Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 115

When he came to an office, the man sat in his chair with a haggard look on his face, as if he was too worried.

"My lord, why are you so kind to that "witch"?"

A young guard asked all the questions in the hearts of everyone present, and didn't understand the kindness of this adult to that person.

"Is it kind... indeed, it's just pity for her, right?"

The man seemed to be laughing at himself. He clasped his hands on the table and leaned his head on the back of his hands. The sad look was not seen.

"I used to have a daughter, and to this day, I still clearly remember her appearance. She is a very cute child.

And Ilia, she is very similar to my child, do you understand that mood?"

After hearing the man's words, everyone was silent. They didn't understand this adult's affairs very well, but knew that this man was a very kind boss.

One thing can be understood from his mouth. The adult’s daughter may no longer be alive, and it is probably understandable why she takes care of the girl so much, although she cannot empathize.

"My lord, the above said that the "witch" should be sent to the Gagibu Arena, it should be to attract tourists."

Even the person who reported it felt helpless. Although the little girl was called a "witch", the "witch" was still only a child.

"What about the time limit?"

"Ten days."

The man was silent, and finally raised his head, as if there was a trace of anger in his eyes, and finally he sighed again.

"Let's say, on the fifteenth day, there will be another fight, which is a Yum.

"But my lord, the boss is already a little impatient, so drag on..."

The person reporting is also a little worried. After all, it has been delayed for more than half a year. Even if the adult in front of him holds an important position and is the manager of the Sattar Arena, he will probably be severely suppressed in the end.

Those of them who are subordinates don't want this kind-hearted adult to be punished.

"Just do what I told you to do. Okay, you all go down."

The man finally ordered.


Everyone sighed secretly, thinking that this was too bad for the adult, but there was nothing to do.

After all his subordinates withdrew, * got up, he turned around, looked at the dark clouds gradually spreading across the sky through the glass window, his eyes were full of worry, and he sighed deeply.

"Illya, this may be... the last time I can help you."

Chapter 98: Ratil's Mood

Until returning to the hotel from the Sattar Arena, La Tier remained depressed.

Belen also felt very distressed for this look of Latier, he wanted to comfort the girl, but he didn't know what to say.

After returning from the Sattar Arena, I took Vernie's ride. After all, Belen was honest about his identity.

Everyone got out of the carriage and went back to the hotel. Vernie glanced at Latier, who was stunned, and then at Belem.

"You should solve your problem first, and we will talk later."

Hearing that, Belen also nodded to him, and he was more concerned about Latier's situation at the moment.

"Hoshina, let's go."

As he left, Hoshina's beautiful eyes glanced at Belem intentionally or unintentionally, and then followed Vernie.


Petite Lattes tugged at the corner of Latier's clothes, looking at the latter with a small face, even she felt something was wrong with her sister.

Latier turned her head to look at Lattes, she showed a reluctant smile, and she reached out and rubbed Lattes' head.

"Sister is fine."

Immediately afterwards, Belen and others returned to their residence, but his mood at the moment was complicated, he was leaning against the wall.

It would be great if you didn't take Latier to Sattar Arena.

Although he thought so in his heart, but at the same time he knew very well that it was impossible. After all, Belen could not refuse such a small request.

Perhaps it is inevitability that led to the present situation.

Belen suddenly felt a little thirsty, and he took the glass bottle and walked to the side room to pick up the juice.

"Latier, haven't you cheered up yet?"

Laya on the side saw La Tier still looking decadent, and her heart suddenly became a little angry.

"I...no, it's okay, just give me 3 hours."

"I said, Latier, don't you think this is unfair to Mr. Belém?"

Laiya sat in front of Latir with a serious expression, she was a little angry.


When La Tilton was startled, her heartbeat also stopped for a moment.

"That child may be very pitiful, and you want to save her out of kindness, it is understandable", but you can't impose your thoughts on Mr. Belém."

Leia criticized Latier very severely. She knew Latier's kindness, but at the same time she understood Belen's embarrassment.

"I...I didn't have to ask Mr. Belém to save people, I just..."


Hearing Laiya calling her, Latil also stopped. She stared at Laiya in a daze, and gradually understood something in her heart.

"Mr. Belén, he, but it will be very difficult."

These words hit Ratil's heart like a meteorite, and her eyes widened.

How could Mr. Belén ignore her almost pleading request at the time?

Now when I recalled what Verney had said at the time, Latier could also understand the seriousness of what she was thinking.

The consequences of saving people are likely to be overwhelming. Not only Belem, but even them will be implicated.

Mr. Belen obviously took this into consideration.

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