Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 152

The blade has reached the cheek, and the sharp air will cut his skin, while the thorns are on the back.

Belen did not evade, stomped his foot, his anger surged out, rushing into the bullfight, and the violent wind and waves would be swept away, but the next moment, he looked up.

That thorn is still an auxiliary kill!

I saw a black cloak covering the sky and blocking the view, and a blade fell from the pitch black, straight to Belem's head.

And he didn't see that Belem's sword had entered the empty sheath. He didn't even lift his head, and when the blade was approaching, he pulled the sword out of the sheath.

"Elves Sword Dance·Second Sound·Instantaneous."

It was the instantaneous sword, and in an instant there was only the sound of the blade breaking, the black cloak was torn apart from the middle, and then turned into endless sword energy torn to pieces, and the assassin was also wailing in pain, all over his body. It's a sword mark.

"Excuse me, I don't like you sneaky guys, start it"

Belen, who accidentally dropped his cruel hand, calmly expressed his apology, and stopped looking at the man who fell to the ground and fainted.

Belém, who has increased his power by "sixty percent", is also strong enough in perception that he can clearly feel a little bit of wind.

"Damn, this guy is too strong!"

In the field, the archer stood up again, there was still blood on the corner of his mouth that had not been wiped off. He held the bow in his hand, his eyes were uncertain, and he didn't know if he would fight again.

In the end, the archer gritted his teeth and stood up, raised his bow again, and an arrow struck the string, but when he was about to aim at his opponent, his heart was shocked.


The old man Yatu was not injured, but there was no man wearing a peaked cap in front of the old Yatu who stood still.

"I'm here."

The flat voice sounded next to him, and the archer's heart trembled, and he held the arrow back to the person on the right.


I saw one hand caught the arrow, then it broke directly, and then kicked it flying with one foot, and the archer fell into the mud and trembled, his eyes horrified.

too strong!

Is he dying?

However, when he reluctantly raised his head and looked at it, what was unexpected to him was that the mysterious man didn't even walk towards him. Wouldn't it be possible to chase him and kill him?

Belen had no intention of killing people, otherwise the previous sword would be directed at the magician.

Step by step, he came to the old man Yatu. The old man was not afraid, but he was bitter. He didn't expect to encounter such hard stubbles.

"Do you know one thing?"

Hearing the mysterious person’s questioning, the old man Yatu frowned and did not understand what the other party was talking about. The next moment, he was fainted by the sword face. Just before the fainting, he heard a slightly annoying voice. .

"That magic really hurts."


"Sure enough, the VIP chapter can't be seen by everyone, so..."

Chapter 126: Successfully defeated

After the three enemies lost their combat effectiveness, Belen also relieved the anger he had been holding. The whole person was shaken and almost fell.

Compared to the omnipotent and strong self in that state, he is now much weaker.


Belen gasped heavily and looked a little tired. It was not so easy to maintain the increase.

It's been a long time before he can't hold it. Is he getting old?Oh no, he is only twenty years old. It seems that he has been too lack of exercise over the years.

Rodriguez in the distance had already lost that calm look. He couldn't believe that the Yatu trio had been defeated by the team!

But the facts were before his eyes, and he couldn't help but believe it.

The strength of that mysterious man has reached a point that Rodriguez can't recognize, just like the strong men at the top of the empire organization he belongs to, it is impossible to guess.

Those adventurers can be described as "feasting their eyes." After all, they can hardly see the battle at this level, and at this moment, they feel a great crisis.

If the other party wants to kill them, they can't resist!

Belén raised his eyes to look at Rodriguez, then stretched out his hand to press the peaked cap and turned away.

He was just the person blocking the road, if it weren't because he couldn't stop it for too long, he wouldn't make a move to knock those people out.

Yes, it is like that.

This time, no one was killed but one was seriously injured.

"I want to see the sea too."

With such a whisper and sigh, Belen walked into the dense forest on the other side, and the back was devastated.


The waves swelled and rolled to the beach, and the waves layered on top of each other. The world is full of the howling of the sea, spectacular and shocking.

La Tier walked into the sea, letting the sea water cover her ankles, feeling very comfortable, she looked at the young girls still on the beach with a moving smile.

"Let's play together!"

Seeing La Tier laughing, Laiya and Hoshina looked at each other, and then smiled helplessly. There was really no sense of crisis at all.

Latis is the one who is very let go. After all, the child is very playful, kicked off two small shoes, and then ran into the sea with open arms and jumped into the sea. The cold water stimulated his ears to stand up. Up.

"Mr. Belén, you have to come on."

Raya thought so in her heart, and then and Hoshina ran over with a smile.


Ratil touched Ratis' head, and then looked at the silver-haired girl who was still on the beach.

Illiya stood there, looking at the sea with a dull expression, her eyes flickered, and when she heard La Tier's call, it turned cloudy.


She murmured a word that only she could hear. Illya took a deep breath, and the refreshing air dispelled the haze in her mind. She raised her head slightly and looked at the sun, albeit dazzling.

"time flies."

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