Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 137

He was still very upset at this moment, because he had to bear the consequences of the "madman" dying here. After all, this prisoner was not under his control, and his ability to get out was already the limit.

"It's really troublesome!"

Rodriguez wanted to stamp his feet angrily, but he couldn't stand in front of Heglen.

"That's it for today. I just want to taste the Yarusal wine, so I'll leave and talk later."

With that, Rodriguez left here without looking back.

Upon seeing this, the surrounding soldiers couldn't help but a little bit of laughter. Isn't this just because you can't hold back your face and run away?

Heglen also felt a little smile at this, and he looked at the child below again.

Many things are unexpected, just like this time.

Illiya stood in place, she said that her gaze was retracted from her hand, she looked up at the countless spectators outside the arena, her expression calm.

Finally, the silver-haired girl turned around, walked to the iron fence gate, and returned to darkness.

When Ilia walked into the passage, Heglen was standing alone in the front of the passage, watching her.


Illya also raised her head when she heard someone calling her, her eyes fell on Heglen's body, her eyes fluctuated a bit.

"Are you hurt?"

Heiglen stepped forward and didn't care that Ilia had just killed someone. He was only full of worry and care.


Eliya subconsciously replied to the middle-aged man who was almost entering old age.

Hearing Illya replied to him, Hegren was also stunned, looking at Illya with a slightly dull gaze.

This is the first time Illiya has replied to him, and her voice is no longer so low.

"Ilia...what's wrong with you?"

Out of concern, Heiglen asked the doubt in his heart.

Iliya's eyes were drooping, her body was slightly swayed, and she only felt a headache.

"I remembered something."

When Hearing Illya's words, Heiglen's heart trembled, and as expected, he already had this premonition.

"Do you know anything?"

Illiya raised her head and looked at the half-white-haired man in front of her. Her eyes were calm but very focused, as if she wanted some answer from the face of the person in front of her.

When Hearing Ilia's words, Heglen was silent. Finally, he sighed in his heart. In any case, he didn't allow himself to conceal everything.

At this moment, Illya's memory is obviously not clear, but sooner or later she will remember everything.

And Heiglen also made a decision.

"Illya, I will tell you everything I know, but can you give me some time?"

If possible, Heglen would choose not to tell her in person.

Illya felt dizzy more and more, but after she stared at Heglen for a while, she finally nodded.

This made Heiglen relieved. He looked at Ilia with a tired look, and he didn't know if it was because of the battle, his eyes gradually softened.

"I'll take you back to have a good rest, you should be tired too."

Heglen stretched out his big hand and took Yiliya's little hand.


Iliya did not resist this kind person, there was such a person in her memory.

Gentle, kind, rough but warm hands.



Chapter 114: Sigmar, the Kingdom of Airou

After this shocking battle ended, many people stayed there for a long time before leaving, and they were still talking about it.

In the hearts of countless people, recalling the shocking scene before.

"so amazing!"

After being shocked, La Tier finally calmed down, and she let out an exclamation.

In the next year, Ji is younger than her, but Yiliya possesses such power.

Ratil has not seen many big scenes, but the last time he saw Al and the witches doing hands.

And the sight of Iliya using magic is not worse than that one time!

Latil, who has no accurate concept of the strong, looked at Belen on the side and blinked with moving amber eyes.

"Mr. Belem! Illya, isn't she very powerful?"

Seeing La Tier's smile, Belen was also startled, then nodded.

"Ilia is very strong."

This is true, Belen has carefully judged Ilia's combat power, perhaps, comparable to Al.

The earth magic of Ilya is indeed very powerful, but it just happened to restrain that sloppy man so that it succeeded so easily.

The most important thing is that Illya has its own rules to release magic, and it also has its own magic. This is the most tricky place, the strong, just like that.

What makes Belen more concerned about the changes in Ilia than Ilia's magic.

Although the previous Ilia was still decisive, she didn't feel that she was able to do so easily. Instead, she killed those people out of instinct.

And this time, although Illiya was also passive at the beginning, people like Belen and Hoshina could tell that Illiya behind was obviously an active attack out of self-consciousness.

There must be something mentally impeded by Ilia, which Belen felt from the first frontal contact.

But at this moment, looking at Iliya's fighting posture, the feeling is gone without a trace.

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