Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 118

"Of course!"

Belen was a little embarrassed, he stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat off his cheeks, this Nizi was really shocking.

"This sword ranks second, isn't your swordsmanship superb?"

The voice of a beautiful girl with purple hair, Hoshina, was heard again, accompanied by the sound of swords.

Chapter One Hundred: Up?!

The beautiful girl named Hoshina was looking at Belen with scorching eyes, her bright eyes rippling like lake ripples.

"This one…"

Belen didn't expect the other party to mention this when he opened his mouth, and he didn't know how to answer.

"Hoshina, you can ask him about your swordsmanship, he is very, very powerful."

Vernie looked like it wasn't too big of a problem. While looking at Xingnai, she occasionally squinted at Belem with a playful look.

"The Sword House was established by this guy and the chairman together. In terms of swordsmanship, maybe Hoshina is better than him."

After hearing Vernie's words, Hoshina couldn't help but glance at her, and his heart was shocked, as if he had noticed some key points.

"Why don't you compare swordsmanship with Hoshinai? This guy is looking for swordsman masters everywhere, oh yes, she has not lost yet.

Verni blinked at Belem, seeming to support Belem in defeating Xingnai once.

"I haven't exercised much in the past few years. It's changed a long time ago. There is nothing comparable."

Belen waved his hand nonchalantly, he was quite clear about how much he had now.

It’s very easy to understand the fact that strength will degenerate if you haven’t exercised for too long.

Hoshina's gaze stayed on Belen for a long time. She believed that if the opponent was not in his heyday, it would not make any sense to win, but...

"I still want to see the strength of Mr. Jian Juji."

"It's difficult enough."

Regarding the association called "Sword House" in Flozarno Academy, it can be said that few sword repairers do not know this name.

I still remember that many years ago, when more than a dozen demon generals in the Demon King Army attacked the imperial capital in the territory, the members of the Jianjushe only walked out of three people and killed all those demon warlords.

The strength of the demon warlord is very terrifying, and it is a character that can collide with the superhuman head-on, and the sword house only walked out of three people and wiped out all the dozen demon warlords. It is a legend.

"In the beginning, Jianjushe wiped out the three of the demon warlords, is there Mr. Jianjuji?"

"Well, without me, it was the other three guys. I didn't seem to be in the school at the time."

Belen thought about it, and then he shook his head again. Even if he was in the academy, he wouldn't be able to do anything, and the thankless things would be left to those guys. They would be happy anyway.

"Then who are you better than those three?"

Hoshina was very concerned about this. There was a look of expectation in her eyes. She herself had never fought a demon warlord, but she had the confidence to win.

"They are much better than me."

Belen responded to this sentence very seriously, he was neither humble nor lying.

"Then, I hope you can let me know!"

Hoshina stood up, bent over and bowed, very sincerely wanting to discuss the sword with Belen, which caused the latter a headache.

"That one…"

"Belen, don't refuse, don't you have any interest in Hoshina's wine swordsmanship? Besides, should I explain to the hot spring room...?"

Before Belen could refuse, Verni interrupted Belen, and she looked at Belen with a sly smile.

The handle was immediately caught, Belen's heart jumped, he couldn't help swallowing, he knew exactly what Verney was referring to.

"What hot spring room?"

Xingnai looked at Vernie with some curiosity, while the latter smiled without explaining, which made the purple-haired girl glance at Vernie and Belen suspiciously.

"I promised."

Seeing that Hoshina was suspicious, Belen immediately agreed. He sighed deeply, which was really foul.

"But, you can't hurt the other person, or I will definitely be told by Latier and others when I go back."

If they were to go back with injuries later, Latier and the others would surely dig into it, which would be too much trouble.

"no problem."

Hoshina also agreed, she hadn't planned to be too serious, it wouldn't be nice to hurt the other party.

"Don't go out, just stay here."

Belen looked at this huge office, it was enough for them to play, it was not a duel anyway.

"Then here."

Hoshina didn't care about the place very much, so he took a bite.

"Hey, you two have to play a little, don't tear me apart!"

Verney couldn't help but twitch at the corner of her mouth when she heard that the two were about to do something here. This is the rhythm to tear down this place.

Hoshina was standing there, and the next action was to put his hand on the hilt, his expression calmed slightly, and his posture was ready.


Belen sighed and stood up. If possible, he would never use his hands. Isn't this a waste of energy?

"Do you need me to lend you a sword?"

Seeing that Belen had no other sword on his waist, Hoshina asked.

"Ah, no need."

Belen shook his head, then looked in the storage, and finally took out a sword.

"You just use this sword?"

Seeing that sword, Hoshina couldn't help asking after confirming that it was a very ordinary magic weapon.

"Huh? Well...just this sword."

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