Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 130

Hearing La Tier's call, Illya also turned her head, her hollow black eyes looked at the former.

"this is for you!"

La Tier passed "Recording Horizon" to the prison, and generously reached in with his hand.

Some jailers even used tools to advance their meals, and they did not dare to approach this girl known as the "witch".

After all, the decisive killing in the arena has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

But La Tier didn't care at all, no matter how much blood was on the hands of the child in front of her, she was still a pitiful child.

Ilya stood up stubbornly, she walked forward step by step, and took the "recorded horizon" from La Tier.

Looking at this strange thing in her hand, Ilia just blinked her eyes. Although she didn't know what to do, she subconsciously put her eyes on the eyepieces.

However, Ilia didn't see anything, she looked at La Tier blankly.

"Inject magic power."

La Tier smiled slightly, eyes full of expectation, looking forward to the way Illiya would see the big sea scene.

Illiya looked ignorant, she set her eyepieces again, a little bit of magic was injected into the "recording horizon", and the scene before her was completely new.

The blue sea seemed to appear in my mind, as if in a dream.

Ilia stared at the scene in front of her blankly, her gaze looked around, the beach, the jungle, the reef, and... the sea!

However, even though the sea was present in front of her, Illya still felt that something was missing, and at this moment, Heglen's voice rang in her ears.

"The conch can be placed near your ear."

Ilia looked at Heglen, then went back to the corner and sat down, put the conch to her ear, and put her eyes on the eyepieces again.

When the scene in front of her became bright, and the noise of the sea rang in her ears, an astonishing charm bloomed in Iliya's empty eyes.


Ilia's small body seemed to be numb, but she couldn't stop shaking.

There was a dazzling brilliance in her eyes, deep and mysterious, and a light of memories. Not only the vast ocean, but other things appeared in her eyes.

"Ello... Sigmar."

Ilia muttered to herself, however, Belen and Heglen noticed.

"Ello? Sigmar...?"

Belen muttered silently, he frowned slightly, his eyes narrowed slightly, and an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes.

On the other hand, Hegren frowned and his eyes were worried. He looked at Ilia and seemed to be worried about something.


La Tier opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the silver-haired girl in the cell.

Illiya had already taken down the eyepieces. She kept her eyes open without blinking. She was petrified. At this moment, Qing tears slipped from her cheeks, making her heartbreaking.

That line of crystal clear tears calmed La Tier's world.

Why is it that just seeing the sea can be moved to tears?

The answer is that the sea must have an extraordinary significance to Ilia.

At this moment, Yiliya's eyes have changed, and they are no longer as dim as before. At this moment, there is a ray of light that illuminates in the darkness.

The silver-haired girl raised her head, her black eyes looked at Latier and Belen, and the outlines of her pupils flashed brightly.

"thank you all."

Chapter 109: Two News

After that, Belen and Latier left the prison.

Latier, who wanted to talk more with Ilia, was also very sorry.

Because after saying that "thank you", Illiya gradually fell asleep while listening to the sound of conch while holding "Recording Horizon".

Therefore, Belen and Latier were too embarrassed to disturb others, so they had to leave.

For La Tier, overall it is very satisfactory, after all, Illya should be very happy.

At that time, she wanted to listen to the story of the wind again, and wanted to know exactly how Illiya felt, but obviously there was no way.

While very happy, La Tier's heart still has an inconceivable meaning.

Just like this, you can cry...

How deep is the child in the past?

With the heartache hidden in the depths, Latier and Belen walked out of Sattar prison.

On the commercial car.

Latier sat beside Belen, staring straight ahead blankly.

"Mr. Belen."


"Ilia, was that happy moment?"

After calming down, La Tier thought about this.

Illya may be happy at the time, but, looking back at this moment, maybe behind that happiness, that tear was extremely bitter.

How did Ilia feel at that moment?

Do you remember anything?

"Well, maybe."

Belen was silent for a moment, and then gave a vague answer.

He doesn't understand either.

The joy at the beginning became very heavy over time, because they knew that the child's joy was too short.


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