Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 111

This petite silver-haired girl is the true face of the horrifying name "Witch" that was spread outside, and this fact stunned everyone.

"It turns out that'Witch' is such a child."

Hoshina couldn't help muttering to herself, and she let go of her hand holding the scabbard.

"she was…"

La Tier stared at the thin, thin figure in the arena. The opponent is obviously younger than her, but is he going to fight in such a place?

She was once an unfortunate person, but La Tier felt that the girl in the arena is even more distressing.

Belen looked at the thin figure, what has this child gone through?

When the silver-haired girl walked to the center of the arena, the murderers on the opposite side immediately turned hideous.

For them, the silver-haired girl in front of them is not an ordinary child, but a target that must be killed!

You can't kill the other party, they are the ones who die!



A deafening roar rang from behind the iron gate, and when the iron gate opened, a huge creature came out from behind the gate, a fierce tiger beast!

"Warcraft, evil evil tiger!"

When seeing the true face of the tiger beast, countless people's eyes trembled, full of fear.

Creatures like monsters are full of violence, and even if they face the same kind, they will kill them. Although feared by the world, they are also powerful helpers of the Demon King's army.

It can be called a "Warcraft", naturally because of its power and evil. Generally speaking, it is difficult to see the Warcraft in the empire, and only in places like the Sattar Arena can there be a few detained .

The moment the silver-haired girl came out, the battle could actually begin, but the silver-haired girl at home stood there and did not move.

The first thing to do was not the beast. The evil evil tiger's lantern eyes had been staring at the silver-haired girl, and there was no movement.

"Kill her!"

The dozen or so assailants roared and immediately rushed towards the silver-haired girl. There were warriors with weapons in their hands, assassins, and even a magister chanting magic spells.

Facing the joint attack of those people, the silver-haired girl still had that indifferent expression, and her empty eyes were frightening and distressing.

Countless magical flames and ice cones arrived, and the girl's eyes raised slightly, her hand did not rise, but her fingers flicked slightly.

The moment the finger flicked, the girl's long silver hair immediately moved, and the silver hair fluttered, exuding a faint silver brilliance. The countless silver hairs actually grew innumerably long, shooting out like sharp arrows.


Those hairs shot out, piercing all the magic at a speed that the naked eye could hardly capture, piercing the chests of several people one after another, and retracting the hair, those people immediately fell to the ground, with no vitality.

"this is…"

Seeing this scene, Belen's eyes were also slightly enlarged, and he looked at the silver-haired girl in the field in disbelief.

Even Vernie and Hoshina showed solemn gazes, obviously, they also noticed something.

"It's own magic."

Vernie uttered this uncommon idiom, her eyes flickering, a little awe-inspiring.

Belen was also very surprised. He looked at the figure with a thoughtful look.

"Mr. Belen, what is self-contained magic?"

La Tier didn't expect the silver-haired girl to be so powerful. When she heard Vernie's words, she also became curious, although the question was the curious baby Laya.

"Self-made magic refers to magic that does not exist in the current history of magic. It is very, very difficult to have self-made magic."

Belen explained to Laya a little bit, he was also shocked by the silver-haired girl's own magic.

If you want to have your own magic, the most difficult thing is to have unconstrained creativity, independent of history.

The other is to have your own magic recitation system, which is the level of the realm, even a powerful magister may not be able to master it.

All in all, it is state and chance.

This silver-haired girl actually possesses "self-contained magic", such a shocking thing is really shocking.

"It's really shocking. If you let those guys know, what would those guys look like?"

Vernie also couldn't help but become curious, the "those guys" in her mouth were referring to the same-level students in that class.


Ahhh!!I forgot to post this chapter!I'm really sorry everyone watching!Now make up!!!!

Chapter 95: The silver-haired girl

Belén and others in the VIP seat stared at the figure in the field.

It is already very shocking to have "self-contained magic", after all, it is a possibility that implies a miracle.

This also indirectly shows that the silver-haired girl's own magic realm is very high, and her strength cannot be easily guessed at all.

To reach such a level at this age, it is not only talent that should be considered, but also... her experience.


The countless rays of light that the silver hair turned into dazzled the field, and the speed was so fast that the naked eye could not keep up.


Those silk threads swept away like a tornado, and the magical defense of the Magister was directly penetrated.

One of them was even pierced through his chest, and was thrown away forcefully by the silver thread, smashing the ground into a big hole.

"Too...too fast..."

Some people opened their eyes and were murmuring subconsciously. They could only see the dead bodies being thrown away.

A group of figures fell on every corner of the field, and it took less than a minute from the time they launched the attack to the present scene.

At this moment, the whole army was wiped out.

The silver-haired girl known as the "witch", her powerful strength made everyone present stunned.

The strength of those murderers is not weak, and the strength shown has not been fully revealed, but even they themselves did not expect this result.

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