Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 123

At this time, Laya also ran out from the side, and she was really envious of her lively and cheerful appearance, and she ran to Belem with a laugh.

"Hungry, hungry!"

"Then, eat!"

The hotel has a special lobby for dining, and all the residents come to eat here, and it is much better than ordinary restaurants.

However, dining here must be polite, and you will be fined heavily for littering.

The meals here are fixed every day and they are extremely delicious. The chefs here are all very experienced veterans.

Because it is a buffet, food should not be wasted, but there are express provisions here.

However, this can be ignored for Belém and his party.

After all, girls are very edible!

Well, even Lattes is the same, showing a different stomach volume from boys of the same age.

After a gust of wind, those delicacies were cleaned up by the three girls, and Belém was ashamed when he witnessed all this.

Is the meal he prepared not enough?Looking back, it seems that every time there is no extra left.

Recall carefully, the main purpose of coming to this city should be vacation, but now it seems that it needs to be postponed.

After having breakfast, Belen and others were walking on the way back.

On the way, Belen also noticed La Tier's hesitant expression, and knew what it was because of it.

Until everyone returned to their residence, Belem sat on the ground and spoke first.



La Tier was shocked, and the cat's ears were erected and stiff. She looked at Belem nervously, guessing something in her heart.

"I promised you before, yes."

Hearing Belen's words, Latier also widened his eyes, and then he smiled with joy.

"Mr. Belen!"


"thank you!"

Seeing Latier bending down, Belen stood up and approached, reaching out to help Latier up.

"This is what I promised you."

La Tier was already very satisfied. Although she wanted to save the child, she still wanted to, but she also understood at this moment that there was no way she could not save her.

But in spite of this, La Tier wanted to see the child. The grief at the time was conveyed to her and she could understand that the child had not completely fallen into the abyss.

Although he didn't know what to say after the meeting, La Tier's desire to see her couldn't be restrained.

"I have asked Vernie before, and she has agreed. It should be possible to go to Sattar prison in two days."

Belen himself knew that without Verni, he would not be able to enter the Nasatal Prison.

Having said that, she shouldn't regret what happened today, right?


Ratil cried out in excitement, she threw herself into Belen's arms and hugged him.

"Thank you! Mr. Belém!"

Feeling the tender body in his arms, Belen stretched out his hand and rubbed Ratier's head with a soft face.

"Family don't need to say thank you, it's such a big surprise."


Laya was sitting with Latis in her arms, she looked at them with a smile.

"Latier really likes Mr. Belém."

Ratil froze when he heard this, and then immediately broke free from Belen's arms, his face flushed, and he looked at Laya in shame.

"What nonsense! I..."

La Tier, who couldn't say anything, blushed and rushed to Laya, and then leaped down together with La Tisi. The kitten struggling expressionlessly between the two and ran to Belen.

Seeing La Tier arguing with Laya, Belem was a little confused. He picked La Tisi and looked out the window.

Outside the Sattar prison, a carriage stopped in front of the gate.

Two girls walked out of the carriage, it was Vernie and Hoshina.

At this moment, Vernie was not wearing double ponytails as usual, and with a single ponytail, she was already in her twenties, but she gave a very green feeling.

Although she only changed from a double ponytail to a single ponytail, there seemed to be a change in temperament from this girl.

Although something embarrassing like that in the morning had happened, Vernie had now taken care of her mentality.

Vierne wouldn't regret what she had promised because of that kind of thing.

Otherwise, you will definitely be laughed at!

Vernie and Hoshina walked to the gate, and there were two guards inside the gate.

"This is Vernie Andyinz, please tell me, I want to see the warden Heglen."

The two guards looked at each other when they heard the name on the Verney newspaper, and then one of them nodded and immediately went to report.

It didn't take long for the guard to return. It seemed that he had been allowed and the door opened.

Verni ordered her servant to wait outside and walked into the Sattar prison with Hoshina.

The most powerful person in this prison is the warden.

Following a guard came to an office, the door opened.

At the end of the office, a man with gray hair was dealing with official duties, and at this moment, he raised his head.

"Virnie Andy Inz? I wonder what the owner of Andy Inz is doing when he comes to me?"

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