Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 131

La Tier patted his cheek a little harder, regaining his senses, showing a smile that was not very pleasant.

In this way, perhaps it is the end of benevolence!

All the way back to the hotel, Laiya and Latis were peeking at a small book.

Belén blinked his eyes, and just glanced at it curiously, because that was his recipe, which was generally used to record his inspiration for the combination of ingredients.

Seeing Belen and Latier come back, Laiya smiled, closed the recipe, and looked at Latier who was smiling.

"Latier is so happy, it seems that the result is very good."

"That kid is so cute! I really want to give her a hug!"

With that said, La Tier made a false hug.

At this moment, a kitten plunged into La Tier's arms and threw it directly to the ground. The kitten made a soft sound.

"Latis, hold her too."

"Of course, Latis is also very cute."

Latier hugged the sister in her arms, and the kitten let out a soft meow.

Belen looked at the pleasant atmosphere, his mouth twitched, and he smiled in his heart. He quietly walked into his room and closed the door.

Laya looked at the door where Belen was, blinked, thoughtfully.

Belen lay there, without turning on the light, his eyes closed, thinking a lot of things in his mind.

It's not that he doesn't want to save Ilia, but he has no way to save it. After all, the consequences to be borne are very large, and Latier and the others will be involved.

After a long silence, Belen opened his eyes, and there were waves in his eyes.

It seems to be suppressing a certain emotion.

The bright moon hung in the endless sky, exuding that charming and secluded light.

La Tier lay on the bed, but looked at the moon outside the window.


She still couldn't let go of that child. She had seen countless miserable people, but that child was the only one that cared about her most.

Is it because of Wind Story?

I fell asleep peacefully with various emotions, and fell asleep deeply.

Until the next day.

Belen woke up from sleep, he opened the door aside, looked at the three girls who were still sleeping, and then gently closed the door.

When he came to the bathroom to clean up, Belen wanted to go out and breathe, and when he opened the door, he saw a spectacle lady who was about to knock on the door.

"Hello, the master would like to please."

After hearing the words, Belen was taken aback, thought about it, and then nodded.


The master who wanted to come to the other party was referring to Vernie.

So, following the enchanting spectacles secretary, she walked to Vernie's office.

When she came to the office, Vernie was sitting on the round chair aside, with lady Fan's legs upturned, and drinking tea comfortably.

The dress that Vernie is wearing today is obviously very warm, there is also a scarf hanging, white stockings wrapped her legs.

"sit down."

Hearing this, Belen came over and sat opposite Vernie. He looked around and found that Hoshina was not here.

"Hoshinai drank too much yesterday and is still asleep in the house. Maybe he hasn't worn his clothes yet. Would you like to see it? You haven't seen enough in the hot spring room, right?"

"No, no more!"

Belen was shocked by Vernie's words, he was a little ashamed, this Nizi is really shocking and endless.

Vernie glanced at him, she was still resentful about what happened in the bathroom last time.

"Can't her magic power directly eliminate Dejiu Jin?"

"The central theme of her wine swordsmanship is to go with the flow."

Vernie explained it plainly.

"Then she shouldn't drink very well? Did she drink such a high concentration of alcohol? She slept until now and still hasn't woke up."

Belen is a little curious, after all, such a drinker must drink too much alcohol to imagine.


Vernie responded, but did not explain what she drank.

The guy Hoshina was really addicted to alcohol yesterday, he just drank all night, it was the kind of wine that Vernie didn't dare to touch a glass, the purple-haired girl came bottle by bottle.

"So, is there something to call me?"

"Nothing, can't I call you to chat?"

Vernie gave Belen a white look, and then under the latter's noncommittal gaze, she spread her hands.

"Well, I have something to tell you."


"Did you go to Sattar Prison again yesterday?"

Belen nodded.

Vernie picked up the hot tea that the secretary had just added, and after two mouthfuls, she told the news.

"Today I got the news that "The Witch" is going to have the hundredth battle in three days. At that time, Hoshina and I will watch it together."

Hearing the news, Belen's eyes gradually widened, and soon he calmed down again. If Latier had known this news, her mood could be imagined.

What is the warden thinking?Obviously he also has that kind of compassion for Ilia, but he wants that child to start a fight so soon?

"One more news."

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