Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 135

This man must have tempered his physical body and possessed such magical attributes. Although his physical strength is comparable to that of a superhuman that cannot be trained well, it can also be compared to an ordinary superhuman.

Hoshina, who was sitting in the VIP seat, had his eyes condensed slightly. With such power, it is no wonder that he could annihilate the more than twenty Magisters who came to crusade him.

Latier clasped her hands tightly, and she was even more worried about Ilia at the moment. The brown cat pupils were very crystal clear, as if water was dripping out.

Belen on the side looked at the silver-haired girl in the field. He frowned tightly, always feeling that something had changed in Ilia.

In the field.

Ilia calmly watched Jessica rush over, her right index finger flexed, and a stone pillar suddenly rose on the ground, hitting Jessica's body, and blasting it out.


The harsh sound sounded, the stone pillar broke apart, and a figure flew out.

I saw Jessica disheveled her head, her eyes were flushed, her eyes were full of ecstasy, and she had a crazy smile on her face.

"Interesting and interesting, I must beat you! In return! I will eat your body one by one!"

Jessica yelled, his magic power reached its peak at this moment, and there was even visible blood radiating from his body.

I saw Jessica lying on the ground, like a hungry wolf rushing for food. With a kick on his feet, he suddenly flew out like a cannonball.

call out!

A blood shadow pierced the audience, and the stone pillars soaring up could not touch him at all.

And Yiliya's expression remained unchanged from beginning to end. She looked at the blood shadow lightly, raised her right hand, and her five fingers seemed to be plucking strings.


Three thousand silver hairs fluttered and stretched infinitely. Three thousand silver hairs shot out at once. They were so soft that they covered the entire field. The speed was so fast that they caught up with Jessica.

"Hahaha, it's fast, then... hurry up!"

Jessica's laughter became much more normal. He seemed to enjoy this chase, and the speed was a bit faster!

"There are still reservations, it's amazing."

On the tower, Rodriguez was smiling and watching the fierce battle in the field. Although he was a little surprised by the power of the silver-haired girl, he did not think that the outcome would be reversed.

Heglen stared at the battle, and he could also see that the battle at this moment was undoubtedly the "madman" leading the battle.

Jessica glanced at the three thousand silver wires that were chasing from all directions, his eyes narrowed slightly, and finally his eyes were fixed on the young girl who had been standing there.

call out!

With the help of the stone wall, Jessica used her feet to break the stone wall, and the whole person flew away like a spring, kicking Ilia.

It fell like a meteor, and in the blink of an eye, she came to Iliya, but in the next moment, an exclamation sound rang out of the court.


The three thousand silver threads in all directions returned to Ilia's front as if they were alive, and sealed Jessica inside, unable to deposit any more.

"It's fast! Hehehe."

The entangled Jessica still looked crazy, he smiled coldly, and then exerted all his strength, and the eruption of vigor shook the silver hair away, and he took this opportunity to vacate and escape.

Just after he fell in front of Ilia, he did not rush to attack, but continued to smile weirdly, and carefully looked at the silver-haired girl.

"Your laughter reminds me of the faces of some disgusting guys."

Illiya spoke, her voice soft and emotional, expressing her disgust.

"Hehehe, I'm not a dumb."

But Jessica didn't take it seriously. Instead, he became more interested in the young girl in front of him. He licked his upper lip, as if looking at his food.

"Please die."

Iliya's eyes, which are no longer godless, have become a lot more agile at this moment, but they give people a feeling of indifference.

"Hehehe, interesting and interesting! I want to taste your sweetheart!"

I saw that Jessica's whole body was full of blood, and at this moment, his cold laughter seemed to make the air a little cold.

This time, it was Ilia who took the lead. She raised a hand and opened her five fingers, and the magic power surged.

Bang bang bang!

The earth shook, and the ground under Jessica's feet broke apart directly, and the endless mud and rocks behind were surging like a wave and swallowed toward Jessica!

"This... is no longer limited to earth magic."

Vernie, who was sitting in the VIP table, opened her eyes wide, and she did not expect that the little girl would hide so much!

"This is higher-level magic above earth magic..."

Hoshina muttered to herself, she also saw the true face of the magic.

"Earth Magic."

Belen, who was watching the battle, told the truth, and his heart was shaken.

A child of this age actually mastered the earth magic that is the source of earth magic?

There is a big gap between earth magic and earth magic, which fundamentally changes the nature of magic, and its root is called "element".

There are really very few magisters who can master the magic of the earth. Such magisters are all strong men who can't see the end of the dragon.

At this moment, she actually appeared on a girl who was only thirteen or fourteen years old.

It's really horrible!

Now, is the term "Tian Zongzhi" enough to describe this child?


The earth is like a vast ocean, and the waves of rocks rise from thousands of layers, with the power to cover the sky and the sun, swallowing all the stars.


Jessica's face changed drastically for the first time, and he stared blankly at the earth and rocks covering him.

He felt the pressure of Tarzan, the threat of death!


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