Wonderful trip to another world

A Wonderful Trip to Another World Chapter 237

Hillsius muttered to herself. She looked at the figure on the battle platform, and involuntarily squeezed her palms, with a blazing flame in her eyes.

Chapter 217: Both sides are not ordinary people

The top four players are born!

With the end of the fourth game, the cheers of the audience shook the city. Most of the people who came to this city of cuisine were chefs. They were extremely excited after seeing the birth of the semi-finals. There will be two more races. The God of Cooking will be born.

The most interesting thing is that the four top four players, without exception, are young juniors, which can be said to be a grand event compared to previous years.

Since "God of Chef" Rex stopped participating in the competition, all subsequent classes of Chef of Chefs will be old chefs over 30, and the oldest of the top four players in this session is only around 20. .

Even Rex was smiling at the moment. He sat on the judges' bench and said cheerfully: "No matter which field you are in, young people are always the most dazzling."

This sentence, even Favna, who has been watching Rex upset, did not refute her. For these four top four players, she was naturally very satisfied. She was young, but her culinary skills far surpassed others.

A new generation of chefs will be born from these four people.

The last time such a young person was named "God of Cooking" was the person next to him.

After the game, Belém also went outside to meet Latier and the others. He stood proudly in front of the four girls. Although his expression did not change much, his tone was a little proud.

"I won."

"Big brother is not serious at all."

Illya was the first to speak, with black jewel-like eyes looking at Belen.


Hearing what Ilia said, Belen was stunned for a moment, and then made an inexplicable voice. He flashed his eyes and looked down at the little girl.

"I am serious!"

"But, Big Brother is obviously in the game, but he always looks around."


Belen was speechless, he was obviously absorbing everyone's encouragement, but cooking was very, very serious, he was going to be too serious!

"Ilia, don't talk about Mr. Belém. We should congratulate Mr. Belém!"

Laya on the side rubbed the little silver-haired girl's head with a smile, and it was funny to see Belém's sluggish appearance. What Mr. Belén did always did not match the surface.

"Congratulations, Mr. Belén! You are now a top four player!"

Latier looked at Belem with a smile. Although he often ate the dishes prepared by the latter and found it delicious, he did not expect to stand out among so many powerful chefs.


The kitten grabbed Belen's clothes and quickly climbed onto Belen's neck. His soft arms wrapped around Belen's neck. A pair of bright cat pupils fluttered like stars in the night sky.

"of course."

Belen's expression was also gentle. He held Latis in his arms and rubbed the kitten's head. The affectionate expression was undoubtedly obvious, which reminded Ilia of one thing.

"Big brother, you really like children better, what about me?"


Hearing these words from Ilia, Belen was also stunned. Why did these words sound weird?Immediately afterwards, he met a pair of faint eyes.

"Sister Al is right, Mr. Belen is Lolicon! I'm so unwilling!"

"No! Also, what are you not willing to do!"

After the game, the people off the court dispersed, and La Tier and their work for the day ended here, so he wanted to help pack things up.

"Hey, kid."

Hearing this voice, Belen turned his head and saw a beauty with purple hair in a coat standing there with a cigarette in his hand, looking very domineering.

This woman is the owner of the tavern where Ratil and the others are located, and she seems to be called Alice.

"I will help them clean up, is it okay?"

"It doesn't matter." Alris looked at the small table set aside, and then looked at the black-haired man again, with smoke wafting out of her mouth, she spoke lightly.

"What I want to ask is, who are you?"

Belen's hand paused for a while, and then continued to fold the small table, glanced at Alris, and responded flatly: "I don't quite understand what you mean."

Alice held the cigarette in her mouth, and she said, "You took my punch in the tavern before."

In response, Belen just responded: "I have learned a little fighting skills before, and my physique is pretty good."

"Aren't you a swordsman?"

Hearing these words, Belen looked at Allice again, put the folded chair aside, and straightened up.

"you saw it?"

In Belém's impression, he had only used the sword once after he came to this city, and that was yesterday night. If the other party didn't know his identity, then he must have seen that scene last night.

"Although you didn't feel your magic power, the other person's magic power is very powerful. I was also here to open a tavern. What if one of you accidentally ruined it?"

Alice answered Belen's words sideways, and she was staring at the man in front of her. She was clearly able to defeat another person, but she couldn't feel the slightest magical power. It was a strange person.

"Then who are you?"

This is a question that Belen is very concerned about. The tavernkeeper in front of him is very mysterious. The last punch made him realize this. Even yesterday’s scene was fully visible, and he could be in the "100 Forty percent", but still did not feel the breath of others.

There are two conclusions, one: this person’s magical attributes are very special; two: the opponent’s strength far exceeds his imagination;

At that level of Belem, the general concealment method is completely meaningless to him. If you want to conceal him, the opponent's strength is at least not weaker than that of Belem who is in that state.

This is what shocked Belen. Could such a powerful existence be hidden in this city of cooking?

"Me, a veteran."

Alice took another cigarette, and then smiled and said a vague answer. There are many answers that can be thought of by a veteran.

In Belen's feeling, the purple-haired woman in front of him must belong to a certain combat power department before retiring, and the position is not low. This is all judged based on his guessed strength.

The Imperial Army’s combat power department is aimed at external factors, and there are only three such departments, the Imperial Magic Group, the Special Prepared Forces, and the Superhuman Legion, and each department has many branches. too difficult.

"May I ask, how long have you retired?" Belen asked curiously.

Alice thought for a while, and finally said with a slight sigh, "It's been eight years."

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