Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 150

The assassin who was blown by the punch wanted to stop his body in the air, but he couldn't move because of severe pain, and finally fell to the ground.

"Damn... Is this guy a superhuman race?!"

The assassin was clutching his abdomen, and blood even spilled from his mouth. When he thought of this possibility, he couldn't help feeling a little horrified.

Superhumans are universally powerful and extremely rare.

"Don't try anymore. Isn't his ability to break my two magic swords worthy of attention before?"

The old man Yatu didn't sympathize at all when seeing the assassin deflated, but spoke sarcastically.

"Let's join hands, if you can't get it, just kill."

The old man Yatu said like this, he took a step forward, two followers guarding the law.

"Thunder and lightning, restrain this person! Use the lock of the sky thunder to bind this person into an endless prison!"

Da da!

When the spell was finished, the scepter was tapped twice on the ground, and a magic light pattern appeared on the body of the old man Yatu.


Suddenly, countless arcs of thunder appeared on the ground, like a slender electric snake blasting out, tightening towards Belem with three hundred and sixty corners.

Seeing this scene, Belen was also shocked. Is there any plan to capture him alive?

Belen raised the sword in his hand, and the thick sword aura of the thumb that was visible to the naked eye had the power to break steel, but when he wanted to cut through those thunder arcs, he suddenly turned his head and looked away.


Streams of light emerged, shuttled at a speed that the naked eye could not capture, it was the arrow shot by the archer hidden in the depths!

Do you want to resist the arrow to break the bondage, or save yourself and not break the magic?

The archer stood on the branch with his mouth slightly tilted, holding the arrow, and slowly hitting the bow. Who didn't make a move?

There is no time for Belém to think, and he also reacted at this moment. Since he didn't want to choose one, he broke it together!

The sword in Belen's hand slashed across, and the sword dance was spinning round and wide. The sword energy was three thousand in all directions, and a sword energy thunder pool was formed around him!

The arc arrived, but it was torn apart by the incomparable sword energy, and after that there were a few streams of light, but it was shattered when it entered the sword energy thunder pond.


The assassin had just stood up and was dumbfounded to see this offensive being broken.

But at the next moment, there was another flash of light, as if illuminating the evening sun, and another arrow from God, the violent wind set off several feet of stone waves, leaning toward both sides!

The sword qi thunder pond just dissipated, and Belen's pupils suddenly shrank at the moment the arrow came, presumably this was the archer's killer, and he was stuck at this time!

When the arrow was in front of his eyes, Belen's right hand sword had also been cut horizontally!


At the moment of receiving the arrow, the wind swept away and set off a huge wave of air. Belém retreated several meters away, leaving several footprints in the ground.

"Thirty-five percent!"

Must continue to improve!

The turquoise brilliance bloomed on the arrow, and it blocked the sharp sword energy, and it was a stalemate for a while!

"My arrow, no one can resist it in such a hasty situation. You are really amazing."

The archer was also very surprised that the man with the peaked cap resisted his arrow.

"The posterity is terrible."

The old man Yatu also chuckled, unexpectedly that the archer still had an arrow.

However, he is also ready.

"Leifa Tianlei died."

When the scepter in Ya Tu's hand is pointed away, it seems that the person who decides the ruling is determined, and the magic power is like a boiling river at this moment.


The humming sounds lined up in all directions like a wave, and a huge magic array hovered in the sky, and at the bottom of the center of the array, it was Belém!

When the battle had heated up, Rodriguez and others had already withdrawn from a long distance.

Those adventurers are watching with eyes wide open at this moment. This is no longer something people at their level can intervene!

Rodrigue didn't expect to make things so big. Had the people above expected it, so he sent these three people?

In fact, how is it?


The endless thunder began to surge in the magical array, and began to evolve into dark clouds, from which thunder punished!


Accompanied by a loud noise, thunder is like a dragon, descending to the world, and finally like a rain curtain of thunder, washing down from the sky, with the power of destroying the world, it will crush the earth!

Seeing this scene, Belen also felt a great threat. Seeing that waterfall-like thunder descended, his heart was also shocked.

I still want to kill him!

Before the archer shot the arrow, Ya Tu was still considering whether to capture the mysterious man alive, but when the opponent took the arrow, the balance in her heart fluctuated.

For the present plan, we should kill this person first, and then find the "witch" immediately!

When the lightning waterfall fell down, completely submerging the distance of several tens of meters, the assassin, Ya Tu and the archer all retreated immediately to prevent being affected.

However, what is certain is that the mysterious man was rushed by the lightning waterfall!

"Resolve it, the barrier has also been broken, and immediately go after the "witch"!"

Ya Tu glanced at the devastated land that was still impacted by the Thunder Falls and didn't have much mercy. He turned to chase people.

But at the next moment, a sharp sword sound rang through, and a terrifying silver light emerged from the Thunder Falls, a sword aura cut it off, and the light blue light rushed into the sky, piercing the magic. Array eyes!

"You guys can't make it through."

A cold voice came from the thunder sea, and a black figure walked out slowly. The peaked cap was a brand new one.

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