Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 119

Bei Ethics nodded of course, and then looked at the sword in his hand, and found that the blade was a bit rusty, and the magic runes inside were beginning to blur.

"OK then."

Hoshina nodded, not caring about the sword issue, after all, it was just a small discussion.

Belen was holding the sword, and his gaze fell on Hoshina's scabbard. He had long heard of the sword in that scabbard.


Belen let Hoshina take the shot first, but this was out of gentleman's etiquette.

Hoshina was also welcome, but her behavior made Belen a little confused. The girl picked up the hip flask on her waist and took a sip. She pulled out half of the sword blade again, and the wine dripped on it, and then she closed it again. The sword is sheathed.

"I'm coming."

Hoshina greeted her flatly, and the next moment, as if there was a shining star in her eyes, Jian Feng suddenly came out of her sheath at that moment.

At this moment, Belen's pupils suddenly shrank, and the breath on his body burst out in an instant.

"Twenty-five percent!"

At such a close distance, Belem's reaction has reached its limit.


The sound of two swords sounded at the same time almost instantly, and Belen's sword struck upward, seeming to cut something.

That is a drop of wine!

However, after Belen saw it clearly, countless sword lights appeared in his eyes, his eyes condensed slightly, and the sword in his hand rolled up a sword flower.

He didn't evade, but rushed forward, and the two blades collided in an instant for unknown times.

Belen frowned slightly, the opponent's swordsmanship was weird, and there was no trace to be found, just like a drunkard, you don't even know where his foot will go next.

Hoshina's wine swordsmanship is very peculiar, his eyes are blurred but sober, the alcohol is very heavy, it is spreading from the sword's edge.

At this moment, Belen was a little hard to resist, and the opponent's sword aura was more excessive than the normal sword aura, because of the drink!

He could probably judge the opponent's magic attributes.

Jiu Jin.

Once the magic is activated, you can put yourself into a state of drunkenness. With alcohol in your body, the magic can be intensified, and it is perfect.

No trace is to be found, everywhere.

This purple-haired girl was born for the sake of wine swordsmanship.

A wave of sword energy shook away, shaking all the furniture around it, and Vernie felt a headache for this.

Ding Ding Ding.

With a crisp voice, Belen took a few steps back, his eyes fixed on the beautiful girl in front of him, and he couldn't help sighing.

"It's really... so awesome."

Even the sword in Belen's hand was cracked, after all, there was an irreparable gap with the sword in the opponent's hand.

At this time, Hoshina took out another hip flask, and when the thumb lifted the cork, a strong aroma of wine filled her, and she held her head up as she drank booze, with a wild heat in her eyes.

When seeing Hoshina's appearance, Belen immediately felt the danger, and he was awe-inspiring. This Nizi is on the top!

"not good!"

Vernie also stood up abruptly from her position. She ran to the desk and slapped a mechanism with a slap.


The magic power spread, and a defensive magic emerged in the office, enveloping the entire house.

"Belen! Seriously!"

Vernie turned her head again and shouted at Belem.

However, Belen did not hear clearly, he just stared at the girl in front of him.

Liquor, when it is hot!


The moment the drink was spilled on the sword and returned to its sheath, Hoshina suddenly drew his sword out again, rushing out with the hot drink.

The heat is billowing, it is sword aura, almost elusive to the naked eye, the magic power of that wine is like a fanatic potion, it is amazing.

"Thirty-five percent!"

Belen held a sword in both hands, slashing from right to left, and the breath on his body increased again, like a volcanic crater that started to surge!


The sword aura encountered obstacles, but it was only to this degree. Under Belen's eyes, the sword in his hand was directly shattered, and he subconsciously turned his head, and a strand of his hair was cut off.


That sword, like a brilliant white meteor, directly pierced the magic barrier, and the room was shaking violently.

Belén tilted his head. He avoided the sword and blinked. This sword is crazy enough!

"Say that it won't hurt people...?"

Chapter 101: Wine Spirit Wine Sword


After seeing that Belen was okay, Vernie yelled at Xingnai and couldn't help being a little angry. She walked towards the purple-haired girl with her cheeks bulging.

The anger was not because Hoshina used the sword against Belen, but because of her office!

"Too much! My office was demolished for you!"

Vernie stood in front of Hoshina angrily, her small face full of anger.

The magic power on Hoshina's body receded, Jiu Jin naturally dissipated, and the blurred eyes gradually became clear, and his body no longer swayed.


When Hoshina was sober, she immediately realized that something was wrong, and then she remembered that she had just done something very bad.

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