Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 153

The little silver-haired girl sighed like this. At this moment, the darkness that had always enveloped her had disappeared, making people feel much brighter.

The brilliance of the silver-haired girl came back again. She looked at the girl who was waiting for her in the sea. The girl who had been expressionless, had soft lines on her face.


Iliya didn't wear shoes, she walked into the sea with her bare feet and dirty feet. The moment she was immersed in the cold, the clear ocean was baptized with filth.

"Latier... Sister?"

Ilia came to La Tier's body and raised her head to look at the bright girl in front of her.

Hearing Ilia's name, La Tier was also stunned, but the next moment she showed a surprise smile, opening her chest to embrace the silver-haired girl in front of her.

"Well, Illya!"

Lattes on the side looked at the two embracing each other, and then followed Latir, went behind Ilia and stretched out her arms to hug the same young sister.

Hoshina and Laya stood in the sea. Laya didn't care about the clothes being wet, so she lay in the sea and smiled contentedly.

Robbing the prison car and then running to see the sea is really like a farce.

Such a nervous feeling is really not felt in the Fairy Forest.

It's great to be able to come out and meet Belén and others. This kind of life is interesting, the old and stubborn ones in the clan.

Hoshina watched the waves hit the reef, but she didn't expect that Jian Ju Er was actually the one who would take care of this kind of things.

However, she doesn't hate such a person.

At this moment, Hoshina turned his head and looked at the coconut tree on the other side of the beach. A man with a peaked cap was sitting under the coconut tree.

When Hoshina looked at it, the man with the peaked cap under the tree also noticed, he took off the hat, and then waved at Hoshina.

"He is back."

Hearing Hoshina's words, Laiya, who was lying in the sea, was slightly startled, then sat up, scanned the shore for a week, and then also noticed the figure under the coconut tree.

"Mr. Belen!"

Seeing Belen came back safely, Laya's heart was also relieved.

La Tier and La Tis are playing in the water, and Illia is standing aside. She seems to feel something, turning her head to look towards the coconut tree.

Because of exhaustion, Belen also sat here to rest. When Ilia's line of sight came, Belen also looked at it, tens of meters apart, but the line of sight met in the air.

Ilia blinked, nodded slightly, then turned her head and squatted down, looking at the clear water.

When seeing Ilia nod to him, Belen was also stunned, the feeling became clearer, the child seemed...

"Mr. Belen!"

La Tier yelled loudly from a distance, and the girl's smile was bright and moving in the sun.

It seems to be very happy.

Belen smiled in his heart, he leaned against the coconut tree, raised his hand and waved.

"Ilia, go and say hello to Mr. Belem! But he offered to save you."

La Tier smiled and took Yi Liya's little hand, and then the other hand held La Tis.


Ilia responded.

Hoshina and Laya also went ashore at this moment, and the girls walked to Belem. When the latter saw this, they immediately patted their cheeks, and put away the obvious fatigue.

"Mr. Belen, are you okay?"

La Tier came to Belem's face, she was taken aback for a moment, vaguely perceiving exhaustion in the latter's eyes.

"It's alright."

Belen looked puzzled, and then he said again.

"The trap I set up is terrible, they can't find ours."

Hoshina looked at Belem and didn't say anything, while Laiya pursed her lips, her eyes a little complicated.

Although Belen wanted to hide his exhaustion, no matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't hide it all.

That trap is Mr. Belém himself.

"Ilia, Mr. Belen is a very good person."

Latier said to Ilia very seriously.

Hearing this, Illiya nodded, she is not the unconscious ordinary little girl before, she looked at Belem.

"Thank you, uncle."


Everyone seemed to hear the sound of something breaking, and several girls found that the man under the coconut tree was already sluggish.

That is the sound of heartbreak!

This "uncle" is far more powerful than any magic.

All at once shattered the heart of a twenty-year-old boy.

Chapter 127: I'm a princess

When Belen heard the name of the silver-haired girl in front of him, the whole person was not good. It was even more uncomfortable than fighting with the three people before. The latter was because Belen could not be cruel, so he was sometimes very aggrieved. But the former is very heart-stirring.

Isn't he only twenty years old?!

Ilia is only twelve years old, only eight years old from Belém, eight years old...

When Leia saw Belém's desperate look, she couldn't help but smiled. It turned out that Mr. Belém was someone who would care about such things.

"Ilia, Mr. Belem, but he likes to be called brother."

Ratil raised her hand and rubbed the silver-haired girl's head with a smile. As a sister's "sister power", this cat-eared girl is surprisingly tall.


Hearing what Latier said, Belen also recovered immediately. He was choked by the saliva he swallowed, and then scratched his cheek with his fingers in embarrassment, and met the cat-eared girl's sly eyes. , Cheeks are a little rosy unconsciously.

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