Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 138

Of course, no matter what Belém thinks, he can't figure it out.

It's hard to think through a person's mind, whether it is others or oneself.

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The beautiful girl with purple hair was biting her fingernail, her eyes flickered slightly, occasionally revealing a fierce light.

On the side, Vernie looked at the table with one arm and leaned her face on the back of her hand. She glanced at Hoshina, and then sighed.

It has been a long time since Hoshina looks like this.

This look of Hoshina shows that she is deducing in her mind the picture of herself fighting with others, and sometimes even draws a sword when she gets excited.

This Nizi is really a fighting genius. She seems to want to fight that child very much, but she restrains herself very much. Vernie knows that Hoshina is because the opponent is a child.

On the other hand, Belen and others are already on their way back, because they are a group that left earlier, so they are not crowded, and others are still talking about this and that.

After returning to the hotel, Belen asked Latil and the others to eat by themselves. These little guys have already visited the hotel. In this hotel, Belen is still very relieved.

He returned to the commercial car, the big guy opened his eyes and looked at it and found that Belen had not brought food, and then closed his big eyes again.

Belen patted the big guy on the head, as if comforting, and then walked to the second carriage.


Belen began to turn over the big boxes and opened one after another, with very bad luck, until he searched the last corner, where a wooden box was lying.

"It should be here."

Open the wooden box, it is full of neatly arranged books and some drawings.

Belen began to search inside, and finally took out a folded paper in the gap.

After spreading out the paper, Belen looked at it. The paper was very large with a withered yellow plate on it. Belen drew his fingers on it.


Belen squinted slightly, then took the book aside, opened it, and turned to a certain page.

"Sigmar Geographical Distribution"

His gaze searched in the countless words below, and Belem was page after page, and finally his gaze fixed in a certain text frame.

"It turned out to be here."

At the end, Belen frowned, then looked at the scattered books and drawings, and sighed.


After finishing everything, Belen clapped his hands and walked out of the commercial vehicle.

Vernie was sitting in the office sorting out her information, and just as she had just sipped her coffee, there was a knock on the door.

Click, click.

Verni gave a look at the secretary, who nodded, then turned and walked to open the door.

When the door opened, Vernie seemed a little surprised to see the person who came, but then she frowned again, there must be something else.

"Vernie, I..."

"Do you want to help again?"


Belen scratched his cheek, a little embarrassed.

"You look like this in the academy, you really haven't changed."

Vernie was a little helpless, she couldn't hate this guy anyhow.

"Go ahead, what's the matter?"

"Uh, uh... well, I want a piece of information about Sigmar's Aylor Kingdom, can you help?"

Belen said his intentions, he was looking for the position of Sigmar on the continental plate, and then found the position of the Kingdom of Ai Luo.

It was precisely because of the two words that Belen had heard from Ilia's self-talk in the prison that he cared so much.

"Sigmar's Aylor Kingdom?"

Vernie blinked her eyes, only feeling a little familiar, but after thinking about it, she spoke with a weird face.

"Is it the dead kingdom of Ai Luo?"

Hearing these words, Belem was stunned. He looked at Vernie in disbelief.


"Yes, in my impression, it died only two years ago. It was really sudden news at that time."

Verney nodded, and in her mind there was only this Ailuo kingdom.

Then, Verney looked at the secretary who was aside.

"Give me a copy of the details of the Ailuo Kingdom."


The secretary nodded slightly and walked out of the office.

Belen sat in a chair beside him, frowned slightly, and began to think about something in his heart.

Soon, the secretary came back. She brought the information back, and placed the information on the table next to Belen under the sign of Vernie.

Belen picked up a pile of materials and began to look at it with concentration.

This information is very detailed, from the birth of the Ailuo Kingdom to the various reforms in the middle, and the final things are very detailed.

As for the reason for its demise, it is probably recorded that this kingdom has two factions from beginning to end.

Radicals and conservatives.

One advocates a comprehensive reform of the country, thereby changing the country’s poverty.

The other is to pay attention to step by step, not to be too impatient, otherwise it will cause a crash.

In this major reform, the two factions had huge differences, and the specific reasons are unknown.

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