Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 151

"How can this be!"

The old man Yatu screamed, and he looked at the mysterious swordsman walking out of the thunder sea in disbelief.


The assassin also felt extremely horrified, the strength of this swordsman is too strong!

Too much!

Even the archer in the dark felt frightened, how could he be unscathed under that kind of magic?!

There is still a thunder arc flashing on Belen's body at this moment. He is indeed not traumatized, but he has caused himself internal injuries.

At this moment, he has entered the state of "sixty percent" after a long absence.

Allowing 60% of the magic power to be perfectly integrated into the body's flesh and blood cells, using this method to intensify one's body requires extremely subtle control.

Even the existence of the Great Magister could not integrate the magic power into the flesh and blood cells and still maintain it like this, let alone 60% of its own magic power.

Having such control can be said to be a monster, and Belem is such an existence.

However, at 60% of the realm, even Belém can't last long, just like him now, it doesn't seem to be a big problem, but the spirit is a little numb.

This kind of magic is very risky, and if one is not careful, it will burst and die. This is not a joke.

Belém’s magical power does not possess any attributes, which limits his achievements on any magical path. Apart from the method of self-contained magic, it can be said that there is nothing to do. However, the magical power is controlled to the extreme. This is his talent. Gift.

The practice that has been abandoned for too long, Belen can maintain "sixty percent" is considered forced out, but it can't be too long.

The opponent's magic was several levels stronger than the "Water Dragon King Avatar" summoned by the Magister last time.

Even if the three of the opposing team join forces, Belen feels that it only needs to reach the level of "40%", but to face the degree just now and be unscathed, only Belen in this state can secure the victory.

However, he doesn't need to last long, just because the pendant is bright.

Chapter 125: Fight back

When Belen noticed that the pendant was bright, he was also relieved, and then he glanced at the direction of the sea with some joy.

Did you see it?That's good.

Soon after, Belen turned his head, he looked at the two people in the distance, his expression calm.

However, the two of Ya Tu felt like a big enemy, and the aura exuding from each other's body at this moment was so strong that it was incredible.

Facing this person is like facing a mountain!And this mountain seemed to fall to them accidentally, which was breathless.

"This person is terrible!"

A look of horror appeared on the assassin's face. The assassin's mace he had intended to use at the moment felt that it was meaningless!

"The magic is not majestic like a river, but the breath stretches like a sea! This person is at least a paladin-chief level figure!"

The old man Yatu also muttered to himself, no one thought that the roadblocker would be such a existence.

How to fight this?!

Although they are very strong, they are not enough compared to the existence of the Paladin Commander. The Paladin Commander is not the strongest, but it is already the strongest in the empire.

And this mysterious swordsman was actually a strong man comparable to the empire ranked first.

The magic power in Belén's body surged, and some even began to dissipate from his flesh and blood. At this moment, he had already consumed a huge amount.

Belen's breath weakened for a moment, and then climbed back, but also at this moment, an arrow came through.

At the moment Belen's breath weakened, he launched an attack. Although the speed was fast, it was not fast enough.

Belen didn't even look at it. He raised his hand and swiped the sword lightly. The blade fell diagonally, and the arrow was cut away by the sharp sword energy.

"Do it! He is already injured!"

An anxious voice came into the ears of Yatu and the assassin, and it was the archer's voice.

Ya Tu and the assassin immediately noticed that they also caught the moment when the other's breath weakened, and they judged that the magic just now had caused damage!

The assassin took a step back and disappeared in the light, while Ya Tu waved his scepter and began to chant a spell. The two followers around him could only act as protectors.

The previous magic was not so easy for the old man Yatu to cast, he could indeed use it again in his current state, but there was no time.

In the distance, Belen glanced at the forest in the distance. He looked still, turned to face that direction, did not change the assassin and Yatu, and stepped forward.


At the moment of pedaling, the ground cracked and the dust was flying, and an afterimage was shot out like a cannonball. The speed was so fast that it was eye-catching.

The archer who was far away in a tree immediately sensed that it was not good, he was awe-inspiring, and he turned around and wanted to escape.

However, just as he jumped into the air, the archer's pupils suddenly shrank, only to see a person approaching him, the same volley, the pair of deep black pupils stared at him indifferently.

Belen turned around in the air and kicked the archer with a roundabout kick, causing it to fly back several tens of meters, and his figure crashed into the field.

"not good!"

Seeing that the archer was taken out, Ya Tu immediately realized the seriousness. There was no one who could support in the dark. That was too bad!

"Cang Lei, your roar is a declaration of verdict of evil, resounding through the abyss, letting the light condense and the darkness retreating!"

Boom, boom!

The endless thunder came, just like the anger of the sky, and the twists and turns of thunder and lightning blasted the forest with an indiscriminate offensive!

This is the strongest magic that Yatu can use quickly, and now it is better to save your own life than to find the "witch"!


Thunder is like a knife, cutting the earth and forest, and the ground is pitted. In that forest, a man with a peaked cap is holding a sword and he is as thick as a column.

After that, Belen took a step forward with the sword in his hand, took a step away, and in the blink of an eye he came to the field, standing beside Ya Tu, waiting for the next step, but the latter's pupils suddenly shrank.

The two defenders around Yatu were also shocked when they reacted. They let the enemy get close to the person they want to protect. This is really dereliction of duty!

With fists from both sides, Belen was still expressionless, his footsteps moved slightly, and his figure came to the front of the two, shoulders forward, and the two were directly shocked out several meters away.

Belen turned around and looked at Ya Tu, and a black light pierced from the side, followed by a dozen silver lights.

Dagger, poisonous needle.

Bear the brunt but not the main killer!

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