Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 112

They were wiped out if they could not even display their due strength!

Behind the silver-haired girl, the countless hairs covered in silver radiance fluttered in the air, her expression still looks stupid.

She lowered her head and looked at her hands. There was no ripple in her eyes, and her hands were already covered with endless blood.


The roar came from the evil evil tiger, and the big eyes of the monster lantern were staring at the silver-haired girl.

From this young human, it instinctively felt a strong threat, and its hair was upside down.

The silver-haired girl's gaze also fell on that monster, her expression still indifferent, her eyes quiet and alarming.


The evil evil tiger has smelled a dangerous breath from the air, and is not in a stalemate at the moment, and has taken the lead in attacking!

I saw it snarled up to the sky, kicked its hind limbs backward, and its huge body rushed out in an instant, and the amazing power made the entire arena tremble.

When seeing the evil evil tiger attacking the silver-haired girl, Latil sitting on the seat unconsciously grasped his hand tightly.

The eyes of Belen and others also narrowed slightly, staring tightly at the silver-haired girl.

Under countless sights, the evil evil tiger came to the silver-haired girl, and the huge tiger paws fell, and the strong wind was under great pressure.

"Won't she avoid it?!"

The pupils of countless people shrank suddenly, because the steps of the silver-haired girl hadn't moved a bit until now!

Just as the tiger's claw was about to fall, the silver-haired girl suddenly raised her head, her eyes moved slightly, and her fingers flicked two or three times like playing a piano.

Boom boom boom!

A series of stone pillars suddenly rose from the ground, directly pierced Xie Shahu's abdomen, and flew it to the top.

"Earth magic?"

Many people recognized the source of this magic, and now they all showed surprised eyes.

This "witch" finally used a magic that they could understand.

Just when the silver-haired witch used earth magic to smash the evil evil tiger into the air, the endless silver thread suddenly swept toward it.

"Oh oh oh!"

A deafening roar came from Xie Shahu's mouth, and its body also exuded purple-black magic at this moment.

The silver thread came, trying to penetrate the evil evil tiger, but was blocked by that huge magic power.

Seeing this scene, countless people who watched the theater showed their surprise gazes, but they didn't expect this monster to resist!

It seems that I can continue to look down!

Compared with the death of the enemy, people who are used to seeing the "witch" win more want to see her defeat. This is human nature.

The evil evil tiger fell on the ground, and the purple-black magic power all over his body seemed to have turned into flames, with a shocking aura.

Seeing this scene, many people are secretly jealous, this is the powerful beast, the right-hand man of the Demon King Army.

"One minute has passed."

Someone whispered to himself.

Indeed, a minute has passed since the silver-haired girl started fighting with the evil monster.

But from the beginning, no one thought that the evil evil tiger would easily lose, after all, it was a rare monster!

However, no one thinks that the "witch" will lose, because she has that expression from beginning to end.

At this time, the evil evil tiger attacked again, more swift and violent than the last time. Although his body was huge, he came to the silver-haired girl in the blink of an eye.


Accompanied by that roar, the purple-black magic power turned into a bombardment of energy, bombarding the girl, and the pressure of that energy fluctuation even caused the ground to collapse.

At this moment, the slender fingers of the silver-haired girl flicked, and the fingers flicked quickly, as if they were playing a movement.

With the flick of her fingers, the ground under her feet turned out to be like an explosion, directly blasting away, and countless mud and rocks rolled up like a tornado, turning into a whirlpool of stone and soil to resist all those roars.

Just when everyone had eyes wide open, the pupils shrank again at the next moment, and I saw the silk thread that exuded silver brilliance falling like rain in the sky.


Three thousand white hairs were entangled, and the evil evil tiger was wrapped in it, turning into a cocoon, floating in the air.

Under countless sights, the silver shining, like a silver sun, illuminates the night, and the terrifying magic is like ripples, spreading towards all directions.

When the three thousand white hairs were retracted and no bones were seen, everyone's heartbeat seemed to pause for a moment.


Many people were dull-eyed, muttering to themselves, feeling extremely shocked by the scene in front of them.

"She didn't take it seriously."

There was a solemn color in Hoshina's eyes, and she felt extremely attached to the silver-haired girl, and her hand re-supported the scabbard on her waist.

"Well, maybe it's because those opponents don't deserve her to be serious."

Vernie also nodded solemnly. Although the other party was only a 13 or 4 year old child, this strength was enough to make anyone take it seriously.

No one could see that the silver-haired girl called the "witch" had never been serious from beginning to end, and those opponents didn't seem to be worthy of her seriousness.

However, Belen's eyes were slightly rippling, and he couldn't help feeling a little distressed when he looked at the thin body of the silver-haired girl.

It's not because the opponent is not strong enough to be serious, this is Belem's view.

Perhaps, it's just because nothing moved that child.

Chapter 96: The Story of the Wind


When Laiya saw the evil evil tiger turned into nothingness, she also opened her eyes wide, her eyes were completely attracted by the silver-haired girl.

Not only her, everyone present was attracted by the majesty of this young girl, but she had such amazing power when she was young.

"Tian Zong talent."

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