Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 136

Jessica didn't know why the silver-haired girl could suddenly use such a powerful magic, but he knew very well that if he didn't run away at this moment, he would really die here!

call out!

Jessica fled toward the big iron gate. He was fast, like lightning and thunder, and he escaped from being swallowed by a sea of ​​stones.

Seeing that the other party was about to flee, Yi Liya had cold eyes and expressionless face. She raised her hands, as if playing the air strings.

"The three thousand rebels haven't escaped yet, are you okay?"

Her cold self-talk was destined to be heard by no one, because in the next moment, the deafening noise went through the Sattar Arena.


With Jessica as the center, the site with a radius of nearly one hundred meters collapsed directly, but it was like a quagmire gathering, directly submerging the "madman", no matter how fast he was, it was now a bird deep in the quagmire.

"No! No! This is impossible!"

Jessica had only one hand and face left to struggle. He couldn't believe that his defeat was so straightforward and unrealistic!


The syllables were incomplete, and under countless sights, Jessica had disappeared, disappearing in the site that gradually calmed down and became a site again.

If it weren't for witnessing the silver-haired girl's magic, perhaps everyone would think that this arena itself is a monster!

In that big underground, perhaps there are still the bones of the sloppy man, and the bright red liquid that has not solidified, thinking carefully!

"This is impossible…"

The two men on the tower stared blankly at the already calm arena.

Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen: That Hand

At this moment, the arena that was full of voices was actually extremely quiet, and everyone was looking at the Sattar arena.

Just now the stone waves hit the sky, why is it calm now?Was it just dreaming?Is that sloppy man missing?Is it buried?

A series of well-informed questions came to mind.

This is a very exciting contest, but how can it be shocked by only one person in the blink of an eye?

The battle seems boring, but the magic is even more amazing!


"Witch" is impossible to lose...

At the beginning, seeing the "witch" falling into a disadvantage, many people were still cheering, but at this moment, they felt that they were stupid. How could they lose?Obviously winning is very easy!

Belen and the three girls both opened their eyes wide and looked at the silver-haired girl below in disbelief.

The shock I felt this time was even worse than last time.

The strength and talent at this age can be said to be blessed by the heavens!

Ilia, something is different...

This is Belen's feeling, not the strength, because from the beginning, it is impossible to judge the strength of Ilia.

The difference is the feeling, Illiya, who is standing there at the moment, is looking at her hands.

How do you describe that feeling?

Perhaps, it can be said to be more vivid, right?

Bold conjecture, perhaps, because of the last incident?

"Sigmar... Aiello, Aiello...?"

Vaguely, Belen thought of something. His eyes moved slightly, but his mind was not transparent. It might take some thinking and meditation to understand.

VIP room.

"It's too strong, this kid."

Even Verney couldn't help but marvel that the child called the "witch" had a talent for magic and magic even stronger than that of the witch race.

"Hoshina, do you have a chance of winning against that kid?"

Vernie asked the beautiful girl with purple hair curiously, a little concerned.

When Vernie asked, Hoshina shook her head, and she blinked her beautiful starry eyes.

"That kid didn't have the intention to fight at the beginning, but didn't get serious until later. In my opinion, if I can't get close, I can't win."

Hoshina roughly simulated his fight with the silver-haired girl in his mind, and the final result was this.

If she can't get close, she can't even imagine the possibility of guaranteeing undefeated.

"It's amazing, what a pity."

Vernie sighed, her eyes were quite regretful, but at the same time, there were doubts.


"How could it be so strong...?"

Rodriguez was dumbfounded at the moment, thinking that "Madman" was enough to defeat "Witch", but the result was completely beyond his expectations.

Now, even if you dig three feet of the ground, you may not be able to bring out the corpse of that "madman". Maybe, there is still a little scum left?

Rodriguez was totally unacceptable. Such a strong man was actually locked up in Sattar prison. After all, how was he locked up?

Now Rodriguez is starting to be a little scared. How should he take such a character away?

"He...hehe, Hegren, do you know her power?"

Rodriguez looked at Heglen with a very ugly expression. Doesn't he think that Heglen will be able to control such a strong man with certainty?

"Ahem, yes, of course."

Heiglen just coughed, and then revealed what he knew of course, but it was not convincing.

It turned out that he didn't know.

Taking a deep look at Hegren, Rodriguez withdrew his gaze, and he looked at the silver-haired girl standing in a daze in the field.

This "witch" must be taken away, but the question is, how to take it away?

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