Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 117

In addition to Verni, there is also a beautiful girl with purple hair, Hoshina, who is drinking tea quietly.

"long time no see."

The first sentence is this. This is the first time Belen and Vernie have faced each other face-to-face.

"Is it really you? Jianjue two?"

Vernie's eyes flickered, and she was a little unbelievable. After all, four years after graduation, it could be said that she hadn't heard of Belém at all, and she did not expect to meet her in the past few days.

"This title is really missed."

Belen scratched his cheek, looking back, as if thinking of something in the past.

"What does Jian Ju Er mean?"

Hoshina was also curious, after all, the other party was a student in the same class as Vernie.

"Our college used to have a club called the Sword House Society. You should know this, right?"

Vernie looked at Xingnai, and when the latter heard this, her bright eyes condensed slightly and nodded.

"of course I know."

"Well, he is the second seat of the Jian Ju Society, because he doesn't know his name, so he is usually called "Jian Ju Er"."

As she spoke, Vernie pointed to a position in front of her, and gave Belen a look, indicating that she could sit there.

"Is the second seat of the Sword House...?"

Hoshina's gaze focused on Belen, and his right hand rubbed the scabbard.

"Can you tell me your name now?"

Verni looked at Belem with expectant eyes. After all, she doesn't wear a mask anymore, so she doesn't need to hide her name.

"So, get to know again, the 67th Flozarno Academy, member of the Sword House, Belen Grean."

It's also interesting to say that Verni and others, those who are in the same class as Belen, do not know Belen's real name, and they are all called "Sword in Second".

"Sixty-seventh student of Flozarno Academy, Commissioner of Discipline, Vernie Andy Inz."

After introducing themselves, the two of them couldn't help but smile. It was really interesting. Although they didn't know their names and faces, the friendship was real.

"Unexpectedly, it turns out that under the mask, your true appearance is not bad. If they see your true face, they don't know what it will look like."

Vernie smiled playfully, and she carefully looked at Belem in front of her. This was the first time she saw the latter's true face.

"Um... are they okay?"

Belen didn't want to talk about his appearance, his face was a little unnatural, and he immediately changed the subject.

"They all have their own colors."

Vernie's smile contained many emotions, and the things that were unclear would be silent.

Belen naturally understood the meaning of this sentence, and he was deeply moved.

Except for him, those young eagles had turned into eagles and soared.

"It's great."

Belem sighed with emotion, although simple, it contains many meanings.

"how about you?"

Vernie asked curiously, after all, Belén had never heard from her.

"Well, I live a very ordinary life. Compared to you, it can be said that it has stopped moving forward."

Belen said it calmly. He had no regrets about his experience over the years, but was very fortunate, from beginning to end.

Upon hearing Belen's words, Verni looked at him silently, and after a long time, she smiled again.

"It seems that your life is not bad, have you found your own color?"

Belen showed a rare smile, the mere smile outlined at the corner of his mouth was enough to show his satisfaction.

The experience is different, the harvest is naturally different. Those guys have found their own colors, and they are very curious, how much have they grown?

"That girl..."

Vernie thought of Latil, because she had heard the story of the wind, so she was also a little concerned.

Moreover, the girl obviously has a close relationship with Belem.

"In fact, this time I came here, I want to ask you for something."

"Um...talk about it."

Verni looked at Belem with interest, and she seemed to be in a good mood.

"Latier wants to see that kid, can you please?"

Belen came here not only to reminisce about the old, but also to allow Vernie to rely on relationships to let them go to the prison to see the child.

With Verni's cleverness, she knew who "La Tier" and "that child" were all at once, she thought for a while, and then nodded.

"No problem, if you are not in a hurry, can you arrange the two days?"

Naturally, Vernie would not refuse the help of an old friend, but at the same time, Vernie looked at Belen with a somewhat curious look.

"Of course, please."

Belen nodded, and it was not bad for Latier to ease his mood these past two days.

"That girl, is that your lover?"


Belen was also taken aback when Vernie asked, and it was still a question like this, which was really a bit unprepared.

"You seem to care about those three girls. Is it that Ratil? Or that elven girl? Could it be that... Is it that kid? Really cute."

Vernie looked at Belen jokingly, and the more she talked about it, the more she frightened him.

"No, no, they are my friends, companions and family who travel together."

"Huh? Is that right?"

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