw those dodge eyes, she smiled secretly, as expected.

For some reason, Verni always felt that Belem's eyes were familiar, perhaps because of those seemingly plain eyes that reflected all the emotions.


Hoshina seemed to think so too, there was nothing to say at the moment, and he turned around and drank his wine again.

Laiya and Latier looked at this beautiful girl with purple hair in a little surprise, so it was the first time to see a girl who likes to drink.


A whisper sounded, and countless balls of light rose up, emitting a dazzling light, illuminating the entire Sattar arena.

"That "witch" is coming out, Hoshina, don't drink it, didn't you just come to see her."

Vernie glanced at Xingnai who was still drinking, and couldn't help but remind her.

"I know, I know."

Hoshina took a sip of wine last, and then looked into the arena, her expression was very focused.

Belen also noticed the change in Hoshina's expression, and was a little surprised. Is that "witch" worthy of her care?

Thinking of this, Belen turned his gaze back and looked into the arena.

Chapter 95: The girl's own magic (make up!)

The arena at this moment can be said to be eye-catching, and everyone's eyes are staring at the four iron gates in the arena.

Which door will the witch come out from?


The iron gate was gradually pulled up, and several figures walked out of the iron gate, most of them were burly men, but they were all fierce and vicious people.


A roar came from behind an iron door, and the frightening roar was deafening.

Under countless sights, the iron gate was slowly opened, but it was shielded by a magical barrier. A behemoth could only be shrouded in darkness, but the sharp claws shot against the barrier. Above, people can see a corner of it.

"What it is?!"

Countless people exclaimed, their eyes widened to see the figure in the dark clearly.

"Should'Witch' face two waves of enemies at once?"

Hoshina rubbed his delicate chin, his eyes gleaming with bright stars.

"There is still a monster."

Vernie on the side looked very interested.

"Is that... Warcraft?"

La Tier's eyes are full of fear. She has seen warcrafts, which are some very cruel and powerful species!

When Belen saw this, he rubbed Ratier's head, and his gaze looked at a slowly opened iron door in the distance.

In the darkness, a shoeless foot stepped out, and a thin figure came out. When her figure was exposed to light, countless noises stopped abruptly.

"she was…"

Everyone opened their eyes wide, looking at the thin and petite figure, their eyes full of disbelief.

"Why... is it a kid?"

This is the thoughts of countless people who have seen "Witch" for the first time.

Walking out of the darkness was a girl with silver-white hair, exquisite features, and an iron ring engraved with dense magic patterns on her neck. She was wearing a dirty white dress and bare feet. , And there are shackles bound to his feet.

She was obviously very young, she seemed to be only about fourteen years old, but what made someone more concerned was the expressionless expression.

Belen looked at the girl in the arena, and the other side gave him a strange sense of disobedience.

That is the sense of contradiction between life and death. Being clearly alive makes people feel like dead.

Those eyes did not contain emotion, and they seemed to be two opposites to Belen's eyes, which was a kind of indifference to the world without any feeling.

What the girl seemed to care about was what Belen had in mind.

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