Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 122

Belen looked unnatural, and just as he was about to ask for mercy, a sound that made both of them horrified came from the bathroom.

"Vernie, are you in there?"

The owner of this voice was recognized by Vernie and Belen in an instant.


It's over!

Not only is Belén crying and tearless now, even Vernie feels unprecedented danger.

If Hoshina finds out that she and Belem are here, it will be useless no matter how she explains, that guy will definitely be thinking about it!


Vernie yelled to Belem very carefully.

And Belen was in a tacit understanding at this moment, knowing it in an instant, but the moment he turned his head, his face suddenly froze.

"Where should I hide?"

This is just a small bathroom, and there is nothing to hide, so there is nowhere to hide!

Verni noticed this too, her face suddenly looked ugly, she looked around, trying to find a hiding place.

"Vernie? What's wrong with you? Are you all right."

Seeing that there was no movement in the bathroom, Hoshina was also worried outside, guessing what happened to Vernie inside.

"I'm here! It's okay! I was thinking about something just now, so I'm lost!"

This reason is obviously far-fetched, but it cannot be said that it is impossible, and Hoshina naturally believed it.

"Have you not started washing? Do you need me to wipe your back?"

"Huh? No, no need!? I'm already washing!"

Verni who was answering immediately started to act. She pressed a switch at random, and water immediately fell from the ceiling, directly covering Belen and Verni.

Press wrong!

Vernie's face froze, this switch is the most powerful.


"Do not talk!"

Verni interrupted Belen when he was about to speak, and he shut his mouth immediately.

Hoshina feels weird outside the bathroom, but there is no doubt.

"All right, I'm going next door."


Hearing Hoshina's words, Vernie immediately sighed with relief. When she heard the sound of footsteps leaving, her body suddenly softened, but after that, she immediately noticed something was wrong.

Vernie turned her head, her hair was already wet at the moment, and she saw Belem's wet upper body, and her heart suddenly felt bad.

"You! Are you still watching?!"

Vernie immediately protected her, her face was blushing, her bathrobe was originally very thin, and it would become very transparent when it was soaked in water.

"This, this is an accident! You see, it is obviously an accident! I will go out immediately!"

Belen was holding his eyes. The water temperature was normal, but he felt that his cheeks were very hot. He immediately ran to the door, pressed the switch to open the door, and fled.

In the bathroom, Vernie knelt and sat on the ground, her face was very strange, she pursed her lips, her cheeks seemed to be dripping blood, very embarrassed.


Chapter 103: After all, it was agreed

After Belem fled, he didn't go back to his residence directly, after all, he looked like a rooster.

After struggling with his brains, Belen finally came down to the men's bathroom under the guidance of passers-by, which immediately made him happy.

Bathed in hot water, Belen rinsed his body, his hair hanging in front of him, and his black eyes seemed to have faint ripples.

It is estimated that this time, Nizi will bear grudges, right?

After all, he saw that look.

I didn't expect it. That guy was well developed. He was obviously not a tall man. Belen thought about it this way, as if thinking about something again.

He shook his head, dispelled those images, pressed the switch, took a bath towel and wiped his body, and then found a set of clothes from the storage container to put on.

"It's so comfortable!"

With a sigh, Belen walked out of the bathroom, thinking of the nightmare and what happened in the bathroom, he felt very helpless.

It's really uneasy to take a bath.

As soon as Belen opened the door, a kitten leaped into his arms. He looked down and looked at him with big bright brown eyes.

"Brother, Lattes is hungry."

"Go eat now."

Belen comforted softly, and then reached out and rubbed Latis' head.

"Mr. Belen."

La Tier also came to the door. She looked at Belen with a little unnatural eyes, dodge from time to time.

Obviously, she is still ashamed of what happened yesterday.

Seeing her like this, Belen laughed inwardly, and he didn't need to care so much.


"Huh? Yes!"

"Are you hungry?"

Hearing Belen's words, Latier also raised her head, looking at the faintly smiling face, she also showed a touching smile.


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