Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 114

Finally, and the most important point, who knows whether the "witch" is willing to come out?

So, do you understand?"

Verni finished her opinion in one breath, and then she looked at Belem again, her expression calm, but with a solemn gaze.

"If you want to save, I won't help you."

Verney knew what Belen was. If he were to save him, he might be able to save it, but it would never be easy, or even pay a heavy price.

However, you shouldn't be so stupid to save that girl, right?No matter how you look at it, it is not worth it, after all, the risk to take is too great!

Belen's eyes lifted slightly, he glanced at Vernie, and then at Latier, who was lowering his head and seemed to have given up.

Belen looked at the arena below, and wanted to save the girl, there was really too much uncertainty.

There is no need to fight this for a stranger.

Now, isn't it?

Chapter 97: The Merciful Adult

In a dark prison with no sky, through the faint light of the fire, a silver-haired girl can be seen sitting in a corner with her knees hugged, her limbs bound by chains and shackles.

Even the wicked "witch" is just a prisoner here, but no one dares to offend this girl.

The silver-haired girl closed her eyes, and her whole body exuded a sense of lifelessness, like a dying person.

But she was just a young child, only fourteen years old. How did this sense of death originate?

Da da.

Footsteps sounded in the dim prison, and a shadow grew louder with the candlelight, and several people came to this cell.

The headed person standing in the center is a person with gray hair but not very young. He seems to be only in his fifties.

The person's gaze was a bit vicissitudes of life, it seemed that he had gone through a lot of things, his gaze was at the silver-haired girl in the cell.

"You go down first."

This man, who is fast approaching old age, commanded those around him.

"My lord! She is very dangerous!"

"It's okay, go on."

The man shook his head and didn't seem to care. He glanced at the people around him.

After seeing them, those people had no choice but to sigh in their hearts, and they didn't understand the man's actions very well.

"My lord, we are waiting outside if..."

Having said that, that person stopped talking, after all, this was not the first time.

After the guards left, the middle-aged man opened his palms and placed a silver key there. He took the key and inserted it into the cell lock.


The door of the cell was opened, and the man walked into the cell, and he sat in front of the silver-haired girl.


The silver-haired girl who heard this name seemed to fluctuate, her eyes slowly opened, and her black pupils stared at the opposite man.

"Sorry, I can't take you where you want to go, but ah... I brought you two things."

The man took out a picture book and a conch. He stood up and walked to the girl's face, put the thing on the ground, then returned to the original position and sat down, looking at the girl quietly.

There seemed to be a little luster in Yi Liya's eyes. She picked up the conch and looked at it blankly for a while, then picked up the painting book and opened it. The black eyes suddenly widened.

There is a hand-drawn drawing of the sea on that painting book. The painting is very beautiful. It seems that the artist has a very deep foundation, and even the coloring is deep and light, as if it were directly printed on the picture.


These two words murmured from Yi Liya's mouth, and in the depths of her eyes, a color called longing and yearning emerged.

"The conch was brought back from the sea. Perhaps, the sound of the sea can still be heard."

When the girl's expression changed, the man seemed satisfied, and he smiled kindly.

"The...sound of the sea..."

Yi Liya muttered to herself. She looked at the blue sea map and put the conch to her ears. A noisy sound came, there were roaring wind and waves, there were screaming gulls, and countless sounds. Mixed together but so beautiful.

Illya listened to the sound inside the conch, and looked at the sea on the painting blankly, seeming a little lost.

Just sitting still, no one to bother, time passed quickly, and the man also quietly looked at the silver-haired girl.

"I wanna go."

I don't know how long it took, and finally Illiya said this sentence, seeming to be speaking to a man, with a hint of prayer.

When he heard these words, the man's smile stopped abruptly. He looked at Iliya in a daze, his wrinkled hands clenched into fists, and his eyes were full of apologize.


His apology was sincere and full of apologies.

The girl's identity is very heavy, so he has no way to let the girl out.

Iliya was not talking anymore, she was still looking at the sea on the painting book, and there was a noisy voice in her ears, but the light in her eyes was getting dimmer, but there was still a little brilliance left in the end.

Even if this were the case, perhaps she was already satisfied.

Seeing that Illiya had returned to normal, the man had to close his eyes and sighed in his own heart.

The man opened his eyes again, he stood up, glanced at the silver-haired girl again, and finally he walked out of the cell and locked the lock.

In the cell, Yiliya did not fluctuate at all because of the man's departure. She stared at the painting blankly for an unknown amount of time.

"grown ups!"

After seeing the man coming out, the guards were relieved, and they were so frightened every time.

"Let's go."

The man nodded to the guards and motioned, he walked up the stairs, followed by the guards.

After leaving the prison, the warm sunlight shone on everyone, dispelling the haze brought out of the prison.

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