Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 139

Vaguely, it seemed that a certain plan caused the subsequent war between the two factions.

The destruction of the Ailuo Kingdom was caused by it alone.

Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen: The People of the Nation

Sigmar is located to the west outside the Florentine Empire. It has a wide area, with more than one country located on the edge of the ocean, and the climate is distinct.

In Sigmar, there is indeed a country called the Kingdom of Ailuo.

The Ailuo Kingdom has a history of three hundred years. Although it is not comparable to the three major empires of the mainland, it is also a country with historical and cultural heritage.

However, it, like most countries, is not destroyed by foreign enemies, but because of internal reasons.

The secret plan led to the intensification of the fighting between the two factions, and finally led to the war between the two factions, the overt political battle, and the dark battle in the dark.

No country can survive for long. Even an empire will disappear one day.

It took a lot of time to finish reading the information, and Belen put down the information, frowning slightly.

Since Ilya mentioned these two words, it was confirmed that there were indeed such two places, so Belen could judge that Ilya must have a close connection with Ai Luo.

Perhaps, Ilia is a member of the kingdom of Ai Luo.

With such strength, Illiya would certainly not be an ordinary character.

So, is it conservative or radical?

Belen guessed that, as far as he thought, it might be true.

Since the country was subjugated, maybe Ilia at the time was in tears because of the past, right?

Regardless of the faction, Illiya may have been saddened by the fact that the country was subjugated.

"Have you finished reading it? Then, curiously ask, what do you want this information for?"

Vernie was holding the warm tea cup in both hands, and asked with interest.

"When I went to prison, I learned from the child."

This is not something worth concealing, so Belen told the truth.

Hearing what Belen said, Vernie raised a hand to rest her chin, her eyes moving in her pupils thoughtfully.

Could it be said that that child is from the kingdom of Ai Luo?

Is it a subjugated people?

No wonder it.

When she first investigated the child, it could be said that nothing was found. If the child was not an imperial person, then the explanation would be clear.

"Vernie, do you know why that kid ended up like this?"

This is what Belen is very concerned about. Why would a 13 or 14-year-old child be in the Sattar prison?


Verne leaned her body on the chair, her eyes closed involuntarily with the soft feeling, obviously a little tired.

"According to my previous investigation, the child seemed to have passed through a town before. For some reason, he made a big shot and killed all the guards. The people in the town also fled.

Hearing Vernie's words, Belem also frowned. Although he didn't say how many people were killed, it was obviously very, very many.

As for the reason for the killing, it doesn't matter anymore, the child has been locked there for it.

"Later, a lot of people came, but it was strange that the child finally passed out, so he was arrested."

There was so much news that Verney had received, and she also felt sorry for Ilia, but she knew that she was powerless.

After knowing the reason why Illya was in prison, Belen also felt extremely helpless.

He would like to believe that the child killed the guards for some reason, maybe it was force majeure?

After connecting everything imaginable, Belen fell into silence, and after a long time, he stood up.

"Excuse me, I'll go back first."

Belen turned and left after speaking.

After Belem left, Vernie was lying on the table, and the secretary on the side came and put the cloak on Vernie.

The weather has been very cold recently.

Vernie was lying on the table, looking at the crystal ball that she was shining, her eyes were reminiscent, she muttered to herself.

"You won't do stupid things?"

Sattar prison.

After the gladiatorial fight, Heglen also seemed to have noticed some changes in Elia, and he also vaguely noticed something.

However, Heglen did not confess, but took Yilia's hand to the depths of the prison.

He had this kind of warm feeling a long time ago. After many years, he experienced it again and his memory is still fresh.

At that time, he had a daughter, and he held the child's hand from time to time and walked as quietly as he is now.

Soon, Heglen led Ilia to the very clean prison. He had been cleaned by someone before.

Only when Ilia came out to fight, Hegren would let someone come to clean it. After all, when Ilia was inside, no one except him dared to approach, let alone go in and clean.

No matter how petite and weak Illya looks, anyone who sees her fighting scene will definitely be in awe.

In this regard, Heglen can naturally understand that, sometimes, he personally came to help clean, of course, his behavior is not understood by his men.

"grown ups."

At this moment, some people were standing by the wall, and immediately stood up when Heiglen came.

When the soldiers and guards saw Iliya, their bodies couldn't help stiffening, and they obviously had lingering fears about the previous battle.

"My lord, she..."

The bolder and more daring guard looked at Ilia. Compared to his own life, he was more afraid that this "witch" would be harmful to the prison chief.

Although he had never seen this silver-haired girl in jail before.

"It's ok."

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