Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 113

Belen gave such an evaluation, and it was the first time he saw someone with such a talent.

Even the little bear-cuddling girl I met at the time was not as good as the silver-haired girl in the field. In his opinion, the name "witch" was not a derogatory term.

The proud girl of the wizarding world, perhaps this is more appropriate to call her.

So far, even in ancient books and ancient history, Belem has rarely found a comparable person.

"Really an amazing genius."

Vernie sighed from the bottom of her heart, and her gaze swept across Belen on the sofa again, not knowing what she was thinking.

In the field, the silver-haired girl turned around and walked towards the darkness of the iron gate with her dirty feet.

The silver-haired girl looked at the darkness in front of her eyes with faint ripples in her eyes. She opened her mouth as if she wanted to say something, but in the end it turned into a sigh and her eyes returned to dead silence.


A wisp of breeze blew across the field, beyond the naked eye, it wandered around and finally dissipated.

However, La Tier in the VIP table opened her eyes slightly, and a gleam of sheen flashed through. Her heart suddenly throbbed, and she pressed her hand to her chest.

Belen also seemed to feel it, but he didn't care too much, just glanced at Latier, and then looked at the court.

"Mr. Belen..."

Seeing the scene of the girl walking back, La Tier subconsciously yelled Belen for some reason, her eyes fixed on the thin figure.

The more you watch, the more heartache.

The call to Belen was also heard. He turned his head and looked at Latier, the girl's hand was holding Belen's sleeve.

Belen was silent, he turned his head and watched the figure walk back into the darkness, seeing that the girl's silver hair was not in the darkness.

"Now, Mr. Belen, will that girl stay here forever?"

La Tier's eyes were a bit dull, but her fist was clenched, and she kept pressing on her chest, and the slight pain made her feel uncomfortable.

"Latier? What's wrong with you?"

Belen also noticed Latier's painful face, and immediately became flustered.

"I... so uncomfortable, that kid..."

La Tier breathed a little bit quickly, and she held her chest tightly, her eyes blurred.


Seeing La Tier's "broken" appearance, Belen stood up in fright with a panic on his face, he didn't know what had happened.

"Don't worry, she just heard the story of the wind and won't be hurt."

Vernie's voice came in his ears. After receiving this explanation, Belen suddenly understood, and he was relieved immediately.

While serving as a member of the discipline committee at the academy, Vernie also served as the manager of the Magic Bookstore. Her experience is extremely rich.

Immediately afterwards, Belen looked at La Tier again, the sadness in the latter's expression was really distressing.

What did she feel?

Vernie and Hoshina also looked at La Tier with surprise expressions, but they didn't expect this cat girl to hear the story of the wind.

The Story of Wind will only be heard by those who master the magic power of the wind attribute. It is a peculiar skill, and those who can master it are all magisters with advanced realms.

Of course, it is very strange to hear the story of the wind inadvertently like La Tier, if it weren't for the resonance of magical power and nature at that moment, Vernie could not tell.

Even Laya looked at Ratil in surprise. She herself was quite good at wind magic, but she had never heard of the story of the wind.

Sure enough, La Tier is very talented!

After a long time, La Tier finally calmed down, her face was full of depression, and it seemed that the impact was very deep.

"Latier, how are you? Are you okay?"

Seeing La Tier's haggard look, Belen couldn't help but worry.

"I'm fine, Mr. Belen, that child, can you save her...?"

La Tier's expression was haggard, but his eyes were full of hope, and the strong wish was conveyed.

However, Belen was stunned when he heard the words. He looked at those hopeful eyes, but he did not make a decision in his heart.

"Latier, I might...can't save her."

As for the "she" that Ratil wanted to save, everyone present almost knew in an instant, and so did Belem.

The heaviness of the Wind Story that I heard, you can see how La Tier looks now.

It must be a heavy feeling that is breathless.

The silver-haired girl called "The Witch", she was fighting in this place when she was young. What did she go through with such a powerful force?How did it become like it is now shrouded in despair?

It is impossible to imagine those processes, but there is no doubt that the other party is pitiful.

When he heard Belen's words, La Tier's eyes suddenly froze, and then his eyes dimmed again, as if they had lost their vitality.

"Mr. Belém, can you save her? How can a child bear the deathly silence..."

La Tier still had the unwilling flames to not go out, and she shuddered when she remembered the sense of death in the secluded lake.

Thinking of that young girl, that thin and lonely figure had to bear it alone, La Tier couldn't bear it!

La Tier wanted to save her and pulled the girl up from the abyss of Jiuyou!

"No Ratil, I..."

Belen couldn't say it again, and Latier would definitely be sad to say these frustrating words at this time.

"It's not that Belen didn't save it, but that he couldn't save it, understand?"

Vernie spoke, and she looked at La Tier. Although she didn't know what the girl felt, it must be heartbreaking.

Latier looked at Verni subconsciously, with doubts in her eyes.

"That girl is the number one detainee in Sattar Prison. She is known as a'witch'. How do you think such a person is being held here?

First of all, I don’t think about pushing hard, because Sattar’s security is far stronger than we thought, after all, those people are being held.

Then the redemption was even more impractical. The existence of this "witch" could be said to have great value.

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