Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Journey in Another World Chapter 236

Although it was in the competition, she saw all the other party's cooking process in her eyes. Her thanks and advice came from the heart, because no matter which game it was, she was still learning.

Every time she goes through a competition, every time she plays a cooking, her cooking skills will also improve a little.

Such a young girl shocked many people, because the cooking skills she possessed surpassed everyone's imagination. Looking at the figure, it was as if she saw the young "God of Cooking" Rek. S.

Long ago, the young man was equally energetic and talented.

"Rex, who do you think the champion will be among those four kids?"

Favna looked at the four young figures in the viewing area. Although there was still one game that had not started, her instinct told him that there was no suspense for the next one.

"How could I know?" Rex laughed. He also couldn't judge the champion, but he smiled: "At present, the girl with the code name Chopper is better than the other three."

Chapter 216: Excited State

The two sides in the fourth game no longer need to draw the lottery, because there are only two remaining players, and it is also a matchup between the junior and the senior.

"Welcome to the last two players! Please "Unstable Chopper" and Mr. Delya!This will also be the last match of our quarterfinals. Let us look forward to the wonderful collision of the last two players!"


This game is undoubtedly highly anticipated. Three of the top four players have come to the fore, and all of them are younger generations. The final game of the top eight will also determine the last four players.

Will it be the young man who continues to advance, or will the culinary senior be the exception?

At last it was his turn. Belen looked back and looked out of the field, just to see the four girls waving at him with a smile, and vaguely heard the voice shouting to cheer, cheering for him.

Seeing this scene, Belen also warmed his heart, so he waved his hand in response, and then walked to the battle platform. Latier and the others came to watch him play, so if they are riveted enough, they will win the game what!

"Mr. Chopper!"

Hearing the call coming from behind him, Belen turned his head and looked back, and he was also slightly startled when he saw that the caller was the talented girl.


Hillsius smiled and said straightforwardly: "I look forward to your competition! Your cooking is very special! Just like the girl before! If I guess right, do you two know each other?"

In Hillsius's impression, the girl named Lumia often stayed with the young man in front of her. Even the team played together before. If the guess is correct, then the two must know each other.

Hearing Hillsius' words, the "girl" in the other party's words was undoubtedly Lumia, Belen raised his brows slightly, and then nodded.

"Then, this kitchen knife girl, you have to keep your eyes open."

Coincidentally, both of them have the word kitchen knife in their code names.

Hearing each other's name so imagined, Hillsius was taken aback, then smiled and nodded, and then sat back in his seat.


Have you already left the city?

The conversation with that girl reminded Belen of the killer girl. He stepped onto the battle stage and shook his head. Now let's focus on the game.

In fact, Belem, who has reached the quarterfinals, does not intend to stop there, not only because La Tier and the others are watching off the court, but also because of the rich rewards.

In addition to the internship opportunities for the top thirty-two, which Belen didn't care about, he had a thousand gold coins, but for the sake of his wife of the old man, he looked at the future bonus.

In the round of 16 competition, "God of Cooking" Rex announced the rewards of the top 16 players. Although the rewards other than the bonus were even more eye-catching, what Belen cared most was the two thousand gold coins.

Belém, who is already in the quarterfinals, is enough to get four thousand gold coins!At least the old man's daughter-in-law had earned it, but this was far from Belen's goal.

Final Four.

That's right, the prize money of the semi-finals is as high as six thousand gold coins!This is Belém's goal. Of course, he is more jealous of the 8,000 gold coins in the final and the 10,000 gold coins in the championship, but when he thinks of what kind of guy his opponent is, he doesn't care much.

However, six thousand gold coins must be held firmly!

Thinking of this, Belém's fighting spirit was immediately aroused. Every step on the battlefield was very heavy, and every step contained Belém's belief in victory.

"This guy is so powerful!"

As an opponent, Mr. Delya felt the anger on Belen's body and couldn't help but squinted his eyes, his heart was extremely heavy, and he also felt extremely attached to the black-haired young man in front of him.

Anyone who is smart can know why the rules of the game have changed. Isn't it because the young man in front of him can cook perfectly?

Facing this man, it was also under tremendous pressure, and Delya was already the last of the players in the kitchen industry, he also wanted to advance to the semi-finals, to save a little dignity for them who are also seniors!

The cooking theme of this show is exactly "spring" as everyone expected.

Because it was an expected theme, both Belém and Mr. Delya set off in an instant. They had already thought about their cooking before the game.

And that Mr. Delya can be said to be very unlucky when he met Belém who was in a state of excitement.

During the meeting, Belém looked at the four girls outside the court from time to time, and the whole person became more excited. As the head of the family, how could he want his little guys to see the extraordinary spirit of the elders. !

La Tier, you are all optimistic!

Seriously me, but very powerful!

"Oh oh oh!"

In a state of extreme excitement, Belem's movements became more and more rapid, and every step was completed extremely quickly and perfectly. The audience was stunned, because the speed increased, so that they could not see what the young man had to do.

The genius girl Silsius also looked thoughtfully at the ingredients prepared on the kitchen table on the screen. She naturally saw the usefulness of the ingredients, but she didn't understand what the other party was doing.

This round of competition, the first to complete the cooking is undoubtedly the excited Belen, he confidently put the only plate in his hands, and then stepped onto the judges' stage.

"Fresh and crisp green sauce scones, please taste!"

After putting down the cooking, Belen relieved all the pressure, and then waved in the direction where La Tier and the others were. When he was serious, victory was bound to be won!

Latier looked at the figure waving at her and the others in the distance, blinked and said to herself: "Mr. Belen, isn't he too serious?"

And Elia also echoed in agreement: "Big brother is so sloppy."

Laya smiled slightly. She didn't know much about cooking, but after looking at the figure on the screen, she didn't agree with the two people next to her.

Obviously, Mr. Belen's appearance is overconfident.

On the side, Lattes stared at the dish on the screen blankly, her mouth was almost drooling, and the two cute cat ears were still swinging back and forth, lovely and moving.

If Belen heard this, he would definitely be petrified. It was obviously to show the strongest posture, but was it a sloppy performance in the eyes of a few girls?!

Of course, there is no suspense about the outcome of this game, after all, this is the rare excitement of Belém.

The winner, "unstable kitchen knife"

"Sure enough, it's another dish I haven't seen before."

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