Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 140

Heglen shook his head, knowing what the guard wanted to say.

The guards also noticed that Heiglen was holding the hand of the silver-haired girl at this moment, and his heart could not help but the sound of drooling in the empty and quiet prison.

"Open the door."


Hearing Heiglen's words, one of them immediately reacted, and then opened the door of Ilia's cell.

At this moment, Illiya kept her head down, she didn't notice anyone else at all, she was only immersed in her own spiritual world at this moment.

There were new warm bedding in the cell, after all, it was cold.

"Ilia, take a good rest."

Heiglen looked at Ilia and knew that the latter must have a lot to think about now, so he didn't choose to bother.

After leaving, only the soldiers were left outside. They stood on the other side of the wall, just out of sight of the cell.

"My lord, what should I do if something happens to him?"

Some soldiers felt that Heglen's actions were too dangerous, and he couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"It's okay, there is a magic suppressor on the "witch"'s neck. It is very difficult to use magic in prison."

The soldier on the side patted his buddy on the shoulder, and didn't seem to worry much.

"Although this is true, but ah, it is still too dangerous, alas..."

After hearing the words, the man also thought of this, and he was a little relieved, but still felt a little headache.

"Haha, what's the reason to worry about it? My lord is a city man. How can I put myself in a crisis?"

The other soldier obviously had faith in Heglen and didn't worry about it at all.

In the cell.

Yiliya's eyes have now become clear, and many things have emerged in her mind, and her eyes have become complicated.

And Illiya also vaguely heard some of the jailer's words, she stretched out her hand to touch the "magic suppressor" on her neck, and said to herself indifferently.

"Just by that, can you trap me?"

Chapter 116: The Arrival of Rodrigue

Andinz Hostel.

In an office, Vernie was facing her desk, looking at the green outside the glass wall.

Vernie's eyes were pure like a clear spring, but she seemed a little sleepy, and she yawned and made her eyes moist.

But at the moment there is one thing that is particularly concerned about her.

At first, she didn't have much thought, but because of what happened the other day, Belen had to care about it.

The last time I got the news there was another piece of news about the child who was going to be transferred here, but there hasn’t been any movement until now. Why?

For Verni, this is not a big deal, she just needs to manage her family business well.

But what I have to admit is that she really cares about Belem, an old friend. The happy time in the academy cannot be forgotten, and so is friendship.

If it's just to convey the news of the child, Vernie would be happy to do it, so she also always pays attention to the movement of Sattar prison.

"What a troublesome guy."

Having said that, Vernie shook her head with a chuckle, her smile was more intoxicating than the flowers outside the window.

She is looking forward to the school festival in the near future, because of the appearance of Belen, she is even more looking forward to the moment when everyone gets together again.

These days, her hotel is always full, so there are a lot of things to deal with. The main reason is that because of the influence of the "witch", anyone wants to come and see such a strong person in person.

Fortunately, there is a secretary, who has shared a lot of work for him, otherwise he would be really exhausted.

"It's still early, let go of official business and sleep for a while!"

Vernie thought so, she sat on the soft chair for a while, then leaned back and closed her eyes, and after a while, she went to sleep safely.

The secretary was working on the documents. The spectacle lady who had been following Vernie for two years stood up, took a blanket and added a blanket to Vernie, then pulled the curtains up and the sun was collected.

After finishing all this, the enchanting secretary stretched out a slender hand and gently brushed away the hair in front of Vernie.

"Sleep well."

Immediately afterwards, she returned to her desk, then took out a crystal ball and injected a little magic, the crystal ball began to bloom with a faint brilliance, and she began to concentrate on the documents again.

At noon.

Three days have passed since I learned about the affairs of Ai Luo Kingdom.

Belen no longer knows how he feels about the fact that Ilia is a citizen of the country.

No matter which faction of the two factions, they may basically have the same goal, for the kingdom's strength, but the concept is different, like water and fire are incompatible.

No matter which faction Ilia is from, she must also love her country deeply, and the destruction of the country must have dealt a great blow to her.

Because of their own strength, they are safe, but because of this, they are lonely and tired.

Belen has been very restrained from thinking about Ilia, but this is obviously impossible.

La Tier was slicing the meat with a knife. He noticed that the meat on the plate in front of him did not move. He immediately raised his head and looked at Belem. Seeing that he was in a daze, he couldn't help but ask.

"Mr. Belen, what's the matter with you?"

However, Belén was in a daze, without any response, not only La Tier but also Leia was surprised.

What is it that makes Mr. Belém so concerned?

"Mr. Belém, Mr. Belém?"

"Uh, eh? What's wrong?"

After being called twice in a row, Belen was finally pulled back, his eyes refocused, and he looked at the cat-eared girl in front of him suspiciously.

"What is Mr. Belén thinking? I've been in a daze..."

La Tier blinked his bright and huge cat pupils, looked at Belen curiously, and his cat ears flopped twice.

"Ah... it's nothing, eat it quickly, it's almost cold, you can't waste it!"

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